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view bins_edit @ 11:8b62360dc2a5 default tip
Adding notes, cloning edit-gui
author | Peter Gervai <> |
date | Sun, 02 Nov 2008 16:29:52 +0100 (2008-11-02) |
parents | 0f248ad86f9f |
children |
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line source
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # bins_edit for BINS Photo Album version 1.1.29 # Copyright (C) 2001-2004 J?r?me Sautret ( # # $Id: bins_edit,v 1.21 2004/10/24 13:19:16 jerome Exp $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # Type "bins_edit -h" on command line for usage information. use strict; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use UNIVERSAL qw(isa); # XML parsing & writing use XML::Grove; use XML::Grove::Builder; use XML::Grove::Path; use XML::Grove::PerlSAX; use XML::Parser::PerlSAX; #use XML::Handler::XMLWriter; use XML::Handler::YAWriter; use Text::Iconv; use HTML::Entities; my $verbose = 1; my $html=0; my $localEncoding; # decode HTML entites which doesn't exist in XML sub decodeEntites{ my $s = shift; my %entities = ( AElig => '?', # capital AE diphthong (ligature) Aacute => '?', # capital A, acute accent Acirc => '?', # capital A, circumflex accent Agrave => '?', # capital A, grave accent Aring => '?', # capital A, ring Atilde => '?', # capital A, tilde Auml => '?', # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark Ccedil => '?', # capital C, cedilla ETH => '?', # capital Eth, Icelandic Eacute => '?', # capital E, acute accent Ecirc => '?', # capital E, circumflex accent Egrave => '?', # capital E, grave accent Euml => '?', # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark Iacute => '?', # capital I, acute accent Icirc => '?', # capital I, circumflex accent Igrave => '?', # capital I, grave accent Iuml => '?', # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark Ntilde => '?', # capital N, tilde Oacute => '?', # capital O, acute accent Ocirc => '?', # capital O, circumflex accent Ograve => '?', # capital O, grave accent Oslash => '?', # capital O, slash Otilde => '?', # capital O, tilde Ouml => '?', # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark THORN => '?', # capital THORN, Icelandic Uacute => '?', # capital U, acute accent Ucirc => '?', # capital U, circumflex accent Ugrave => '?', # capital U, grave accent Uuml => '?', # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark Yacute => '?', # capital Y, acute accent aacute => '?', # small a, acute accent acirc => '?', # small a, circumflex accent aelig => '?', # small ae diphthong (ligature) agrave => '?', # small a, grave accent aring => '?', # small a, ring atilde => '?', # small a, tilde auml => '?', # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark ccedil => '?', # small c, cedilla eacute => '?', # small e, acute accent ecirc => '?', # small e, circumflex accent egrave => '?', # small e, grave accent eth => '?', # small eth, Icelandic euml => '?', # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark iacute => '?', # small i, acute accent icirc => '?', # small i, circumflex accent igrave => '?', # small i, grave accent iuml => '?', # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark ntilde => '?', # small n, tilde oacute => '?', # small o, acute accent ocirc => '?', # small o, circumflex accent ograve => '?', # small o, grave accent oslash => '?', # small o, slash otilde => '?', # small o, tilde ouml => '?', # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark szlig => '?', # small sharp s, German (sz ligature) thorn => '?', # small thorn, Icelandic uacute => '?', # small u, acute accent ucirc => '?', # small u, circumflex accent ugrave => '?', # small u, grave accent uuml => '?', # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark yacute => '?', # small y, acute accent yuml => '?', # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark # Some extra Latin 1 chars that are listed in the HTML3.2 draft (21-May-96) copy => '?', # copyright sign reg => '?', # registered sign nbsp => "\240", # non breaking space # Additional ISO-8859/1 entities listed in rfc1866 (section 14) iexcl => '?', cent => '?', pound => '?', curren => '?', yen => '?', brvbar => '?', sect => '?', uml => '?', ordf => '?', laquo => '?', 'not' => '?', # not is a keyword in perl shy => '?', macr => '?', deg => '?', plusmn => '?', sup1 => '?', sup2 => '?', sup3 => '?', acute => '?', micro => '?', para => '?', middot => '?', cedil => '?', ordm => '?', raquo => '?', frac14 => '?', frac12 => '?', frac34 => '?', iquest => '?', 'times' => '?', # times is a keyword in perl divide => '?', ); while (my($entity, $char) = each(%entities)) { $s =~ s/\&$entity\;/$char/g; } return $s; } sub charac_indent{ my $n = shift(@_); my $s="\n"; for (1..