author rejo
Mon, 31 Mar 2008 21:10:19 +0000
changeset 120 982f722376b4
parent 119 f74e4f88b680
child 126 cb06e3e29ed8
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
[feladat @ 223] Bugfix. No domain id was provided when entering 'edit record' page from a search query. Changed code so 'edit record' does not rely on domain id provided by user but determines it from the record id that is about to be changed. This closes ticket:31.


/*  Poweradmin, a friendly web-based admin tool for PowerDNS.
 *  See <> for more details.
 *  Copyright 2007, 2008  Rejo Zenger <>
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

function get_zone_id_from_record_id($rid) {
	global $db;
	$query = "SELECT domain_id FROM records WHERE id = " . $db->quote($rid);
	$zid = $db->queryOne($query);
	return $zid;

function count_zone_records($zone_id) {
	global $db;
	$sqlq = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM records WHERE domain_id = ".$db->quote($zone_id);
	$record_count = $db->queryOne($sqlq);
	return $record_count;

function update_soa_serial($domain_id)
	global $db;

	$sqlq = "SELECT notified_serial FROM domains WHERE id = ".$db->quote($domain_id);
	$notified_serial = $db->queryOne($sqlq);

	$sqlq = "SELECT content FROM records WHERE type = 'SOA' AND domain_id = ".$db->quote($domain_id);
	$content = $db->queryOne($sqlq);
	$need_to_update = false;

	// Getting the serial field.
	$soa = explode(" ", $content);

	if(empty($notified_serial)) {
		// Ok native replication, so we have to update.
		$need_to_update = true;
	} elseif($notified_serial >= $soa[2]) {
		$need_to_update = true;
	} elseif(strlen($soa[2]) != 10) {
		$need_to_update = true;
	} else {
		$need_to_update = false;

	if($need_to_update) {
		// Ok so we have to update it seems.
		$current_serial = $soa[2];
		$new_serial = date('Ymd'); // we will add revision number later

		if(strncmp($new_serial, $current_serial, 8) === 0) {
			$revision_number = (int) substr($current_serial, -2);
			if ($revision_number == 99) return false; // ok, we cannot update anymore tonight
			// here it is ... same date, new revision
			$new_serial .= str_pad($revision_number, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);	
		} else {
			 * Current serial is not RFC1912 compilant, so let's make a new one
			$new_serial .= '00';
		$soa[2] = $new_serial; // change serial in SOA array
		$new_soa = "";		
		// build new soa and update SQL after that
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($soa); $i++) {	
			$new_soa .= $soa[$i] . " "; 
		$sqlq = "UPDATE records SET content = ".$db->quote($new_soa)." WHERE domain_id = ".$db->quote($domain_id)." AND type = 'SOA'";
		return true;

 * Edit a record.
 * This function validates it if correct it inserts it into the database.
 * return values: true if succesful.
function edit_record($record) {

	if (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_others)) { $perm_content_edit = "all" ; }
	elseif (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_own)) { $perm_content_edit = "own" ; }
	else { $perm_content_edit = "none" ; }

	$user_is_zone_owner = verify_user_is_owner_zoneid($record['zid']);
	$zone_type = get_domain_type($record['zid']);

	if ( $zone_type == "SLAVE" || $perm_content_edit == "none" || $perm_content_edit == "own" && $user_is_zone_owner == "0" ) {
		return false;
	} else {
		if($record['content'] == "") {
			return false;
		global $db;
		// TODO: no need to check for numeric-ness of zone id if we check with validate_input as well?
		if (is_numeric($record['zid'])) {
			validate_input($record['zid'], $record['type'], $record['content'], $record['name'], $record['prio'], $record['ttl']);
			$query = "UPDATE records 
					SET name=".$db->quote($record['name']).", 
					WHERE id=".$db->quote($record['rid']);
			$result = $db->Query($query);
			if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
				return false;
			} elseif ($record['type'] != 'SOA') {
			return true;
			// TODO change to error style as above (returning directly)
			error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "edit_record", "no zoneid given"));
	return true;

