view cdcc.0 @ 0:c7f6b056b673

First import of vendor version
author Peter Gervai <>
date Tue, 10 Mar 2009 13:49:58 +0100 (2009-03-10)
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line source
cdcc(8)               Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse               cdcc(8)

     ccddcccc -- Control Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse

     ccddcccc [--VVddqq] [--hh _h_o_m_e_d_i_r] [--cc _i_d_s] [_o_p_1 _o_p_2 _._._. [_-]]

     CCddcccc is used to clear, control, and query the control file used by Dis-
     tributed Checksum Clearinghouse clients such as dccm(8).  The host names,
     UDP port numbers, IDs, and passwords local clients use to talk to servers
     as well as IP addresses, round trip times, and other information are con-
     tained in the _m_a_p file.  While ccddcccc is set-UID, it uses the real UID only
     when accessing the _m_a_p file.  It refuses to display sensitive information
     such as passwords unless the real UID is the same as the effective UID.
     Note that ccddcccc needs to be set to a UID that can read and write the _m_a_p
     file, but that UID need not be 0.

     CCddcccc is also used to send commands to DCC servers to tell them to stop,
     reload their lists of DCC IDs, turn on tracing, and so forth.

     Many commands sent to DCC servers require a numeric DCC ID and a password
     recognized by the server.  A DCC password is a 1-32 character string that
     does not contain blank, tab, newline or carriage return characters.  The
     ID is specified with the iidd operation.  If ccddcccc is run with a real UID
     that can read the _i_d_s file and a password is not specified (see the
     ppaasssswwoorrdd operation), then the current password for the specified ID in
     the _i_d_s file will be used.  If no _i_d_s file is available and a password
     and DCC ID are not specified, ccddcccc uses the anonymous DCC client-ID.  DCC
     servers do not expect a password from clients using the anonymous client-
     ID, but they also won't honor control requests.

     Operations that modify the _m_a_p file can only be performed when the real
     UID is sufficient to modify the file directly.  Trying to perform an
     operation that requires a password without specifying a server-ID or
     without using a UID that can access the _i_d_s file produces an error mes-
     sage complaining about a "privileged operation."

     Commands and operations are read from the command line or from stdin.  A
     series of _o_p_1 _o_p_2 _._._. operations followed a _- (a dash) causes operations
     to be read from stdin after the command line operations are processed.
     Semi-colons or newlines separate commands in UNIX command-line "words,"
     as well as when commands are read from stdin.  Since each command line
     operation must be a shell "word," quotes are often required as in

           % cdcc "load map.txt"

           % cdcc "host localhost;info" stats

     The following options are available:

     --VV   displays the version of the DCC controller.

     --dd   enables debugging output from the DCC client software.  Additional
          --dd options increase the number of messages.  See the ddeebbuugg command.

     --qq   quiets initial complaints about the map file and some messages about
          successful commands.  See the qquuiieett command.

     --hh _h_o_m_e_d_i_r
          overrides the default DCC home directory, _/_v_a_r_/_d_c_c.  See the hhoommeeddiirr

     --cc _i_d_s
          specifies file containing DCC IDs and passwords known by the local
          DCC server.  An _i_d_s file that can be read by others cannot be used.
          The format of the _i_d_s file is described in dccd(8).

     _o_p_1 _o_p_2 _._._.
          are operations or commands such as "id 100; stop".  Commands or
          operations specified on the command line are performed before the
          first interactive request.  The last command can be _- to specify
          that additional commands should be read from stdin.

     Local operations include the following:

     hheellpp [_c_o_m_m_a_n_d]
           lists information about one or all available commands and opera-

     eexxiitt  stops ccddcccc

     ggrreeyy [_o_n | _o_f_f]
           switches between DCC and greylist servers.

     hhoommeeddiirr [_p_a_t_h]
           displays or specifies the DCC home directory.

     ffiillee [_m_a_p]
           displays or specifies the name or path of the map file.  The string
           "-" specifies the default file _m_a_p in the DCC home directory.

     nneeww mmaapp [_m_a_p]
           creates a new, empty file for DCC server host names, port numbers,
           passwords, and so forth.  There must not already be a file of the
           same name.  The default is _m_a_p in the DCC home directory.

     ddeelleettee _h_o_s_t[,_p_o_r_t]
           deletes the entry in the _m_a_p file for _h_o_s_t and UDP _p_o_r_t_. If
           greylist mode has been set with the ggrreeyy oonn command, the entry for
           the grelist server at _h_o_s_t is deleted.

     aadddd _h_o_s_t[,_p_o_r_t] [_R_T_T_+_a_d_j|_R_T_T_-_a_d_j] [_G_r_e_y_l_i_s_t] [_c_l_i_e_n_t_-_I_D [password]]
           adds an entry to the _m_a_p file.  The _p_o_r_t can be "-" to specify the
           default DCC server port number.