$n){ $s .= " "; } return XML::Grove::Characters->new ( Data => $s ); } sub setField{ my $field = shift(@_); # field to add or modify my $value = shift(@_); # value to set to field my $fileType = shift(@_); # type of file (iamge or album) my $document = shift(@_); # XML document as a Grove if (! $html) { $value = encode_entities($value, '\00-\31<&"'); } my $characters = XML::Grove::Characters->new( Data => decodeEntites($value)); #my $characters = XML::Grove::Characters->new ( Data => $value ); my $fieldName; my $fieldValue; foreach my $element (@{$document->at_path('/'.$fileType.'/description')->{Contents}}) { if (isa($element, 'XML::Grove::Element') && $element->{Name} eq "field") { $fieldName = $element->{Attributes}{'name'}; $fieldValue = ""; if ($fieldName eq $field) { print " Modifying field '$fieldName' to '$value'... " if ($verbose >= 3); @{$element->{Contents}} = ( charac_indent(3), $characters, charac_indent(2)); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 3); return; } } } print " Adding field '$field' with value '$value'... " if ($verbose >= 2); my $element = XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => 'field', Contents => [charac_indent(3), $characters, charac_indent(2)], Attributes => {"name" => $field}); push @{$document->at_path('/'.$fileType.'/description')->{Contents}}, (charac_indent(2), $element, charac_indent(1)); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 2); } sub setFields{ my $file = shift(@_); my $fields = shift(@_); my $album = shift(@_); # type of file (0 if image or 1 if album) my $document; my $fileType; if ($album) { $fileType = "album"; } else{ $fileType = "image"; } if (-e $file) { # Get XML document as a Grove print " Reading file '$file'... " if ($verbose >= 2); my $grove_builder = XML::Grove::Builder->new; my $parser = XML::Parser::PerlSAX->new ( Handler => $grove_builder ); $document = $parser->parse ( Source => { SystemId => $file } ); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 2); } else { print " Creating file '$file'... " if ($verbose >= 2); my @elements; push @elements, (charac_indent(1), XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => 'description', Contents => [charac_indent(1)]), charac_indent(1), XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => 'bins', Contents => [charac_indent(1)]), ); if (!$album) { push @elements, ( charac_indent(1), XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => 'exif', Contents => [charac_indent(1)]), ); } push @elements, charac_indent(0); my $element = XML::Grove::Element->new ( Name => $fileType, Contents => \@elements); $document = XML::Grove::Document->new ( Contents => [ $element ] ); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 3); } my $fieldName; my $fieldValue; while ( ($fieldName, $fieldValue) = each(%$fields) ) { if (defined $fieldValue) { setField($fieldName, $fieldValue, $fileType, $document); } } print " Writing file '$file'... " if ($verbose >= 2); # Write the Grove to the desc file my $fileHandler = new IO::File; open($fileHandler, '>', $file) or die("Cannot open file $file to write Exif tag ($!)"); if( $localEncoding !~ /utf-?8/i ) { # if input is UTF-8 do not re-convert it again binmode($fileHandler, ":utf8") if $^V ge v5.8.0; } my $my_handler = new XML::Handler::YAWriter( 'Output' => $fileHandler, # 'Escape' => { # '--' => '—', #'&' => '&', # }, 'Encoding' => "UTF-8", ); # my $my_handler = XML::Handler::XMLWriter->new( Output => $fileHandler, # Newlines => 0); $document->parse(DocumentHandler => $my_handler); close ($fileHandler) || bail ("can't close $file ($!)"); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose >= 2); } sub copyleft{ print "\nbins_edit for BINS Photo Album 1.1.29 (\n"; print "Copyright ? 