diff binsrc @ 0:a84c32f131df 1.1.29

Import vendor version
author Peter Gervai <grin@grin.hu>
date Wed, 15 Oct 2008 23:28:56 +0200 (2008-10-15)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/binsrc	Wed Oct 15 23:28:56 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- -*-xml-*- -->
+This is the BINS configuration file. See http://bins.sautret.org for
+more information about BINS.
+You can edit these parameters to personalize all the generated HTML
+albums. You can also put these parameters (when it makes sense) in the
+album (album.xml) or image (image_name.jpg.xml for example)
+description files, in the <bins> section of these files, to
+personalize only some album, sub-album or image pages.
+Note that you may have to "touch" the original image (or erase the
+destination one) in order to regenerate scaled or thumbnail pictures
+if you modify some parameters like previewMaxHeight, previewMaxWidth
+or jpegQuality.
+  <!--####################### single parameters ########################-->
+  <!-- name of the template style to use -->
+  <parameter name="templateStyle">
+    swigs
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Set this to your home page. This is used for the leave button
+   in some templates. -->
+  <parameter name="homeURL">
+    /
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Put here the e-mail address of the album-maintainer.  If this is
+  set, you will get a mail-icon in your views that links to this
+  address. Only in joi templates for now. -->
+  <parameter name="feedbackMail">
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- name of the color style to use. This option is deprecated, in
+  favor of alternate stylesheets and the customStyleSheet parameter. 
+  -->
+  <parameter name="colorStyle">
+    blue
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, preview-thumbnails will be shown in the
+  album-tree-page. This works only with joi templates for now. -->
+  <parameter name="treePreview">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 0 next/prev-Links will be hidden if the actual page
+  is the last/first Thumbnailpage -->
+  <parameter name="thumbnailPageCycling">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1 the path in the imageview contains the number of
+  the current image -->
+  <parameter name="pathImgNum">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 0 next/prev-Links will be hidden if the actual page
+  is the last/first Imagepage -->
+  <parameter name="imagePageCycling">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1 the path contains icons -->
+  <parameter name="pathShowIcon">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, and album desciption is not set, no message will
+  be displayed (instead of the "No long/short description available"
+  one).  -->
+  <parameter name="emptyAlbumDesc">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Set this to the image that should be displayed as the
+  background of the album-pages.  The Image will be copied to the
+  static-files directory. This works only with joi templates for
+  now.-->
+  <parameter name="backgroundImage">
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Set this to the CSS file that should be used as the stylesheet
+  for the album pages.  The CSS file will be copied to the static
+  files directory. This only works for templates using CSS.  -->
+  <parameter name="customStyleSheet">
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, the image with the name given in backgroundImage
+  will be excluded from the current directory. -->
+  <parameter name="excludeBackgroundImage">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, write exif data found in the image file to the
+  image desc file.  -->
+  <parameter name="addExifToDescFile">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, do NOT copy exif data found in the source images to
+  any of the generated resized images. Setting this option can yield
+  significant space savings, especially for thumbnail and imagelist
+  pages. -->
+  <parameter name="deExifyImages">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, add empty description fields in the <description>
+  section when the image description file is created to ease later
+  editing with a text editor -->
+  <parameter name="createEmptyDescFields">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Specify the format of date strings; this accepts all formats
+  supported by date(1). -->
+  <parameter name="dateString">
+    %c
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Put here a comma separated list of keywords. If one of these
+  keywords is found in the "ignore" field in the <description> section
+  of a album.xml, then this sub-album will be hidden, i.e. it will be
+  generated but not linked anywhere. Note that it may still be found
+  via the search engine. You can also use the -n command line option. 
+  -->
+  <parameter name="hidden">
+    hidden
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Put here a comma separated list of keywords. If one of these
+  keywords is found in the "ignore" field in the <description> section
+  of an album.xml, then this sub-album will be ignored, i.e. it
+  will not be processed. You can also use the -i command line option.
+  -->
+  <parameter name="ignore">
+    ignore
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Quality of scaled jpegs (lower number = more compression,
+  lower quality) in 1-100 range.  -->
+  <parameter name="jpegQuality">
+    75
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- whether to convert generated jpegs to progressive using
+  jpegtran (if available).  Can be never, always, or smaller (if the
+  progressified file is smaller than the baseline). --> 
+  <parameter name="jpegProgressify">
+    smaller
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Should the title be displayed on top on the thumbnail in the
+  thumbnails page ? (1 = yes, 0 = no)-->
+  <parameter name="titleOnThumbnail">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Are we reversing sorting order for pictures or directories ? 
