changeset 13 2ff220cfde13
parent 8 47dd15d8bb8c
child 47 ae140472d97c
--- a/index.php	Sun Apr 22 16:27:45 2007 +0000
+++ b/index.php	Mon Jun 04 18:43:11 2007 +0000
@@ -1,219 +1,36 @@
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | PowerAdmin								|
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PowerAdmin Team			|
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | This source file is subject to the license carried by the overal	|
-// | program PowerAdmin as found on		|
-// | The PowerAdmin program falls under the QPL License:		|
-// |		|
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Authors: Roeland Nieuwenhuis <trancer <AT> trancer <DOT> nl>	|
-// |          Sjeemz <sjeemz <AT> sjeemz <DOT> nl>			|
-// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// $Id: index.php,v 1.13 2003/05/10 20:20:05 azurazu Exp $
-if ($_POST["submit"])
-	$domain = trim($_POST["domain"]);
-	$owner = $_POST["owner"];
-	$webip = $_POST["webip"];
-	$mailip = $_POST["mailip"];
-	$empty = $_POST["empty"];
-	$dom_type = isset($_POST["dom_type"]) ? $_POST["dom_type"] : "NATIVE";
-	if(!$empty)
-	{
-		$empty = 0;
-		if(!eregi('', $domain) && (!is_valid_ip($webip) || !is_valid_ip($mailip)) )
-		{
-			$error = "Web or Mail ip is invalid!";
-		}
-	}
-	if (!$error)
-	{
-		if (!is_valid_domain($domain))
-		{
-			$error = "Domain name is invalid!";
-		}
-		elseif (domain_exists($domain))
-		{
-			$error = "Domain already exists!";
-		}
-		//elseif (isset($mailip) && is_valid_ip(
-		else
-		{
-			add_domain($domain, $owner, $webip, $mailip, $empty, $dom_type);
-			clean_page();
-		}
-	}
-    if(strlen($_POST["newpass"]) < 4)
-    {
-        error('Length of the pass should be at least 4');
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	   change_user_pass($_POST["currentpass"], $_POST["newpass"], $_POST["newpass2"]);
-	}
-<H2><? echo _('DNS Admin'); ?></H2>
-<P FONT CLASS="nav">
+   <h3><? echo _('Welcome'); ?>, <? echo $_SESSION["name"] ?></h3>
+   <ul>
+    <li><a href="search.php"><? echo _('Search zones or records'); ?></a></li>
+    <li><a href="list_zones.php"><? echo _('List all zones'); ?></a></li>
+if (level(5))
+    <li><a href="list_supermasters.php"><? echo _('List all supermasters'); ?></a></li>
+    <li><a href="add_zone_master.php"><? echo _('Add master zone'); ?></a></li>
+    <li><a href="add_zone_slave.php"><? echo _('Add slave zone'); ?></a></li>
+    <li><a href="add_supermaster.php"><? echo _('Add supermaster'); ?></a></li>
+    <li><a href="change_password.php"><? echo _('Change password'); ?></a></li>
 if (level(10))
-	?><A HREF="users.php"><? echo _('User admin'); ?></A> <?
- <A HREF="search.php"><? echo _('Search records'); ?></A>
-<? echo _('Welcome'); ?>, <?= $_SESSION["name"] ?>.
-<? echo _('Your userlevel is'); ?>: <?= $_SESSION["level"] ?> (<?= leveldescription($_SESSION["level"]) ?>)
-if ($error != "")
-	?><H3><FONT COLOR="red"><? echo _('Error'); ?>: <?= $error ?></FONT></H3><?
-<B><? echo _('Current domains in DNS (click to view or edit)'); ?>:</B>
-$doms = get_domains(0);
-$num_domains = count($doms);
-echo "<br /><small><b>" . _('Number of domains') . ": </b>".$num_domains."<br />";
-if ($num_domains > ROWAMOUNT) {
-   show_letters(LETTERSTART,$doms);
-   echo "<br />";
-$doms = get_domains(0,LETTERSTART);
-<br />
-<TR STYLE="font-weight: Bold;"><TD CLASS="tdbg">&nbsp;</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Name'); ?></TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Records'); ?></TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Owner'); ?></TD></TR>
-if ($num_domains < ROWAMOUNT) {
-   $doms = get_domains(0,"all",ROWSTART,ROWAMOUNT);
-} else {
-   $doms = get_domains(0,LETTERSTART,ROWSTART,ROWAMOUNT);
-// If the user doesnt have any domains print a message saying so
-if ($doms < 0)
-	?><TR><TD CLASS="tdbg">&nbsp;</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg" COLSPAN="4"><b><? echo _('No domains in this listing, sorry.'); ?></b></FONT></TD></TR><?