           An adjustment to the round trip time is a multiple of 10 millisec-
           onds between -4000 and +4000 following the string _R_T_T.  The adjust-
           ment is added to the average measured round trip time when the DCC
           client software picks the "nearest" DCC server, or the server with
           the smallest RTT.  If an IP address is mentioned more than once in
           the list of servers, for example because it is among the addresses
           for more than one server name, conflicts among RTT adjustments are
           resolved by picking the adjustment with the largest absolute value.

           _G_r_e_y_l_i_s_t marks an entry for a greylist servers.  _G_r_e_y_l_i_s_t is
           assumed if greylist mode has been set with the ggrreeyy oonn command, See

           If both the client-ID and the password are absent, the anonymous
           client-ID, 1, is used.  The string _a_n_o_n is equivalent to the anony-
           mous client-ID.  A null password string is assumed if the password
           is missing and the client-ID is 1 or also missing.

     llooaadd _i_n_f_o_-_f_i_l_e
           loads the current parameter file with the host names, port numbers,
           IDs, and passwords in _i_n_f_o_-_f_i_l_e.  Standard input is understood if
           _i_n_f_o_-_f_i_l_e is "-".

           A suitable file can be created with the iinnffoo operation.  It con-
           sists of ignored blank or comment lines starting with '#' and other
           lines in the same format as the arguments to the aadddd operation.
           Note that output of the iinnffoo command will lack passwords unless it
           is run by a privileged user.

     hhoosstt [_h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e]
           specifies the host name of the DCC server to which commands should
           be sent.  If _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e is "-", the current default DCC server is

     ppoorrtt [_p_o_r_t]
           specifies the UDP port number of the DCC server to which commands
           should be sent.  The default is 6277 or 6276 depending on the set-
           ting of the greylist mode controlled with the ggrreeyy command.

     ppaasssswwoorrdd _s_e_c_r_e_t
           specifies the password with which to sign commands sent to the DCC
           server specified with the sseerrvveerr and ppoorrtt operations.

     iidd [_I_D]
           specifies or displays the numeric DCC ID for commands sent to the
           DCC server specified with the sseerrvveerr and ppoorrtt operations.  If no
           password is specified with the ppaasssswwoorrdd command, the password is
           sought in the local _i_d_s.

     iinnffoo [--NN]
           displays information about the connections to DCC servers.  It
           starts with the current date and name of the current _m_a_p file or
           says that ccddcccc is using the implicit file created with the sseerrvveerr
           and ppoorrtt operations.  It then says when host names will next be
           resolved into IP addresses, the smallest round trip time to the IP
           addresses of known DCC servers.  The host name, UDP port number (or
           dash if it is the default), DCC client-ID, and password (if ccddcccc is
           used by a privileged user) are shown in one line per configured DCC

           The currently preferred IP address is indicated by an asterisk.
           The "brand" of the server, its DCC ID, and its IP address are dis-
           played in one line per IP address.  The performance of the server
           at each IP address in the most recent 32 operations is displayed in
           a second line.  The second line ends with the measured delay
           imposed by the server on requests with this client's ID.

           --NN displays the reverse DNS name of each server.

     RRTTTT [--NN]
           measures the round trip time to the DCC servers.  It does this by
           discarding accumulated information and forcing a probe of all
           listed server IP addresses.

           _B_e_w_a_r_e that when run with sufficient privilege, the RRTTTT operation
           is like the iinnffoo and llooaadd operations and displays cleartext pass-

           --NN displays the reverse DNS name of each server.

     ddeebbuugg Op Ar on | off | TTL=x
           increases or decreases debugging information from the DCC client
           software or sets the IP TTL on queries to the server.  See --dd.

