changeset 1 58094faf794d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/migrator.php-pa	Tue Apr 10 22:40:43 2007 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | PowerAdmin								|
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PowerAdmin Team			|
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | This source file is subject to the license carried by the overal	|
+// | program PowerAdmin as found on http://poweradmin.sf.net		|
+// | The PowerAdmin program falls under the QPL License:		|
+// | http://www.trolltech.com/developer/licensing/qpl.html		|
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// | Authors: Roeland Nieuwenhuis <trancer <AT> trancer <DOT> nl>	|
+// |          Sjeemz <sjeemz <AT> sjeemz <DOT> nl>			|
+// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+// File: migrator.php
+// Description: Migrates PowerAdmin 1.1.2 to the new 1.2 format
+        error("You have to create a config.inc.php!");
+PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, 'error');
+function error($msg)
+        // General function for printing critical errors.
+        include_once("inc/header.inc.php");
+        ?>
+        <P><TABLE CLASS="error"><TR><TD CLASS="error"><H2>Oops! An error occured!</H2>
+        <BR>
+        <FONT STYLE="font-weight: Bold">
+	<?
+		if(is_object($msg))
+		{	
+			switch($msg->code)
+			{
+				case -19:
+					echo "<P>It seems you already have your PowerAdmin migrated because the tables cant be 
+						altered. Another problem can be that you dont ALTER right on your database, 
+						check this if you think your database doesnt have the proper format yet!</P>";
+					break;
+				case -18:
+					echo "<P>One of the tables required doesnt exist, please run 
+						test_setup.php.</P>PEAR::DB Error: " . $msg->getDebugInfo();
+					break;
+				default:
+					echo "Unknown error, sorry: PEAR::DB Returned: " . $msg->getDebugInfo();
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			echo $msg;
+		}
+	?>
+	<BR><BR><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">&lt;&lt; back</a></FONT><BR></TD></TR></TABLE></P>
+        <?
+        include_once("inc/footer.inc.php");
+        die();
+function message($msg)
+    include_once("inc/header.inc.php");
+    ?>
+    <P><TABLE CLASS="messagetable"><TR><TD CLASS="message"><H2>Success!</H2>
+    <BR>
+	<FONT STYLE="font-weight: Bold">
+	<P>
+	<?
+    if($msg)
+    {
+        echo nl2br($msg);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        echo "Successful!";
+    }
+    ?>
+    </P>
+    <BR>
+    <P>
+    <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">&lt;&lt; back</a></FONT>
+    </P>
+    </TD></TR></TABLE></P>
+    <?
+    include_once("inc/footer.inc.php");
+$zoneresult = $db->getCol("select id from zones");
+foreach($zoneresult as $zr)
+	// Look up the domain_id
+	$zonename = $db->getOne("select name from zones where zones.id=" . $zr);
+        // do a count, if the record already exists in the domains table, dont insert it
+	$dom_count = $db->query("select id from domains where name='$zonename'");
+        if($dom_count->numRows() == 0)
+        {
+                $dom_id = $db->nextID("domains");
+        	$db->query("INSERT INTO domains(id, name, type) VALUES('$dom_id', '$zonename', 'NATIVE')");
+	        $db->query("UPDATE records SET domain_id=$dom_id where domain_id=$zr");
+        	$db->query("UPDATE zones SET name=$dom_id where id=$zr");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+		$row = $dom_count->fetchRow();
+                $db->query('UPDATE records SET domain_id=' . $row["id"] . " where domain_id=$zr");
+                $db->query('UPDATE zones SET name=' . $row['id'] . " where id=$zr");
+        }
+	$db->query("ALTER TABLE zones CHANGE name domain_id INT(11) NOT NULL");
+	message("Done updating your tables, enjoy your new PowerAdmin! 
+	Please remove this file from your webdirectory!");
+	error("You seem to have no information in the table zones");