-// If he has domains, dump them (duh)
-	foreach ($doms as $c)
-	{
-		?><TR><TD CLASS="tdbg">
-		<? if (level(5))
-		{
-			?>
-			<A HREF="delete_domain.php?id=<?= $c["id"] ?>"><IMG SRC="images/delete.gif" ALT="[ <? echo _('Delete zone'); ?> ]" BORDER="0"></A><?
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			print "&nbsp;";
-		}
-		?>
-		</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><A HREF="edit.php?id=<?= $c["id"] ?>"><?= $c["name"] ?></A></TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><?= $c["numrec"] ?></TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><?= get_owner_from_id($c["owner"]) ?></TD></TR><?
-		print "\n";
-	}
-<small><? echo _('You only administer some records of domains marked with an (*).'); ?></small>
-if (level(5))
-	// Get some data.
-	$server_types = array("MASTER", "SLAVE", "NATIVE");
-	$users = show_users();
-	?>
-	<BR><BR>
-	<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="index.php">
-	<B><? echo _('Create new domain'); ?>:</B><BR>
-	<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Domain name'); ?>:</TD><TD WIDTH="510" CLASS="tdbg"><INPUT TYPE="text" CLASS="input" NAME="domain" VALUE="<? if ($error) print $_POST["domain"]; ?>"></TD></TR>
-	<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Web IP'); ?>:</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><INPUT TYPE="text" CLASS="input" NAME="webip" VALUE="<? if ($error) print $_POST["webip"]; ?>"></TD></TR>
-	<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Mail IP'); ?>:</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><INPUT TYPE="text" CLASS="input" NAME="mailip" VALUE="<? if ($error) print $_POST["mailip"]; ?>"></TD></TR>
-	<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Owner'); ?>:</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg">
-	<SELECT NAME="owner">
-	<?
-	foreach ($users as $u)
-	{
-        	?><OPTION VALUE="<?= $u['id'] ?>"><?= $u['fullname'] ?></OPTION><?
-	}
-	?>
-	</TD></TR>
-	<?
-	{
-	?>
-	<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Domain type'); ?>:</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg">
-	<SELECT NAME="dom_type">
-	<?
-	foreach($server_types as $s)
-	{
-		?><OPTION VALUE="<?=$s?>"><?=$s ?></OPTION><?
-	}
-	?>
-	</TD></TR>
-	<? } ?>
-	<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Create zone without'); ?><BR><? echo _('applying records-template'); ?>:</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="empty" VALUE="1"></TD></TR>
-	<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg">&nbsp;</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><INPUT TYPE="submit" CLASS="button" NAME="submit" VALUE="<? echo _('Add domain'); ?>"></TD></TR>
-	</TABLE>
-	</FORM>
+    <li><a href="users.php"><? echo _('User administration'); ?></a></li>
+    <li><a href="index.php?logout"><? echo _('Logout'); ?></a></li>
+   </ul>
-<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="index.php">
-<B><? echo _('Change password'); ?>:</B><BR>
-<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('Current password'); ?>:</TD><TD WIDTH="510" CLASS="tdbg"><INPUT TYPE="password" CLASS="input" NAME="currentpass" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
-<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('New password'); ?>:</TD><TD WIDTH="510" CLASS="tdbg"><INPUT TYPE="password" CLASS="input" NAME="newpass" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
-<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg"><? echo _('New password'); ?>:</TD><TD WIDTH="510" CLASS="tdbg"><INPUT TYPE="password" CLASS="input" NAME="newpass2" VALUE=""></TD></TR>
-<TR><TD CLASS="tdbg">&nbsp;</TD><TD CLASS="tdbg"><INPUT TYPE="submit" CLASS="button" NAME="passchange" VALUE="<? echo _('Change password'); ?>"></TD></TR>