+  0=none, 1=dirs, 2=pix, 3=both
+  (see also -r command line option -->
+  <parameter name="reverseOrder">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+   <!-- Size to use when user clicks directly on the thumbnail in the
+   thumbnails page instead of one of the size names. 0 is the first
+   size (Small in the default config), 1 the second (Medium), and so
+   on. The different sizes are parameterized in the <sizes> section
+   below. Set this value to -1 if you don't want the thumbnail to
+   be clickable. -->
+  <parameter name="defaultSize">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Display thumbnails on the Image List page ? -->
+  <parameter name="thumbnailInImageList">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+   <!-- If set to 1, display the current album thumbnail in sub-albums
+   page if it has pictures, with links to the thumbnails page. -->
+  <parameter name="albumThumbInSubAlbumPage">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, generate a page with all thumbnails in the album
+  and sub-albums. This is deactivated because it is an alpha feature
+  which doesn't seem to work properly. -->
+  <parameter name="allThumbnailsPage">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Width of the border of the thumbnail's image in the thumbnails
+  page, in pixels. 0 means no border. -->
+  <parameter name="borderOnThumbnails">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If 1, add a background color to the thumbnail's cell in the
+  thumbnails page so that if the top and bottom borders are wider than
+  the image (for example, if it is in portrait mode), instead of
+  spilling over, there is a border around the whole picture. -->
+  <parameter name="thumbnailBackground">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Number of thumbnails displayed in each page in an album. -->
+  <parameter name="numThumbsPerPage">
+    16
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Number of thumbnails displayed in each row in an album. -->
+  <parameter name="thumbsPerRow">
+    4
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Max Thumbnail width -->
+  <parameter name="previewMaxWidth">
+    150
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Max thumbnail height -->
+  <parameter name="previewMaxHeight">
+    150
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, display thumbnails close to the previous and next
+  link at the bottom of the image page -->
+  <parameter name="thumbPrevNext">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Do we rotate images if the Orientation Exif tag is found ? If
+  set to 'original', the original image is rotated the first time, and
+  then it is left untouched (unless the Orientation field in its desc
+  file is modified manually). If set to 'destination', this is all the
+  scaled images and thumnails that are rotated. This is less
+  efficient, but the original images are preserved. If set to 'none',
+  no rotation is performed. -->
+  <parameter name="rotateImages">
+    destination
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, bins tries to use the jpegtran program to rotate
+  JPEG images if it is available. jpegtran is faster and lossless,
+  but some versions fail to perform rotation correctly, so it is
+  deactivated in default config. If set to 0 or if jpegtran is not
+  found, mogrify (from ImageMagick) is used. -->
+  <parameter name="rotateWithJpegtran">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+   <!-- What method should be used to create scaled pictures and
+   thumbnails ? Can be either scale or sample. sample is faster, scale
+   is better. -->
+  <parameter name="scaleMethod">
+    scale
+  </parameter>
+   <!-- What to do if the source image is smaller than the size of the
+   generated image.  If set to "enlarge" the generated image is
+   enlarged to the requested size.  If set to "original" the generate
+   image is the same size as the original image.  If set to "skip" do
+   not generate any image. -->
+  <parameter name="whenSrcSmaller">
+    enlarge
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, we scale the picture even if destination size is
+  the same as the original picture, if set to 0, the original image is
+  just copied if the size is correct. -->
+  <parameter name="scaleIfSameSize">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, we link the picture instead of copying it if
+  possible (i.e. scaleIfSameSize is set to 0 and destination image
+  doesn't have to be rotated : rotateImages is set to original or
+  none, or orientation is already correct). Warning : if
+  whenSrcSmaller is set to enlarge, original image can be modified. 
