1 <!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [ |
2 |
3 <!-- This man page is Copyright 2002 Mark Eichin and released under --> |
4 <!-- the GNU General Public License, Version 2. --> |
5 |
6 <!-- Process this file with docbook-to-man to generate an nroff manual |
7 page: `docbook-to-man manpage.sgml > manpage.1'. You may view |
8 the manual page with: `docbook-to-man manpage.sgml | nroff -man | |
9 less'. A typical entry in a Makefile or Makefile.am is: |
10 |
11 manpage.1: manpage.sgml |
12 docbook-to-man $< > $@ |
13 |
14 |
15 The docbook-to-man binary is found in the docbook-to-man package. |
16 Please remember that if you create the nroff version in one of the |
17 debian/rules file targets (such as build), you will need to include |
18 docbook-to-man in your Build-Depends control field. |
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20 --> |
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22 <!-- Fill in your name for FIRSTNAME and SURNAME. --> |
23 <!ENTITY dhfirstname "<firstname>Mark</firstname>"> |
24 <!ENTITY dhsurname "<surname>Eichin</surname>"> |
25 <!-- Please adjust the date whenever revising the manpage. --> |
26 <!ENTITY dhdate "<date>June 7, 2002</date>"> |
27 <!-- SECTION should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection other parameters are |
28 allowed: see man(7), man(1). --> |
29 <!ENTITY dhsection "<manvolnum>1</manvolnum>"> |
30 <!ENTITY dhemail "<email>eichin@thok.org</email>"> |
31 <!ENTITY dhusername "Mark W. Eichin"> |
32 <!ENTITY dhucpackage "<refentrytitle>BINS</refentrytitle>"> |
33 <!ENTITY dhpackage "bins-edit-gui"> |
34 |
35 <!ENTITY debian "<productname>Debian</productname>"> |
36 <!ENTITY gnu "<acronym>GNU</acronym>"> |
37 <!ENTITY gpl "&gnu; General Public License"> |
38 ]> |
39 |
40 <refentry> |
41 <refentryinfo> |
42 <address> |
43 &dhemail; |
44 </address> |
45 <author> |
46 &dhfirstname; |
47 &dhsurname; |
48 </author> |
49 <copyright> |
50 <year>2002</year> |
51 <holder>&dhusername;</holder> |
52 </copyright> |
53 &dhdate; |
54 </refentryinfo> |
55 <refmeta> |
56 &dhucpackage; |
57 |
58 &dhsection; |
59 </refmeta> |
60 <refnamediv> |
61 <refname>&dhpackage;</refname> |
62 |
63 <refpurpose>Set fields in XML picture description files for BINS |
64 (using a GNOME-based GUI)</refpurpose> |
65 </refnamediv> |
66 <refsynopsisdiv> |
67 <cmdsynopsis> |
68 <command>&dhpackage;</command> |
69 <arg rep="repeat"><replaceable>files</replaceable></arg> |
70 </cmdsynopsis> |
71 </refsynopsisdiv> |
72 <refsect1> |
73 <title>DESCRIPTION</title> |
74 |
75 <para>This manual page documents briefly the |
76 <command>&dhpackage;</command> command.</para> |
77 |
78 <para><command>&dhpackage;</command> sets values in the XML |
79 picture description files that <command>bins</command>(1) uses |
80 to generate galleries. It displays the image (scaled down to |
81 fit the window) and allows you to fill in the predefined fields |
82 (or add new ones.) For command-line editing of the same data, |
83 see <command>bins_edit</command>(1). |
84 </para> |
85 </refsect1> |
86 <refsect1> |
87 <title>OPTIONS</title> |
88 <para>This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, |
89 with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of |
90 options is included below.</para> |
91 |
92 <variablelist> |
93 <varlistentry> |
94 <term><replaceable>file</replaceable></term> |
95 <listitem> |
96 <para><replaceable>file</replaceable> is the |
97 filename of the image itself.</para> |
98 </listitem> |
99 </varlistentry> |
100 <varlistentry><term><option>-v</option></term><term><option>--version</option></term> <listitem> |
101 <para>Displays program version.</para> |
102 </listitem> |
103 </varlistentry> |
104 <varlistentry><term><option>-v</option></term><term><option>--version</option></term> <listitem> |
105 <para>Displays program version.</para> |
106 </listitem> |
107 </varlistentry> |
108 <varlistentry><term><option>-h</option></term><term><option>--help</option></term> <listitem> |
109 <para>Displays command-line options.</para> |
110 </listitem> |
111 </varlistentry> |
112 <varlistentry><term><option>--debug</option></term> <listitem> |
113 <para>Enables random developer debugging messages.</para> |
114 </listitem> |
115 </varlistentry> |
116 </variablelist> |
117 </refsect1> |
118 <refsect1> |
119 <title>COMMANDS</title> |
120 <variablelist> |
121 <varlistentry> |
122 <term><keycode>C-n</keycode> <command>Next file</command></term> |
123 <listitem> |
124 <para>Save current tags set (if any changes have been made) |
125 and move on to the next image.</para> |
126 </listitem> |
127 </varlistentry> |
128 <varlistentry> |
129 <term><keycode>M-Page Down</keycode> <command>Forward 10</command></term> |
130 <listitem> |
131 <para>Save current tags set (if any changes have been made) |
132 and skip forward by 10 files.</para> |
133 </listitem> |
134 </varlistentry> |
135 <varlistentry> |
136 <term><keycode>C-p</keycode> <command>Previous file</command></term> |