 * Adds a record.
 * This function validates it if correct it inserts it into the database.
 * return values: true if succesful.
function add_record($zoneid, $name, $type, $content, $ttl, $prio) {
	global $db;

	if (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_others)) { $perm_content_edit = "all" ; }
	elseif (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_own)) { $perm_content_edit = "own" ; }
	else { $perm_content_edit = "none" ; }

	$user_is_zone_owner = verify_user_is_owner_zoneid($zoneid);
	$zone_type = get_domain_type($zoneid);

        if ( $zone_type == "SLAVE" || $perm_content_edit == "none" || $perm_content_edit == "own" && $user_is_zone_owner == "0" ) {
		return false;
	} else {
		if (validate_input($zoneid, $type, $content, $name, $prio, $ttl) ) {
			$change = time();
			$query = "INSERT INTO records (domain_id, name, type, content, ttl, prio, change_date) VALUES ("
						. $db->quote($zoneid) . ","
						. $db->quote($name) . "," 
						. $db->quote($type) . "," 
						. $db->quote($content) . ","
						. $db->quote($ttl) . ","
						. $db->quote($prio) . ","
						. $db->quote($change) . ")";
			$response = $db->query($query);
			if (PEAR::isError($response)) {
				return false;
			} else {
				if ($type != 'SOA') { update_soa_serial($zoneid); }
				return true;
		} else {
			return false;
		return true;

function add_supermaster($master_ip, $ns_name, $account)
        global $db;
        if (!is_valid_ip($master_ip) && !is_valid_ip6($master_ip)) {
		return false;
        if (!is_valid_hostname($ns_name)) {
		return false;
	if (!validate_account($account)) {
		error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "add_supermaster", "given account name is invalid (alpha chars only)"));
		return false;
        if (supermaster_exists($master_ip)) {
		return false;
        } else {
                $db->query("INSERT INTO supermasters VALUES (".$db->quote($master_ip).", ".$db->quote($ns_name).", ".$db->quote($account).")");
                return true;

function delete_supermaster($master_ip) {
	global $db;
        if (is_valid_ip($master_ip) || is_valid_ip6($master_ip))
                $db->query("DELETE FROM supermasters WHERE ip = ".$db->quote($master_ip));
                return true;
                error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "delete_supermaster", "No or no valid ipv4 or ipv6 address given."));

function get_supermaster_info_from_ip($master_ip)
	global $db;
        if (is_valid_ip($master_ip) || is_valid_ip6($master_ip))
	        $result = $db->queryRow("SELECT ip,nameserver,account FROM supermasters WHERE ip = ".$db->quote($master_ip));

		$ret = array(
		"master_ip"	=>              $result["ip"],
		"ns_name"	=>              $result["nameserver"],
		"account"	=>              $result["account"]

		return $ret;	
                error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "get_supermaster_info_from_ip", "No or no valid ipv4 or ipv6 address given."));

function get_record_details_from_record_id($rid) {

	global $db;

	$query = "SELECT id AS rid, domain_id AS zid, name, type, content, ttl, prio, change_date FROM records WHERE id = " . $db->quote($rid) ;

	$response = $db->query($query);
	if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }
	$return = $response->fetchRow();
	return $return;

 * Delete a record by a given id.
 * return values: true, this function is always succesful.
function delete_record($rid)
	global $db;

	if (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_others)) { $perm_content_edit = "all" ; } 
	elseif (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_own)) { $perm_content_edit = "own" ; } 
	else { $perm_content_edit = "none" ; }

	// Determine ID of zone first.
	$record = get_record_details_from_record_id($rid);
	$user_is_zone_owner = verify_user_is_owner_zoneid($record['zid']);

	if ( $perm_content_edit == "all" || ($perm_content_edit == "own" && $user_is_zone_owner == "0" )) {
		if ($record['type'] == "SOA") {
			error(_('You are trying to delete the SOA record. If are not allowed to remove it, unless you remove the entire zone.'));
		} else {
			$query = "DELETE FROM records WHERE id = " . $db->quote($rid);
			$response = $db->query($query);
			if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }
			return true;
	} else {
		return false;