2001-2004 J?r?me Sautret (Jerome\\n"; print "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\n"; print "See COPYING file for details.\n\n"; } sub usage{ my $exit=shift; # should we exit after usage information ? copyleft(); print <<EoF ; bins_edit is a script to set fields in XML pictures description files for BINS. usage: bins_edit [-a|--album] [-m|--html] [-t|--title title] [-e|--event event] [-l|--location location] [-p|--people people] [-y|--date date] [-d|--description description] [--longdesc longDescription] [--shortdesc shortDesription] [--sample pictureFileName] [-g|--generic tag=value] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-q|--quiet] file [files...] EoF if ($exit){ print "Type bins_edit --help for complete help.\n"; exit ($exit); } } sub help{ usage(0); print <<EoF ; Options: -t, --title, -e, --event event, -l, --location, -p, --people, -y, --date, -d, --description : these switchs are used to set a value to a picture desciption field. -t, --title, --longdesc, --shortdesc, --sample : these switchs are used to set a value to an album desciption field (with --album option) -a, --album : edit album description. (default is editing image description) In this case, the file parameter must be the source directory of the album. Only the --title, --longdesc, --shortdesc and --sample switchs have sense with this option. -m, --html : input value will be considering as HTML code, thus, no HTML encoding will be done. -v, --verbose : this switch can appear several times to increase verbosity level. -q, --quiet : suppress output If filenames have no .xml suffix, it is added, so you can directly give picture names on the command line. Spaces and other special characters (even newlines) can be used in values given as parameters as long as they are enclosed between quotes. Examples: Set the title of the Image.jpg file to "My picture": bins_edit -t "My picture" Image.jpg Set the title and location of all JPEG pictures in the directory: bins_edit --title Holiday --location Paris *.jpg Use of HTML values: bins_edit --html --description '<b>BINS</b> is cool' file.jpg Set the title short description and sample image of the album in the current directory (note the dot as final parameter): bins_edit -a -t "My Album" --sample image.jpg --shortdesc "This is my album" . EoF exit 1; } sub determine_encoding { $localEncoding = `locale charmap`; chomp $localEncoding; if ($? != 0 ) { $localEncoding = "LATIN1"; } else { if (! $localEncoding or ($localEncoding eq "ANSI_X3.4-1968")) { chop($localEncoding); # ANSI is unspeakably primitive, promote it. $localEncoding = "LATIN1"; print "Forcing encoding to $localEncoding\n" if ($verbose >=2); } } my $converter = Text::Iconv->new($localEncoding, "UTF-8"); print "Using $localEncoding encoding on input\n" if ($verbose >=2); } sub main{ my %values; my $album = 0; # 1 if it a album description file # process args Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); GetOptions('t|title:s' => \$values{title}, 'e|event:s' => \$values{event}, 'l|location:s' => \$values{location}, 'p|people:s' => \$values{people}, 'y|date:s' => \$values{date}, 'd|description:s' => \$values{description}, 'longdesc:s' => \$values{longdesc}, 'shortdesc:s' => \$values{shortdesc}, 'sample:s' => \$values{sampleimage}, 'g|generic=s%' => \%values, 'm|html' => \$html, 'a|album' => \$album, 'v|verbose+' => \$verbose, 'q|quiet' => sub { $verbose = 0 }, 'h|help' => sub { help() }, 'copyright' => sub { copyleft() }, ) or usage(1); print "Verbosity is $verbose\n" if $verbose>1; &determine_encoding; my @files; if ($#ARGV < 0) { if ($album) { @files = ("."); } else { print "No files specified.\n"; usage(1) } } else { @files = @ARGV; } copyleft() if ($verbose >=2); foreach my $file (@files) { if ($album) { $file .= "/album.xml"; } if ($file !~ m/.xml$/) { $file .= ".xml"; } print "Processing file '$file'... " if ($verbose >= 1); print "\n" if ($verbose >= 2); setFields($file, \%values, $album); print "OK.\n" if ($verbose == 1); } } main();