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9 |
10 |
11 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469647"></a>What does BINS means ?</h3></div></div></div> |
12 |
13 <p> |
14 BINS Is Not Swigs. BINS is a fork of Swigs, which is not |
15 maintained anymore. |
16 </p> |
17 </div> |
18 |
19 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469658"></a>Does BINS run on Windows ?</h3></div></div></div> |
20 |
21 <p> |
22 I've never tried, but I don't think. It's written in Perl, |
23 which is portable, but it uses some *nix specific commands. |
24 Though it should not be so difficult to port, or maybe it can |
25 run with cygwin ? |
26 </p> |
27 </div> |
28 |
29 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469672"></a>When I visualize a big image, it don't fit in my window, |
30 I must scroll to see it, should I buy a bigger monitor ?</h3></div></div></div> |
31 |
32 <p> |
33 Yes. Or else, you can click on the big image. By default, |
34 browsers like <a href="http://www.mozilla-europe.org/en/products/firefox/" target="_top">firefox</a> |
35 will display it automatically re-sized to your window. |
36 </p> |
37 </div> |
38 |
39 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469693"></a>How can I get bins to automatically rotate destination |
40 images ?</h3></div></div></div> |
41 |
42 <p> |
43 If your camera has a accelerometer to know which way is up, it |
44 will be done automatically. If not, you have to set manually |
45 the orientation of the images on your camera before |
46 downloading them on you computer. You can also use |
47 <span><strong class="command"><a href="usage_desc_gui.html">bins-edit-gui</a></strong></span> |
48 to set the orientation of the image. If you don't want to use |
49 the GUI, this can be done directly in the XML image |
50 description file. Put (or set if it is already there) the |
51 following tag in the <code class="sgmltag-element"><exif></code> section: |
52 </p> |
53 <pre class="programlisting"> |
54 |
55 <tag name="Orientation" priority="1"> |
56 left_bot |
57 </tag> |
58 |
59 </pre> |
60 <p> |
61 Adjust the <code class="literal">left_bot</code> to the orientation |
62 of your image (can be <code class="literal">right_top</code>, |
63 <code class="literal">left_bot</code> or <code class="literal">bot_right</code>). |
64 </p> |
65 </div> |
66 |
67 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469760"></a>Is it possible to give my own order number for each |
68 image ?</h3></div></div></div> |
69 |
70 <p> |
71 This can be done with two different ways. |
72 </p> |
73 <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li> |
74 <p> |
75 You can prefix the name of images and directories with a |
76 number. You can use the <a href="usage_tools.html">add_num_prefix tool</a> to |
77 help you. You have the possibility to choose to reverse sort |
78 with the <code class="literal">reverseOrder</code> option or the |
79 <code class="literal">-r</code> command line switch. |
80 </p> |
81 </li><li> |
82 <p> |
83 You can put an optional file <code class="filename">album.list</code> |
84 in your albums (a slibling file to |
85 <code class="filename">album.xml</code>) that lists the files in the |
86 order you want them displayed. If |
87 <code class="filename">album.list</code> doesn't exist in a directory |
88 the sorting by image name is done as usual. |
89 </p> |
90 </li></ul></div> |
91 </div> |
92 |
93 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469831"></a>Does BINS recreate all the albums even if I add or modify |
94 just a sub-album ? </h3></div></div></div> |
95 |
96 <p> |
97 For each picture, if it doesn't exists in destination album, |
98 it is processed. If it exists and the date of the source is |
99 greater than the date of the destination, it is also |
100 processed. If the destination is more recent, it is left |
101 unchanged. All the HTML is regenerated when |
102 <span><strong class="command">bins</strong></span> is run. |
103 </p> |
104 </div> |
105 |
106 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469853"></a>Can I put some HTML in description fields ? </h3></div></div></div> |
107 |
108 <p> |
109 Yes, take a look at the <code class="literal">-m</code> option of |
110 <span><strong class="command">bins_edit</strong></span>, see the <a href="bins_edit_man.html" target="_top">man page</a>. |
111 </p> |
112 </div> |
113 |
114 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469882"></a>I tried to change the color style (or e-mail, home page, |
115 other template customisation...) but I can't see any change on |
116 the generated album, is this a bug ?</h3></div></div></div> |
117 |
118 |
119 <p>Some customisation parameters are not implemented in all |
120 templates. For example, color style is not implemented in |
121 <code class="literal">joi</code> templates. Instead, it uses the more |
122 modern alternate stylesheets mechanism, with the |
123 <code class="literal">customStyleSheet</code> parameters, which is not |
124 supported by the <code class="literal">swigs</code> template.</p> |
125 </div> |
126 |
127 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469916"></a>How can I tell BINS to skip resizing the image (just use |
128 the default image) ?</h3></div></div></div> |
129 |
130 |
131 <p> |
132 Add this in the <code class="filename">album.xml</code>: |
133 </p> |
134 <pre class="programlisting"> |
135 |
136 <sizes> |
137 <size name="Full Size" shortname="Full" height="100%" width="100%"> |
