view debian/changelog @ 4:d329bb5c36d0

Changes making it compile the new upstream release
author Peter Gervai <>
date Tue, 10 Mar 2009 14:57:12 +0100 (2009-03-10)
parents f6716cb00029
line wrap: on
line source
dcc (1.3.103-0.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Unmaintained release.
  * New upstream version.
  * Do not call it 'dcc' per license...

 -- Peter Gervai <>  Tue, 10 Mar 2009 14:35:19 +0100

dcc (1.2.74-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * QA upload.
  * Make dcc-common recommend `dcc-client | dcc-server | dcc-milter'
    rather than depend on them, to ensure the former is configured
    before the latter.  Closes: #304237, #365893, #387198.
    (`chown dcc.dcc' was quietly fixed in 1.2.74-3.)
  * Fix typo in the description of dcc-common.  Closes: #363225.

 -- Matej Vela <>  Wed, 13 Sep 2006 06:29:44 +0200

dcc (1.2.74-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * QA upload.
  * Fixed RC bug "dccifd does not work when IPv6 is not supported by the
    kernel". Patch by dean gaudet <>. Closes: #376301.
  * Fixed "errors in dccifd startup script". Patch by Rene Konasz
    <>. Closes: #304236.
  * Fixed "Can't purge dcc-common if LDAP is used". Patch by MJ Ray
    <>. Closes: #307672.

 -- Anibal Monsalve Salazar <>  Wed, 06 Sep 2006 19:23:15 +1000

dcc (1.2.74-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * Renamed binary dccm to dcc-milter (Closes: #303323), thanks Frank for
    reporting this one.
  * removed DH_COMPAT from debian/rules to become lintian clean again
  * urgency=high, as we fix an RC bug.

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Wed,  6 Apr 2005 18:04:09 +0200

dcc (1.2.74-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * The "Thanks to Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt" release
  * New upstream release
  * dcc-common depends now on dcc-clinet | dcc-server | dcc-milter
  * changed the desicription to be a little bit more useful
  * cleaned up debian/copyright and added missing stuff from upstream's
  * all documentation is now in /usr/share/doc/dcc-common
    other documenation directories now symlink to /usr/share/doc/dcc-common
  * cleaned up debian/dcc-common.postrm
  * examples are now installed via dh_installexamples
  * start dccd with IPv6 per default
  * gave a proper DESC in /etc/init.d/dcc-server 

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Tue, 22 Mar 2005 15:41:15 +0100

dcc (1.2.72-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * Bug fix: "Segfaults on AMD64", thanks to Omniflux (Closes: #297955).
    Fixed upstream in 1.2.67. (urgency=medium for that)
  * Bug fix: "whitecommon can't be found", thanks to Wiesiek 
    (Closes: #297342).

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Thu,  3 Mar 2005 22:38:42 +0100

dcc (1.2.66-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
    CHANGES from upstream:
    + Possibly fix dccm crash
    + Removed redundant declarations of mapfile_nm and rl_anon as
      suggested by Andreas Jochens. (closes: #285622)
    + Correct ">XXXX clients" from `cdcc stats`
    + Fix accounting of NOPs from blacklisted clients.
    + Fix race that caused "??" server-IDs in X-DCC headers.
    + Do not count requests from blacklisted clients against the rate
    + Overhaul dccd rate-limiting.  Instead of imposing a penalty time
      on overactive clients, simply rate-limit them.
    + Reduce limit on dccd error messages about clients from
      2/second to 0.1/second.
  * making /var/lib/dcc/map 0600 dcc.dcc (closes: #284038,#284108),
    thanks to Vadim Kutsyy and Lucas Albers for reporting this one.
    also testing for user:group of /var/lib/dcc/map in postinst and
    adjusting it.
  * fixing symlink (closes: #284362),
    thanks to Sven Hartge for reporting this stupid mistake.
  * According to Policy Section 2.5: Packages MUST NOT depend on
    packages with lower priority values. So setting priority to extra.
  * changed if-clause from -a to -e in update-dccmaps (closes: #288155)
    thanks to Santiago Vila.
  * changed rundir from /var/run to /var/run/dcc
  * added DH_COMPAT=4
  * moved dccifd from /usr/bin to /usr/sbin and run it as daemon
    (closes: #285743) as suggested by Julian Gilbey

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Sun,  2 Jan 2005 05:50:30 +0100

dcc (1.2.62-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
    Changes form Upstream regarding Linux:
    + Fix file descriptor leak in getifaddrs() replacement.
    + Extended format to allow authenticated clients to be delayed
      as `dccd -U` delays anonymous clients in /var/lib/dcc/ids
    + Possibility to limit the size of the database window.
    + Fixed broken `dccd -G0`.
    + Track changes in network interfaces on most modern flavors of UNIX.
    + Fix two MIME decoding bugs.
    + Treat '>' as a blank instead of punctuation for FUZ2 checksums.
    + Don't re-use va_list in stdargs functions to work around a
      characteristic of gcc for AMD 64 bit systems.  gcc 64-bit stdargs
      reportedly passes va_list by reference instead of by value.
  * Dan Weber is no longer maintainer.
  * My own patches reside now in debian/patches rather than in diff.gz
  * Added symlink from /etc/default/dcc-server to /var/lib/dcc/dcc_conf
    (closes: #275554)
  * Added missing dccifd
    (closes: #277580)
  * default map file and default id file reside now in /usr/share/dcc
  * added update-maps which properly removes old map files and regenerates
    them. (closes: #276259)
  * Package should be in better state now. (closes:#278048) 

