[feladat @ 200]
When loading SQL database structure user 'administrator' has all possible permissions enabled, both ueberuser and others. This may bring confusion, especially those that didn't read the documentation. Now only 'user_is_ueberuser' is enabled, all other disabled. No functional changes. Suggested by Maarten te Paske.
INSERTINTO`perm_items`VALUES(41,'zone_master_add','User is allowed to add new master zones.'),(42,'zone_slave_add','User is allowed to add new slave zones.'),(43,'zone_content_view_own','User is allowed to see the content and meta data of zones he owns.'),(44,'zone_content_edit_own','User is allowed to edit the content of zones he owns.'),(45,'zone_meta_edit_own','User is allowed to edit the meta data of zones he owns.'),(46,'zone_content_view_others','User is allowed to see the content and meta data of zones he does not own.'),(47,'zone_content_edit_others','User is allowed to edit the content of zones he does not own.'),(48,'zone_meta_edit_others','User is allowed to edit the meta data of zones he does not own.'),(49,'search','User is allowed to perform searches.'),(50,'supermaster_view','User is allowed to view supermasters.'),(51,'supermaster_add','User is allowed to add new supermasters.'),(52,'supermaster_edit','User is allowed to edit new supermasters.'),(53,'user_is_ueberuser','User has full access. God-like. Redeemer.'),(54,'user_view_others','User is allowed to see other users and their details.'),(55,'user_add_new','User is allowed to add new users.'),(56,'user_edit_own','User is allowed to edit their own details.'),(57,'user_edit_others','User is allowed to edit other users.'),(58,'user_passwd_edit_others','User is allowed to edit the password of other users.'),(59,'user_edit_templ_perm','User is allowed to change the permission template that is assigned to a user.'),(60,'templ_perm_add','User is allowed to add new permission templates.'),(61,'templ_perm_edit','User is allowed to edit existing permission templates.');