 * Add a domain to the database.
 * A domain is name obligatory, so is an owner.
 * return values: true when succesful.
 * Empty means templates dont have to be applied.
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This functions eats a template and by that it inserts various records.
 * first we start checking if something in an arpa record
 * remember to request nextID's from the database to be able to insert record.
 * if anything is invalid the function will error
function add_domain($domain, $owner, $webip, $mailip, $empty, $type, $slave_master)
	if(verify_permission(zone_master_add)) { $zone_master_add = "1" ; } ;
	if(verify_permission(zone_slave_add)) { $zone_slave_add = "1" ; } ;

	// TODO: make sure only one is possible if only one is enabled
	if($zone_master_add == "1" || $zone_slave_add == "1") {

		global $db;
		if (($domain && $owner && $webip && $mailip) || 
				($empty && $owner && $domain) || 
				(eregi('', $domain) && $owner) || 
				$type=="SLAVE" && $domain && $owner && $slave_master) {

			$response = $db->query("INSERT INTO domains (name, type) VALUES (".$db->quote($domain).", ".$db->quote($type).")");
			if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }

			$domain_id = $db->lastInsertId('domains', 'id');
			if (PEAR::isError($domain_id)) { error($id->getMessage()); return false; }

			$response = $db->query("INSERT INTO zones (domain_id, owner) VALUES (".$db->quote($domain_id).", ".$db->quote($owner).")");
			if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }

			if ($type == "SLAVE") {
				$response = $db->query("UPDATE domains SET master = ".$db->quote($slave_master)." WHERE id = ".$db->quote($domain_id));
				if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }
				return true;
			} else {
				$now = time();
				if ($empty && $domain_id) {
					$ns1 = $GLOBALS['NS1'];
					$hm  = $GLOBALS['HOSTMASTER'];
					$ttl = $GLOBALS['DEFAULT_TTL'];

					$query = "INSERT INTO records (domain_id, name, content, type, ttl, prio, change_date) VALUES (" 
							. $db->quote($domain_id) . "," 
							. $db->quote($domain) . "," 
							. $db->quote('SOA').","
							. $db->quote($ns1.' '.$hm.' 1') . ","
							. $db->quote($ttl) 
							. ", 0, "
							. $db->quote($now).")";
					$response = $db->query($query);
					if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }
				} elseif ($domain_id) {
					global $template;

					foreach ($template as $r) {
						if ((eregi('', $domain) && ($r["type"] == "NS" || $r["type"] == "SOA")) || (!eregi('', $domain)))
							$name     = parse_template_value($r["name"], $domain, $webip, $mailip);
							$type     = $r["type"];
							$content  = parse_template_value($r["content"], $domain, $webip, $mailip);
							$ttl      = $r["ttl"];
							$prio     = intval($r["prio"]);

							if (!$ttl) {
								$ttl = $GLOBALS["DEFAULT_TTL"];

							$query = "INSERT INTO records (domain_id, name, type, content, ttl, prio, change_date) VALUES (" 
									. $db->quote($domain_id) . ","
									. $db->quote($name) . ","
									. $db->quote($type) . ","
									. $db->quote($content) . ","
									. $db->quote($ttl) . ","
									. $db->quote($prio) . ","
									. $db->quote($now) . ")";
							$response = $db->query($query);
							if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }
					return true;
				 } else {
					error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "add_domain", "could not create zone"));
		} else {
			error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARG, "add_domain"));
	} else {
		return false;

 * Deletes a domain by a given id.
 * Function always succeeds. If the field is not found in the database, thats what we want anyway.
function delete_domain($id)
	global $db;

	if (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_others)) { $perm_edit = "all" ; }
	elseif (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_own)) { $perm_edit = "own" ; }
	else { $perm_edit = "none" ; }
	$user_is_zone_owner = verify_user_is_owner_zoneid($id);

        if ( $perm_edit == "all" || ( $perm_edit == "own" && $user_is_zone_owner == "1") ) {    
		if (is_numeric($id)) {
			$db->query("DELETE FROM zones WHERE domain_id=".$db->quote($id));
			$db->query("DELETE FROM domains WHERE id=".$db->quote($id));
			$db->query("DELETE FROM records WHERE domain_id=".$db->quote($id));
			return true;
		} else {
			error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "delete_domain", "id must be a number"));
			return false;
	} else {

