view TODO @ 11:8b62360dc2a5 default tip

Adding notes, cloning edit-gui
author Peter Gervai <>
date Sun, 02 Nov 2008 16:29:52 +0100 (2008-11-02)
parents a84c32f131df
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TODO file for BINS (in no particular order)

- fix date encoding

- use chmod() and symlink() instead of system()

- add author email in default templates.

- include bins_cleanupgallery in bins program.

- copy the origninal image to the destination album, with a link in
the HTML, if it is not already there (same source & destination size,
scaleIfSameSize=0 and no rotation).

- link .avi files to .thm when possible.

- rotate JPEG images with a size that is not multiple of the iMCU with
mogrify instead of jpegtran (and perhaps remove border on scaled
images to avoid such size problems).

- display numbers of images for each album in tree page.

- don't process empty dirs. 

- possibilty to have images and sub-album in top level album
(currently, the thumbnail of the top level album is not displayed).

- possibility to put XML files in another location (so images from
CD-ROM can be used).

- more sophisticated install procedure to not erase HTML templates
and config files

- command line option to select XML encoding.

- handle correctly date/time format using plxgettext from Mandrake
package: lacks -k option for now.

- add long option names with getopt

- select images to include in album by using contents of desc fields
(eg: album with all images where 'people' contains 'joe').

- add possibility to exclude directory (like CVS ones).

- generic description tag in the album.xml, to be used with all image
in this album missing this tag.

- blue bar on the left is too long if lot of thumbs pages

- possibility to have albums in different langages

- gzip .xml files (controlled by an option)

- use of CSS

- possibility to have parameter by album (in the album.xml) or by
image (in its .xml file) to permit different image sizes, for
example?: almost done for some parameters

- use of the JIT compiler for HTML:Template: impossible for now, due
to bugs in HTML::Template:JIT. Some characters ($, \, %, @) must be
escaped (see for bug


- hotkeys : DONE

- don't overwrite .htaccess file if it exists, but edit it : DONE

- preserve timestamp on files using cp -p when possible : DONE

- possiblity to have different number of scaled images in a album: DONE.

- width and height are not inversed on rotation with -o copied: CORRECTED

- parameter to choose to rotate the original or the destination image: DONE

- <tag> attribute (in exif section) to tell BINS to not read EXIF
fields in picture but only in desc file: DONE

- use the previous attibute to set the new orientation when bins
rotate the original image and get rid of the BinsRotated parameter in
Exif section: DONE

- use of TITLE attibute on some links or image to give help as
tooltips (for image title, sizes, etc...): DONE

- thumb of current album (if any) in subalbum page: DONE.

- add date of generation in the HTML code: DONE.

- use of a config file to store parameters (instead of putting them
directly at the beginning og the code): DONE

- chmod u+w on destination image after a cp: done

- guess local encoding from locales setting: done

- correct bug with grayscales jpeg: done

- use of color styles (to select a set of colors): done

- process .tiff files, as well as other formats: done

- screenshot of bins-edit-gui: done

- strip any . in the short size name when creating file names

- handle broken jpegtran

- use of javascript to preload images of next thumnails page when
current one is loaded.