137 <listitem> |
138 <para>Save current tags set (if any changes have been made) |
139 and move back to the previous image.</para> |
140 </listitem> |
141 </varlistentry> |
142 <varlistentry> |
143 <term><keycode>M-Page Up</keycode> <command>Back 10</command></term> |
144 <listitem> |
145 <para>Save current tags set (if any changes have been made) |
146 and skip backwards by 10 files.</para> |
147 </listitem> |
148 </varlistentry> |
149 <varlistentry> |
150 <term><keycode>M-Home</keycode> <command>Start of List</command></term> |
151 <listitem> |
152 <para>Save current tags set (if any changes have been made) |
153 and jump to the first file.</para> |
154 </listitem> |
155 </varlistentry> |
156 <varlistentry> |
157 <term><keycode>M-End</keycode> <command>End of List</command></term> |
158 <listitem> |
159 <para>Save current tags set (if any changes have been made) |
160 and jump to the last file.</para> |
161 </listitem> |
162 </varlistentry> |
163 <varlistentry> |
164 <term><keycode>M-a</keycode> <command>Auto-fill</command></term> |
165 <listitem> |
166 <para>Fill in any blank fields with the values from the most |
167 recently seen image. Particularly useful for copying a |
168 location or event across a set of images.</para> |
169 </listitem> |
170 </varlistentry> |
171 <varlistentry> |
172 <term><command>Revert</command></term> |
173 <listitem> |
174 <para>Reload tags from the <acronym>XML</acronym> file, |
175 wiping unsaved changes.</para> |
176 </listitem> |
177 </varlistentry> |
178 <varlistentry> |
179 <term><keycode>C-s</keycode> <command>Save</command></term> |
180 <listitem> |
181 <para>Save changes, if any.</para> |
182 </listitem> |
183 </varlistentry> |
184 <varlistentry> |
185 <term><keycode>F2</keycode> <command>Album</command></term> |
186 <listitem> |
187 <para>Edit the album this picture is in. (Under |
188 construction, but functional.)</para> |
189 </listitem> |
190 </varlistentry> |
191 <varlistentry> |
192 <term><keycode>F3</keycode> <command>Open</command></term> |
193 <listitem> |
194 <para>Not yet implemented. Should provide a file browser later.</para> |
195 </listitem> |
196 </varlistentry> |
197 <varlistentry> |
198 <term><keycode>></keycode> <command>Rotate Right</command></term> |
199 <listitem> |
200 <para>Rotate image to the Right (Clockwise.) Actually sets |
201 the <sgmltag>Orientation</sgmltag> tag with |
202 <sgmltag>priority</sgmltag> 1 so that it overrides the |
203 corresponding <acronym>EXIF</acronym> tag; it does not |
204 modify the image file itself.</para> |
205 </listitem> |
206 </varlistentry> |
207 <varlistentry> |
208 <term><command>Cancel rotation</command></term> |
209 <listitem> |
210 <para>Cancels any current changes to the rotation tags |
211 (effectively, this is a "revert" function for the |
212 rotation, it doesn't to back to the original |
213 <acronym>EXIF</acronym> tags in the |
214 <acronym>JPEG</acronym> file.)</para> |
215 </listitem> |
216 </varlistentry> |
217 <varlistentry> |
218 <term><keycode><</keycode> <command>Rotate Left</command></term> |
219 <listitem> |
220 <para>Rotate image to the Left (Counter Clockwise.) Actually sets |
221 the <sgmltag>Orientation</sgmltag> tag with |
222 <sgmltag>priority</sgmltag> 1 so that it overrides the |
223 corresponding <acronym>EXIF</acronym> tag; it does not |
224 modify the image file itself.</para> |
225 </listitem> |
226 </varlistentry> |
227 <varlistentry> |
228 <term><keycode>C-q</keycode> <command>Quit</command></term> |
229 <listitem> |
230 <para>Quit program, saving current changes (if any.)</para> |
231 </listitem> |
232 </varlistentry> |
233 <varlistentry> |
234 <term><command>About</command></term> |
235 <listitem> |
236 <para>Display About box.</para> |
237 </listitem> |
238 </varlistentry> |
239 <varlistentry> |
240 <term><command>License</command></term> |
241 <listitem> |
242 <para>Display License box.</para> |
243 </listitem> |
244 </varlistentry> |
245 </variablelist> |
246 </refsect1> |
247 <refsect1> |
248 <title>EXAMPLES</title> |
249 <para>Edit all the images in a directory: |
250 <cmdsynopsis> |
251 <command>bins-edit-gui $(find bins-picture-dir -name '*.jpg')</command> |
252 </cmdsynopsis> |
253 </para> |
254 </refsect1> |
255 <refsect1> |
256 <title>SEE ALSO</title> |
257 |
258 <para>bins (1), bins_edit (1).</para> |
259 |
260 </refsect1> |
261 <refsect1> |
262 <title>AUTHOR</title> |
263 |
264 <para>This manual page was written by &dhusername; &dhemail;.</para> |
265 |
266 </refsect1> |
267 </refentry> |
268 |
269 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file |
270 Local variables: |
271 mode: sgml |
272 sgml-omittag:t |
273 sgml-shorttag:t |
274 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil |
275 sgml-always-quote-attributes:t |
276 sgml-indent-step:2 |
277 sgml-indent-data:t |
278 sgml-parent-document:nil |
279 sgml-default-dtd-file:nil |
280 sgml-exposed-tags:nil |
281 sgml-local-catalogs:nil |
282 sgml-local-ecat-files:nil |
283 End: |
284 --> |
285 |
286 |