 * Gets the id of the domain by a given record id.
 * return values: the domain id that was requested.
function recid_to_domid($id)
	global $db;
	if (is_numeric($id))
		$result = $db->query("SELECT domain_id FROM records WHERE id=".$db->quote($id));
		$r = $result->fetchRow();
		return $r["domain_id"];
		error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "recid_to_domid", "id must be a number"));

 * Change owner of a domain.
 * return values: true when succesful.
function add_owner_to_zone($zone_id, $user_id)
	global $db;
	if ( (verify_permission(zone_meta_edit_others)) || (verify_permission(zone_meta_edit_own)) && verify_user_is_owner_zoneid($_GET["id"])) {
		// User is allowed to make change to meta data of this zone.
		if (is_numeric($zone_id) && is_numeric($user_id) && is_valid_user($user_id))
			if($db->queryOne("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM zones WHERE owner=".$db->quote($user_id)." AND domain_id=".$db->quote($zone_id)) == 0)
				$db->query("INSERT INTO zones (domain_id, owner) VALUES(".$db->quote($zone_id).", ".$db->quote($user_id).")");
			return true;
		} else {
			error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "add_owner_to_zone", "$zone_id / $user_id"));
	} else {
		return false;

function delete_owner_from_zone($zone_id, $user_id)
	global $db;
	if ( (verify_permission(zone_meta_edit_others)) || (verify_permission(zone_meta_edit_own)) && verify_user_is_owner_zoneid($_GET["id"])) {
		// User is allowed to make change to meta data of this zone.
		if (is_numeric($zone_id) && is_numeric($user_id) && is_valid_user($user_id))
			// TODO: Next if() required, why not just execute DELETE query?
			if($db->queryOne("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM zones WHERE owner=".$db->quote($user_id)." AND domain_id=".$db->quote($zone_id)) != 0)
				$db->query("DELETE FROM zones WHERE owner=".$db->quote($user_id)." AND domain_id=".$db->quote($zone_id));
			return true;
		} else {
			error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "delete_owner_from_zone", "$zone_id / $user_id"));
	} else {
		return false;

 * Retrieves all supported dns record types
 * This function might be deprecated.
 * return values: array of types in string form.
function get_record_types()
	global $rtypes;
	return $rtypes;

 * Retrieve all records by a given type and domain id.
 * Example: get all records that are of type A from domain id 1
 * return values: a DB class result object
function get_records_by_type_from_domid($type, $recid)
	global $rtypes;
	global $db;

	// Does this type exist?
	if(!in_array(strtoupper($type), $rtypes))
		error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "get_records_from_type", "this is not a supported record"));

	// Get the domain id.
	$domid = recid_to_domid($recid);

	$result = $db->query("select id, type from records where domain_id=".$db->quote($recid)." and type=".$db->quote($type));
	return $result;

 * Retrieves the type of a record from a given id.
 * return values: the type of the record (one of the records types in $rtypes assumable).
function get_recordtype_from_id($id)
	global $db;
	if (is_numeric($id))
		$result = $db->query("SELECT type FROM records WHERE id=".$db->quote($id));
		$r = $result->fetchRow();
		return $r["type"];
		error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARG, "get_recordtype_from_id"));

 * Retrieves the name (e.g. of a record by a given id.
 * return values: the name associated with the id.
function get_name_from_record_id($id)
	global $db;
	if (is_numeric($id)) {
		$result = $db->query("SELECT name FROM records WHERE id=".$db->quote($id));
		$r = $result->fetchRow();
		return $r["name"];
	} else {
		error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARG, "get_name_from_record_id"));