           Some operating systems do not include the functions required to
           change the IP TTL.  Others include the required functions but have
           no apparent effect.

     qquuiieett [_o_n | _o_f_f]
           makes commands more quiet or more verbose.

     IIPPvv66 [_o_n | _o_f_f]
           sets a switch to cause clients using the map file to try to use

     SSOOCCKKSS [_o_n _o_f_f]
           sets a switch to cause DCC clients using the map to use the SOCKS5
           protocol, if they have been built with a SOCKS library.  The socks
           library linked with the DCC client must be configured appropri-
           ately, often including knowing which DCC servers must be connected
           via the SOCKS proxy and which can be reached directly.  DCC clients
           use SOCKS functions such as Rsendto() with all or no servers
           depending on the setting of this switch.

     ssrrcc [_- | _I_P_a_d_d_r_e_s_s]
           displays or configures the source address of DCC client requests.
           _- removes the explicit configuration of the source, while _I_P_a_d_d_r_e_s_s
           sets it.  This makes sense only on multi-homed hosts.  It can be
           useful for passing firewalls.

     Commands that can be sent to a DCC server include the following.  Most of
     the commands must be used with the server's _I_D specified with the iidd com-
     mand.  The specified ID is included in the commands sent to the server
     The command itself is digitally signed with the first password associated
     with the ID in the _i_d_s file.  The server requires that the signature
     match one of the passwords associated with the ID in its _i_d_s file.

     ddeellcckk ttyyppee hheexx11 hheexx22 hheexx33 hheexx44
          asks the server to delete the _t_y_p_e checksum with value _h_e_x_1 _h_e_x_2
          _h_e_x_3 _h_e_x_4.  The type and checksum values can be found in dccproc(8)
          and dccm(8) log files or computed with _d_c_c_p_r_o_c --QQCC.

          There are very few situations where it makes sense to bother to
          delete checksums.  For example, mail that was accidentally reported
          with a target count of "MANY" is either private and so will not be
          seen by other people and so will not be affected, or it is bulk and
          its source so must have already been whitelisted by recipients.

     ssttaattss [_a_l_l | _c_l_e_a_r]
          displays current status and statistics from the current DCC server
          or for _a_l_l known DCC servers.  The server's counters will be cleared
          after they are displayed when the server's ID has been specified
          with the iidd _I_D operation.

     cclliieennttss [--nnssiiaaVVAAKK] [_m_a_x [_t_h_o_l_d]] [_a_d_d_r[_/_p_r_e_f_i_x]]
          displays some of the clients recently seen by the server.
          --nn   displays only the IP addresses and not the names of clients.
          --ss   sorts the clients by the number of requests they have made.
          --ii   counts clients with the same client-ID as single entities.
          --aa   produces 24 hour average numbers of requests.
          --AA   displays only anonymous clients.
          --KK   displays only clients using client-IDs.
          --VV   includes the DCC protocol versions used by clients.
          _m_a_x  displays only the _m_a_x most recent clients.
          _m_a_x _t_h_o_l_d displays the most recent _m_a_x clients that have made at
               least _t_h_o_l_d requests.
          _a_d_d_r[_/_p_r_e_f_i_x] restricts the results to the DCC client with that IP
               address or clients with addresses in that CIDR block.

          The mechanism that implements this command involves asking the DCC
          server for the first approximately 100 clients, then the second
          about 100, and so on, If entries change position in the complete
          list maintained by the server between requests, the displayed list
          will have duplicate or missing entries.  Only clients heard from
          since ssttaattss cclleeaarr was last used are displayed.

          tells the DCC server to exit.

     ssyysstteemm ssttoopp
          tells the DCC server to exit so that the operating system can be
          shut down.  This tells the DCC server on some systems to delete the
          dcc_db.hash file to speed system shut down.  The file will be
          rebuilt automatically by ddbbcclleeaann when the DCC server is restarted.

     cclleeaann ssttoopp
          tells the DCC server to exit after applying fsync() to the database.

     rreellooaadd IIDDss
          tells the local DCC server to reload its DCC _i_d_s file immediately.
          This command is not strictly needed.  Every several minutes, the DCC
          server notices if the file has been changed and automatically reads

     fflloooodd cchheecckk
          tells the DCC server to check for changes in the _f_l_o_d file and try
          to restart any of the streams to peers that are broken.