+  -->
+  <parameter name="linkInsteadOfCopy">
+    0
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, we use a relative path for the link if
+  linkInsteadOfCopy is set to 1. -->
+  <parameter name="linkRelative">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If the number of sub albums is greater, generate a short sub
+  album page instead of the long one. -->
+  <parameter name="maxAlbumsForLongSubAlbum">
+    40
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If set to 1, numbers preceding the album title, followed by an
+  underscore, are stripped. If this parameter is set, then prefix
+  ordering numbers on directories are removed.  For example, if one
+  has directories may, june, and august, they can be renamed 0_may,
+  1_june, and 2_august and they will appear in the album in the
+  correct order. This can be overridden by the -p command line
+  option.-->
+  <parameter name="stripDirPrefix">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Don't perform rotation on files matching this regexp -->
+  <parameter name="noRotation">
+    _Orig$
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- exclude directories that match this regexp (if set). -->
+  <parameter name="excludeDirs">
+    ^(CVS|RCS)$
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- exclude image files that match this regexp (if set). -->
+  <parameter name="excludeFiles">
+  </parameter>
+   <!-- If set to 1, generated HTML code is cleaned up to reduce the
+   size of pages and thus speed up browsing. This reduces the size of
+   HTML BINS files by about 30%. See HTML::Clean(3) to know how
+   optimizations are performed. -->
+  <parameter name="compactHTML">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+   <!-- If set to 1, add some javascript code in image pages to
+   preload the next image of the same size when the current one is loaded,
+   to speed up the album browsing. -->
+  <parameter name="javaScriptPreloadImage">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+   <!-- If set to 1, add some javascript code in thumbnails pages to
+   preload thumbnails of the next page when the current one is loaded, to
+   speed up the album browsing. -->
+  <parameter name="javaScriptPreloadThumbs">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If 1, generate a search page. Images can be searched on
+  description fields set in the searchFields parameter. -->
+  <parameter name="searchEngine">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Maximum results returned by the search engine. Note that if
+  this number is too high, it can hang the browser. -->
+  <parameter name="searchLimit">
+    50
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- Space separated list of description field names used by the
+  search engine, if searchEngine is set to 1. -->
+  <parameter name="searchFields">
+    title description people location event comment
+  </parameter>
+  <!-- If 1, create an Apache .htaccess file in the root dir of the
+  album with the encoding charset bound to html and htm files. This is
+  a parameter global for the album, it can't be set in album.xml. -->
+  <parameter name="createHtaccess">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!--  If set to 1, read permissions on images will be set, to ensure
+  http deamon will be able to read them.  -->
+  <parameter name="updateOriginalPerms">
+    1
+  </parameter>
+  <!--######################## Size parameters ##########################-->
+  <!-- you can change here the number of scaled images that will be
+  generated for each image in the albums, as well as their names and
+  sizes. The size can be a percentage of the original picture (a
+  number followed by % character, with no space) or an absolute size in
+  pixels. You can set any number of <size> tags (well, at least
+  one...). -->
+  <sizes>
+    <size name="Small" shortname="Sm" height="40%" width="40%"/>
+    <size name="Medium" shortname="Med" height="60%" width="60%"/>
+    <size name="Large" shortname="Lg" height="100%" width="100%"/>
+  </sizes>
+  <!--####################### Color parameters #########################-->
+  <!-- these are the colors to use for HTML generation. You can also
+  use these tags in the <bins> section of album or image description
+  files, even just some of the <color> tags (in this case, this will
+  just change the corresponding item color for that album/picture).
+  -->
+  <colors style="blue">
+    <color name="PAGE_BACK">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+    <color name="PAGE_TITLE">
+      #000000
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_BACK">
+      #000077
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_TITLE">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_LINK">
+      #EEDD82
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
+      #D2D2D2
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_BACK">
+      #6060AF
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_LINK">
+      #EEDD82
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_TITLE">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+  </colors>
+  <colors style="green">
+    <color name="PAGE_BACK">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+    <color name="PAGE_TITLE">
+      #000000
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_BACK">
+      #90A080
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_TITLE">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_LINK">
+      #000082
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
+      #000000
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_BACK">
+      #A8B898
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_LINK">
+      #0000A0
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
+      #000000
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_TITLE">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+  </colors>
+  <colors style="ivory">
+    <color name="PAGE_BACK">
+      #8B7E66
+    </color>
+    <color name="PAGE_TITLE">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_BACK">
+      #FFFFF0
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_TITLE">
+      #8B4513
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_LINK">
+      #CD853F
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
+      #000000
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_BACK">
+      #FFEBCD
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_LINK">
+      #8B8682
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
+      #000000
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_TITLE">
+      #8B795E
+    </color>
+  </colors>
+  <colors style="pink">
+    <color name="PAGE_BACK">
+      #FFC0CB
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_BACK">
+      #B03060
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_TITLE">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_LINK">
+      #FFBBFF
+    </color>
+    <color name="MAINBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
+      #000000
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_BACK">
+      #FF69B4
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_LINK">
+      #FFBBFF
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_CURRENTPAGE">
+      #000000
+    </color>
+    <color name="SUBBAR_TITLE">
+      #FFFFFF
+    </color>
+  </colors>