 * Get domain name from a given id
 * return values: the name of the domain associated with the id.
function get_domain_name_from_id($id)
	global $db;

	if (is_numeric($id))
		$result = $db->query("SELECT name FROM domains WHERE id=".$db->quote($id));
		$rows = $result->numRows() ;
		if ($rows == 1) {
 			$r = $result->fetchRow();
 			return $r["name"];
		} elseif ($rows == "0") {
			error(sprintf("Zone does not exist."));
			return false;
		} else {
	 		error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "get_domain_name_from_id", "more than one domain found?! whaaa! BAD! BAD! Contact admin!"));
			return false;
		error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "get_domain_name_from_id", "Not a valid domainid: $id"));

function get_zone_info_from_id($zone_id) {

	if (verify_permission(zone_content_view_others)) { $perm_view = "all" ; } 
	elseif (verify_permission(zone_content_view_own)) { $perm_view = "own" ; }
	else { $perm_view = "none" ;}

	if ($perm_view == "none") { 
	} else {
		global $db;

		$query = "SELECT 	domains.type AS type, AS name, 
					domains.master AS master_ip,
					count(records.domain_id) AS record_count
					FROM domains, records 
					WHERE = " . $db->quote($zone_id) . "
					AND = records.domain_id 
					GROUP BY";
		$result = $db->query($query);
		if (PEAR::isError($result)) { error($result->getMessage()); return false; }

		if($result->numRows() != 1) {
			error(_('Function returned an error (multiple zones matching this zone ID).'));
			return false;
		} else {
			$r = $result->fetchRow();
			$return = array(
				"name"		=>	$r['name'],
				"type"		=>	$r['type'],
				"master_ip"	=>	$r['master_ip'],
				"record_count"	=>	$r['record_count']
		return $return;

 * Check if a domain is already existing.
 * return values: true if existing, false if it doesnt exist.
function domain_exists($domain)
	global $db;

	if (is_valid_domain($domain)) {
		$result = $db->query("SELECT id FROM domains WHERE name=".$db->quote($domain));
		if ($result->numRows() == 0) {
			return false;
		} elseif ($result->numRows() >= 1) {
			return true;
	} else {

function get_supermasters()
        global $db;
	$result = $db->query("SELECT ip, nameserver, account FROM supermasters");
	if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }

        $ret = array();

        if($result->numRows() == 0) {
                return -1;
        } else {
                while ($r = $result->fetchRow()) {
                        $ret[] = array(
                        "master_ip"     => $r["ip"],
                        "ns_name"       => $r["nameserver"],
                        "account"       => $r["account"],
		return $ret;

function supermaster_exists($master_ip)
        global $db;
        if (is_valid_ip($master_ip) || is_valid_ip6($master_ip))
                $result = $db->query("SELECT ip FROM supermasters WHERE ip = ".$db->quote($master_ip));
                if ($result->numRows() == 0)
                        return false;
                elseif ($result->numRows() >= 1)
                        return true;
                error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "supermaster_exists", "No or no valid IPv4 or IPv6 address given."));

function get_zones($perm,$userid=0,$letterstart=all,$rowstart=0,$rowamount=999999) 
	global $db;
	global $sql_regexp;
	if ($perm != "own" && $perm != "all") {
		return false;
		if ($perm == "own") {
			$sql_add = " AND zones.domain_id =
				AND zones.owner = ".$db->quote($userid);
		if ($letterstart!=all && $letterstart!=1) {
			$sql_add .=" AND LIKE ".$db->quote($letterstart."%")." ";
		} elseif ($letterstart==1) {
			$sql_add .=" AND substring(,1,1) ".$sql_regexp." '^[[:digit:]]'";
	$sqlq = "SELECT,,
			COUNT(DISTINCT AS count_records
			FROM domains
			LEFT JOIN zones ON 
			LEFT JOIN records ON
			WHERE 1=1".$sql_add." 
			GROUP BY,, domains.type
	$db->setLimit($rowamount, $rowstart);
	$result = $db->query($sqlq);

	while($r = $result->fetchRow())
		$ret[$r["name"]] = array(
		"id"		=>	$r["id"],
		"name"		=>	$r["name"],
		"type"		=>	$r["type"],
		"count_records"	=>	$r["count_records"]
	return $ret;

// TODO: letterstart limitation and userid permission limitiation should be applied at the same time?
function zone_count_ng($perm, $letterstart=all) {
	global $db;
	global $sql_regexp;