     fflloooodd sshhuuttddoowwnn
          tells the DCC server to cleanly stop flooding checksums to and from
          peers.  The server will wait for sending and receiving peers to
          agree to stop.  Each fflloooodd sshhuuttddoowwnn or fflloooodd hhaalltt request increases
          a count of reasons why the server should not flood checksums.

     fflloooodd hhaalltt
          tells the DCC server to abruptly stop flooding checksums to and from

     fflloooodd rreewwiinndd _s_e_r_v_e_r_-_I_D
          tells the DCC server to ask its peer with _s_e_r_v_e_r_-_I_D to rewind and
          resend its stream of checksums.

     fflloooodd ffffwwdd iinn _s_e_r_v_e_r_-_I_D
          tells the DCC server to ask its peer to "fast forward" or skip to
          the end of the incoming flood.

     fflloooodd ffffwwdd oouutt _s_e_r_v_e_r_-_I_D
          tells the DCC server to "fast forward" or skip to the current end of
          the flood to its peer.

     fflloooodd rreessuummee
          tells the DCC server to reduce the number of reasons to not flood
          checksums increased by fflloooodd sshhuuttddoowwnn and fflloooodd hhaalltt.. When the num-
          ber of reasons reaches zero, the server tries to resume flooding.

     fflloooodd lliisstt
          displays the list of current incoming and outgoing floods.  Each
          line contains the server-ID of the peer, the IP address and port
          used for the outgoing flood, the address for the incoming flood if
          different, and the host name.  Only the server-IDs of flooding peers
          are disclosed with the server's ID.

     fflloooodd ssttaattss [cclleeaarr] { _s_e_r_v_e_r_-_I_D | _a_l_l }
          displays counts of checksum reports sent and received by the current
          flooding connections to and from _s_e_r_v_e_r_-_I_D or _a_l_l flooding connec-
          tions and then optionally clears the counts.

     DDBB cclleeaann
          is used by ddbbcclleeaann to tell the server that the database expiration
          has begun.

     DDBB nneeww
          is used by ddbbcclleeaann to tell the server that the database cleaning is

     fflluusshh ccaacchhee
          tells the server to flush its cache and to keep it clean.

     ccaacchhee ookk
          tells the server to resume normal operations after fflluusshh ccaacchhee.

     cclloocckk cchheecckk
          asks the DCC server to say how much its clock differs from the local

     cclloocckk kklluuddggee ++//--sseeccoonnddss
          adjusts the timestamps in server commands to make it possible to
          control servers with inaccurate clocks.

     ttrraaccee _d_e_f_a_u_l_t
          turns on _A_N_O_N and _C_L_N_T tracing and turns off all others.

     ttrraaccee _m_o_d_e _{_o_n_|_o_f_f_}
          turns the server's tracing _m_o_d_e on or off.  _M_o_d_e must be one of:
            _A_D_M_N    administrative requests from ccddcccc
            _A_N_O_N    errors by anonymous clients
            _C_L_N_T    errors by authenticated clients
            _R_L_I_M    rate-limited messages
            _Q_U_E_R_Y   all queries and reports
            _R_I_D_C    messages concerning the report-ID cache that is used to
                    detect duplicate reports from clients
            _F_L_O_O_D   messages about inter-server flooding connections
            _F_L_O_O_D_2  messages about flooded reports
            _I_D_S     unknown server-IDs in flooded reports
            _B_L      blacklisted clients
            _D_B      odd database events
            _W_L_I_S_T   reports of whitelisted checksums from authenticated, not
                    anonymous DCC clients

     ccddcccc exits with 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs in operations
     specified on the command line.

     /var/dcc  DCC home directory
     map       memory mapped file in the home DCC home directory of server
               host names, port numbers, passwords, measured round trip times
               (RTT), and so forth.
     ids       list of IDs and passwords, as described in dccd(8).  It is only
               required by systems running the DCC server, but is used by ccddcccc
               if available.

     dbclean(8), dcc(8), dccd(8), dblist(8), dccifd(8), dccm(8), dccproc(8),

     Implementation of ccddcccc was started at Rhyolite Software in 2000.  This
     document describes version 1.3.103.

                               February 26, 2009