author rejo
Thu, 27 Mar 2008 20:35:23 +0000 (2008-03-27)
changeset 100 6e46a6454952
parent 82 c255196bc447
child 103 17908bb62723
permissions -rw-r--r--
[feladat @ 200] When loading SQL database structure user 'administrator' has all possible permissions enabled, both ueberuser and others. This may bring confusion, especially those that didn't read the documentation. Now only 'user_is_ueberuser' is enabled, all other disabled. No functional changes. Suggested by Maarten te Paske.

/*  PowerAdmin, a friendly web-based admin tool for PowerDNS.
 *  See <https://rejo.zenger.nl/poweradmin> for more details.
 *  Copyright 2007, 2008  Rejo Zenger <rejo@zenger.nl>
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


$edit_id = "-1";
if (isset($_GET['id']) && v_num($_GET['id'])) {
	$edit_id = $_GET['id'];

verify_permission(user_edit_own) ? $perm_edit_own = "1" : $perm_edit_own = "0" ;
verify_permission(user_edit_others) ? $perm_edit_others = "1" : $perm_edit_others = "0" ;

if ($edit_id == "-1") {
} elseif (($edit_id == $_SESSION["userid"] && $perm_edit_own == "1") || ($edit_id != $_SESSION["userid"] && $perm_edit_others == "1" )) {

	if($_POST["commit"]) {

		$i_username = "-1";
		$i_fullname = "-1";
		$i_email = "-1";
		$i_description = "-1";
		$i_password = "-1";
		$i_perm_templ = "0";
		$i_active = "0";

		if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
			$i_username = $_POST['username'];

		if (isset($_POST['fullname'])) {
			$i_fullname = $_POST['fullname'];

		if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
			$i_email = $_POST['email'];

		if (isset($_POST['description'])) {
			$i_description = $_POST['description'];

		if (isset($_POST['password'])) {
			$i_password = $_POST['password'];
		if (isset($_POST['perm_templ']) && v_num($_POST['perm_templ'])) {
			$i_perm_templ = $_POST['perm_templ'];
		if (isset($_POST['active']) && v_num($_POST['active'])) {
			$i_active = $_POST['active'];
		if ( $i_username == "-1" || $i_fullname == "-1" || $i_email < "1" || $i_description == "-1" || $i_password == "-1" ) {
		} else {
			if($i_username != "" && $i_perm_templ > "0" && $i_fullname) {
				if(!isset($i_active)) {
					$active = 0;
				} else {
					$active = 1;
				if(edit_user($edit_id, $i_username, $i_fullname, $i_email, $i_perm_templ, $i_description, $active, $i_password)) {

	$users = get_user_detail_list($edit_id)	;

	foreach ($users as $user) {
		(($user['active']) == "1") ? $check = " CHECKED" : $check = "" ;

		echo "     <h2>" . _('Edit user') . " \"" . $user['fullname'] . "\"</h2>\n";
		echo "     <form method=\"post\">\n";
		echo "      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"number\" value=\"" . $edit_id . "\">\n";
		echo "      <table>\n";
		echo "       <tr>\n";
		echo "        <td class=\"n\">" . _('Username') . "</td>\n"; 
		echo "        <td class=\"n\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"input\" name=\"username\" value=\"" . $user['username'] . "\"></td>\n";
		echo "       </tr>\n";
		echo "       <tr>\n";
		echo "        <td class=\"n\">" . _('Fullname') . "</td>\n"; 
		echo "        <td class=\"n\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"input\" name=\"fullname\" value=\"" . $user['fullname'] . "\"></td>\n";
		echo "       </tr>\n";
		echo "       <tr>\n";
		echo "        <td class=\"n\">" . _('Password') . "</td>\n";
		echo "        <td class=\"n\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"input\" name=\"password\"></td>\n";
		echo "       </tr>\n";
		echo "       <tr>\n";
		echo "        <td class=\"n\">" . _('Email') . "</td>\n"; 
		echo "        <td class=\"n\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"input\" name=\"email\" value=\"" . $user['email'] . "\"></td>\n";
		echo "       </tr>\n";
		echo "       <tr>\n";
		echo "        <td class=\"n\">" . _('Permission template') . "</td>\n"; 
		echo "        <td class=\"n\">\n";
		echo "         <select name=\"perm_templ\">\n";
		foreach (list_permission_templates() as $template) {
			($template['id'] == $user['tpl_id']) ? $select = " SELECTED" : $select = "" ;
			echo "          <option value=\"" . $template['id'] . "\"" . $select . ">" . $template['name'] . "</option>\n";
		echo "         </select>\n";
		echo "       </td>\n";
		echo "       </tr>\n";
		echo "       <tr>\n";
		echo "        <td class=\"n\">" . _('Description') . "</td>\n"; 
		echo "        <td class=\"n\"><textarea rows=\"4\" cols=\"30\" class=\"inputarea\" name=\"description\">" . $user['descr'] . "</textarea></td>\n";
		echo "       </tr>\n";
		echo "       <tr>\n";
		echo "        <td class=\"n\">" . _('Enabled') . "</td>\n"; 
		echo "        <td class=\"n\"><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"input\" name=\"active\" value=\"1\"" . $check . "></td>\n";
		echo "       </tr>\n";
		echo "       <tr>\n";
	echo "        <td class=\"n\">&nbsp;</td>\n"; 
		echo "        <td class=\"n\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" name=\"commit\" value=\"" . _('Commit changes') . "\"></td>\n"; 
		echo "      </table>\n";
		echo "     </form>\n";

		echo "     <p>\n";
		printf("      This user has been assigned the \"%s\" permission template.", $user['tpl_name']);
		if ($user['tpl_descr'] != "") { 
			echo " The description for this template is: \"" . $user['tpl_descr'] . "\".";
		echo " Based on this template, this user has the following permissions:";
		echo "     </p>\n";
		echo "     <ul>\n";
		foreach (get_permissions_by_template_id($user['tpl_id']) as $item) {
			echo "      <li>" . $item['descr'] . " (" . $item['name'] . ")</li>\n";
		echo "     </ul>\n";
} else {