	$fromTable = 'domains';

	if ($perm != "own" && $perm != "all") {
		$zone_count = "0";
		if ($perm == "own") {
			$sql_add = " AND zones.domain_id =
					AND zones.owner = ".$db->quote($_SESSION['userid']);
			$fromTable .= ',zones';
		if ($letterstart!=all && $letterstart!=1) {
			$sql_add .=" AND LIKE ".$db->quote($letterstart."%")." ";
		} elseif ($letterstart==1) {
			$sql_add .=" AND substring(,1,1) ".$sql_regexp." '^[[:digit:]]'";

		$sqlq = "SELECT COUNT(distinct AS count_zones 
			FROM ".$fromTable."	WHERE 1=1

		$zone_count = $db->queryOne($sqlq);
	return $zone_count;

function zone_count_for_uid($uid) {
	global $db;
	$query = "SELECT COUNT(domain_id) 
			FROM zones 
			WHERE owner = " . $db->quote($uid) . " 
			ORDER BY domain_id";
	$zone_count = $db->queryOne($query);
	return $zone_count;

 * Get a record from an id.
 * Retrieve all fields of the record and send it back to the function caller.
 * return values: the array with information, or -1 is nothing is found.
function get_record_from_id($id)
	global $db;
	if (is_numeric($id))
		$result = $db->query("SELECT id, domain_id, name, type, content, ttl, prio, change_date FROM records WHERE id=".$db->quote($id));
		if($result->numRows() == 0)
			return -1;
		elseif ($result->numRows() == 1)
			$r = $result->fetchRow();
			$ret = array(
				"id"            =>      $r["id"],
				"domain_id"     =>      $r["domain_id"],
				"name"          =>      $r["name"],
				"type"          =>      $r["type"],
				"content"       =>      $r["content"],
				"ttl"           =>      $r["ttl"],
				"prio"          =>      $r["prio"],
				"change_date"   =>      $r["change_date"]
			return $ret;
			error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "get_record_from_id", "More than one row returned! This is bad!"));
		error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARG, "get_record_from_id"));

 * Get all records from a domain id.
 * Retrieve all fields of the records and send it back to the function caller.
 * return values: the array with information, or -1 is nothing is found.
function get_records_from_domain_id($id,$rowstart=0,$rowamount=999999) {
	global $db;
	if (is_numeric($id)) {
		if ($_SESSION[$id."_ispartial"] == 1) {
			$db->setLimit($rowamount, $rowstart);
			$result = $db->query("SELECT record_owners.record_id as id
					FROM record_owners,domains,records
					WHERE record_owners.user_id = " . $db->quote($_SESSION["userid"]) . "
					AND record_owners.record_id =
					AND records.domain_id = " . $db->quote($id) . "
					GROUP BY record_owners.record_id");

			$ret = array();
			if($result->numRows() == 0) {
				return -1;
			} else {
				$ret[] = array();
				$retcount = 0;
				while($r = $result->fetchRow())
					// Call get_record_from_id for each row.
					$ret[$retcount] = get_record_from_id($r["id"]);
				return $ret;

		} else {
			$db->setLimit($rowamount, $rowstart);
			$result = $db->query("SELECT id FROM records WHERE domain_id=".$db->quote($id));
			$ret = array();
			if($result->numRows() == 0)
				return -1;
				$ret[] = array();
				$retcount = 0;
				while($r = $result->fetchRow())
					// Call get_record_from_id for each row.
					$ret[$retcount] = get_record_from_id($r["id"]);
				return $ret;

		error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARG, "get_records_from_domain_id"));

function get_users_from_domain_id($id) {
	global $db;
	$sqlq = "SELECT owner FROM zones WHERE domain_id =" .$db->quote($id);
	$id_owners = $db->query($sqlq);
	if ($id_owners->numRows() == 0) {
		return -1;
	} else {
		while ($r = $id_owners->fetchRow()) {
			$fullname = $db->queryOne("SELECT fullname FROM users WHERE id=".$r['owner']);
			$owners[] = array(
				"id" 		=> 	$r['owner'],
				"fullname"	=>	$fullname		
	return $owners;	

function search_zone_and_record($holy_grail,$perm) {
	global $db;