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Sat, 20 Nov 2004 17:51:11 +0100

dcc (1.2.54-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * by Martin Zobel-Helas
    + fixed preinst-issue (closes: #274681)
    + removed /etc/dcc/dcc_conf from dcc-common

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Mon,  4 Oct 2004 13:04:49 +0200

dcc (1.2.54-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * by Martin Zobel-Helas
    + New upstream release
      - major changes is greylisting protocol.
      - newer clients will not work on older (< 1.2.51) greylisting servers,
        so update your greylisting server first.
    + added
    + added all d.o-lists to a sample whitelist
    + added script to download up2date debian mailing lists
      based on Dans regex.
    + added upstream CHANGES to /usr/share/doc/dcc-*
    + changed Build-Depends: debhelper to newer version
  * by Dan Weber
    + added regex to get all lists from lists.d.o
  * Close RFP and ITP bugs (closes: #164842, #199510)

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Sun, 19 Sep 2004 22:24:47 +0200

dcc (1.2.50-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * Dan Weber and Martin Zobel-Helas are now listed as Co-Maintainers
  * Added dcc-server (lets pray this works well).
  * dcc is now pkg-dcc on alioth. cvs repository on co dcc
  * completly restructured debian/rules by using cdbs
  * Removing Superflous blank line in debian/control
    (Thanks to Joan Cirer for reporting that one)
  * added debconf
  * relocated some conffiles from /var/lib/dcc to
    /etc/dcc, preinst will promt a warning for that.
  * Maintainer set to the Mailing List

 -- Dan Weber <>  Thu, 26 Aug 2004 18:56:15 -0400

dcc (1.2.50-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Wed, 14 Jul 2004 17:42:45 +0200

dcc (1.2.43-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * The "Thanks to Jochen" Release
  	- Closes: #164842, #199510
    	  This will close the RFP/ITP Bugs in the BTS.
  	- Standards-Version is now 3.6.1 instead of 3.5.10
  	- the empty /var/run is now not included in dcc-client any more.
  * New upstream release
  	- upstream removed --home, --build and --prefix from configure
  * Corrected soure code permissions, dcc builds now with pbuilder.
  * orig-files are now called *.template, so linda doesn't complain any more.
  * whitecommon is now included to dcc-common.
  * did the version renumbering as Jochen said.

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Wed, 21 Apr 2004 02:37:24 +0200

dcc (1.2.28+0.pre-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * Did some lintian clean up.

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Mon, 19 Jan 2004 01:19:51 +0100

dcc (1.2.27+0.pre-5) unstable; urgency=medium

  * The "Sendmail" Release
    dccm, the Sendmail milter interface is now included in the package. As I
    don't use sendmail for now, i will need some external help to check
    everything is working proprely.
  * m4 files are supplied within dcc-milter package's documenation
  * Added some documentation to README.Debian about using DCC with sendmail.
  * Fixed postinst-skript of dcc-common.
    now uses /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash
  * Everything is now build in binary-arch
  * dcc-client and dcc-milter now depend one dcc-common supplied with the
    source package
  * dcc-milter conflicts on spamass-milter
    For reason look at debian/control
  * Added new system user dcc
  * /var/lib/dcc/[map|ids] are now private
  * All programs are now suid dcc

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Sat, 17 Jan 2004 21:44:12 +0100

dcc (1.2.27+0.pre-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added some documentation to README.Debian about
    - using DCC with procmail
    - using DCC with spamassassin
    - firewall hints.
  * fixed parsing of /var/lib/dcc/ids in installation process.
  * /var/lib/dcc/map.txt /var/lib/dcc/map and /var/lib/dcc/ids are now
    generated by postinst
    This garanties that the passwords for local servers are now generated
    different for each installation.
  * Local passwords are now not overwritten by update process.

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Mon, 12 Jan 2004 17:34:25 +0100

dcc (1.2.27+0.pre-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed update-problem in dcc-common.postinst

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Sun, 11 Jan 2004 22:02:10 +0100

dcc (1.2.27+0.pre-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * The "I am so stupid" upload
    Sourcecode should be now included in upload

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Sun, 11 Jan 2004 13:41:05 +0100

dcc (1.2.27+0.pre-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Prerelease version. The packages dcc-common and dcc-client should
    work fine. Work for dcc-milter and dcc-server is in progress, so they will
    be not published yet.

 -- Martin Zobel-Helas <>  Fri,  9 Jan 2004 02:44:03 +0100