138 </sizes> |
139 |
140 </pre> |
141 <p> |
142 Its goes under the <code class="sgmltag-element"><bins></code> stanza. |
143 </p> |
144 </div> |
145 |
146 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469952"></a>Having two separate trees (source and HTML) is not |
147 efficient for my disk space usage, can I use only one tree |
148 ?</h3></div></div></div> |
149 |
150 |
151 <p> |
152 No, but you can use the <code class="literal">linkInsteadOfCopy</code> |
153 parameter to avoid any image file duplicate. Also, look at the |
154 <code class="literal">linkRelative</code> parameter. All is in the |
155 <a href="bins_man.html" target="_top">man page</a>. |
156 </p> |
157 </div> |
158 |
159 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2469983"></a>Having one description file per image is to complex to |
160 maintain, can I put all description fields for all images in |
161 just one file ?</h3></div></div></div> |
162 |
163 <p> |
164 Yes, try the <span><strong class="command">bins_addtext</strong></span> <a href="usage_tools.html">tool</a>. |
165 </p> |
166 </div> |
167 |
168 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2470008"></a>Why special characters (like those with accents) are not |
169 correctly rendered ?</h3></div></div></div> |
170 |
171 <p> |
172 Have you copied the <code class="filename">.htaccess</code> in the root |
173 of your published album ? See <span class="emphasis"><em>Encoding</em></span> |
174 <a href="usage_httpd.html">here</a>. |
175 </p> |
176 </div> |
177 |
178 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2470035"></a>I've generated an album, but I can't find the search |
179 engine, where is it ?</h3></div></div></div> |
180 |
181 <p> |
182 For now, the search engine is only available with the |
183 <code class="literal">swigs</code> templates. Note that the |
184 <code class="literal">search</code> link will only show up with a |
185 browser supporting javascript. |
186 </p> |
187 </div> |
188 |
189 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2479318"></a>The "Loading Data" screen took a bit too long to go to |
190 the search page, is this normal ?</h3></div></div></div> |
191 |
192 <p> |
193 It depends of the size of your album. You can enable |
194 compression on your web server to reduce this time. See |
195 <span class="emphasis"><em>Compression</em></span> <a href="usage_httpd.html#usage_httpd.compression">here</a>. |
196 </p> |
197 </div> |
198 |
199 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2479344"></a>Can I have several versions of an album in different |
200 languages without duplicating the pictures ?</h3></div></div></div> |
201 |
202 <p> |
203 Multi-languages albums are not handled by BINS, but you can do |
204 this manually with the <code class="literal">mod_rewrite</code> Apache |
205 module. |
206 </p> |
207 <p> |
208 Say you have four albums trees corresponding to the same album |
209 in different languages, in four different directories named |
210 with the language code: |
211 </p> |
212 <pre class="programlisting"> |
213 /var/www/album/da/... |
214 /var/www/album/de/... |
215 /var/www/album/en/... |
216 /var/www/album/fr/... |
217 </pre> |
218 <p> |
219 To have only one copy of each picture, remove them from all |
220 trees except one (say <code class="literal">en</code>): |
221 </p> |
222 <pre class="programlisting"> |
223 find /var/www/album/{da,de,fr} \( -iname \*.JPG -o -iname \*.jpg -o \ |
224 -iname \*.gif -o -iname \*.png -o -iname \*.avi -o -iname \*.mpg \) \ |
225 -exec rm -f {} \; |
226 </pre> |
227 <p> |
228 And add a <code class="literal">RewriteRule</code> to your Apache |
229 configuration file to redirect all request for an image to the |
230 <code class="literal">en</code> tree : |
231 </p> |
232 <pre class="programlisting"> |
233 RewriteEngine on |
234 RewriteRule ^/album/[^e][^n]/(.*\.(jpg|gif|png|avi|mpg))$ \ |
235 /album/en/$1 [NC] |
236 </pre> |
237 </div> |
238 |
239 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2479420"></a>I've put some image names in the excludeFiles parameter, |
240 but it doesn't seems to works. Can you explain how to use this |
241 stuff ?</h3></div></div></div> |
242 |
243 <p> |
244 This should be set to <span class="emphasis"><em>one</em></span> regexp, so, for |
245 example, to ignore two images, the correct parameter should |
246 looks like : |
247 </p> |
248 <pre class="programlisting"> |
249 |
250 <parameter name="excludeFiles"> |
251 dscn20(89|90) |
252 </parameter> |
253 |
254 </pre> |
255 </div> |
256 |
257 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2479447"></a>Why bins fails with "<code class="computeroutput">Assertion flags == 0 |
258 failed: file "Storable.xs", line 2336 at /usr/local/bin/bins |
259 line 4213.</code>" ?</h3></div></div></div> |
260 |
261 <p> |
262 See this <a href="http://www.email-lists.org/pipermail/bins/2004-January/000117.html" target="_top">post</a>. |
263 You can find more details <a href="http://www.google.fr/search?q=site:email-lists.org+Storable.xs&num=20&hl=fr&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=utf-8&filter=0" target="_top">here</a>. |
264 </p> |
265 </div> |
266 |
267 <div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2479480"></a>What is the syntax used in templates ?</h3></div></div></div> |
268 |
269 <p> |
270 <span><strong class="command">man HTML::Template</strong></span> |
271 </p> |
272 </div> |
273 |
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