	$holy_grail = trim($holy_grail);

	if (verify_permission(zone_content_view_others)) { $perm_view = "all" ; }
	elseif (verify_permission(zone_content_view_own)) { $perm_view = "own" ; }
	else { $perm_view = "none" ; }

	if (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_others)) { $perm_content_edit = "all" ; }
	elseif (verify_permission(zone_content_edit_own)) { $perm_content_edit = "own" ; }
	else { $perm_content_edit = "none" ; }

	// Search for matching domains

	if ($perm == "own") {
		$sql_add_from = ", zones ";
		$sql_add_where = " AND zones.domain_id = AND zones.owner = " . $db->quote($userid);
	$query = "SELECT AS zid, AS name,
			domains.type AS type,
			domains.master AS master
			FROM domains" . $sql_add_from . "
			WHERE LIKE " . $db->quote($holy_grail)
			. $sql_add_where ;
	$response = $db->query($query);
	if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }

	while ($r = $response->fetchRow()) {
		$return_zones[] = array(
			"zid"		=>	$r['zid'],
			"name"		=>	$r['name'],
			"type"		=>	$r['type'],
			"master"	=>	$r['master']);

	// Search for matching records

	if ($perm == "own") {
		$sql_add_from = ", zones ";
		$sql_add_where = " AND zones.domain_id = AND zones.owner = " . $db->quote($userid);

	$query = "SELECT AS rid, AS name,
			records.type AS type,
			records.content AS content,
			records.ttl AS ttl,
			records.prio AS prio,
			records.domain_id AS zid
			FROM records" . $sql_add_from . "
			WHERE ( LIKE " . $db->quote($holy_grail) . " OR records.content LIKE " . $db->quote($holy_grail) . ")"
			. $sql_add_where ;

	$response = $db->query($query);
	if (PEAR::isError($response)) { error($response->getMessage()); return false; }

	while ($r = $response->fetchRow()) {
		$return_records[] = array(
			"rid"		=>	$r['rid'],
			"name"		=>	$r['name'],
			"type"		=>	$r['type'],
			"content"	=>	$r['content'],
			"ttl"		=>	$r['ttl'],
			"zid"		=>	$r['zid'],
			"prio"		=>	$r['prio']);
	return array('zones' => $return_zones, 'records' => $return_records);

function get_domain_type($id) {
	global $db;
        if (is_numeric($id)) {
		$type = $db->queryOne("SELECT type FROM domains WHERE id = ".$db->quote($id));
		if ($type == "") {
			$type = "NATIVE";
		return $type;
        } else {
                error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARG, "get_record_from_id", "no or no valid zoneid given"));

function get_domain_slave_master($id){
	global $db;
        if (is_numeric($id)) {
		$slave_master = $db->queryOne("SELECT master FROM domains WHERE type = 'SLAVE' and id = ".$db->quote($id));
		return $slave_master;
        } else {
                error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARG, "get_domain_slave_master", "no or no valid zoneid given"));

function change_zone_type($type, $id)
	global $db;
	$add = '';
        if (is_numeric($id))
		// It is not really neccesary to clear the field that contains the IP address 
		// of the master if the type changes from slave to something else. PowerDNS will
		// ignore the field if the type isn't something else then slave. But then again,
		// it's much clearer this way.
		if ($type != "SLAVE") {
			$add = ", master=''";
		$result = $db->query("UPDATE domains SET type = " . $db->quote($type) . $add . " WHERE id = ".$db->quote($id));
	} else {
                error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARG, "change_domain_type", "no or no valid zoneid given"));

function change_zone_slave_master($zone_id, $ip_slave_master) {
	global $db;
        if (is_numeric($zone_id)) {
       		if (is_valid_ip($ip_slave_master) || is_valid_ip6($ip_slave_master)) {
			$result = $db->query("UPDATE domains SET master = " .$db->quote($ip_slave_master). " WHERE id = ".$db->quote($zone_id));
		} else {
			error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC, "change_domain_ip_slave_master", "This is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address: $ip_slave_master"));
	} else {
                error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARG, "change_domain_type", "no or no valid zoneid given"));

function validate_account($account) {
  	if(preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9._-]+$/i",$account)) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;
