[feladat @ 102]
Fixed the queries so both MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported.
The 'REGEXP' queries are currently fixed with a workaround.
<?php/* PowerAdmin, a friendly web-based admin tool for PowerDNS. * See <https://rejo.zenger.nl/poweradmin> for more details. * * Copyright 2007, 2008 Rejo Zenger <rejo@zenger.nl> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */require_once("inc/toolkit.inc.php");include_once("inc/header.inc.php");$num_all_domains=zone_count(0);$doms=zone_count(0,LETTERSTART);?> <h2><?echo_('List all zones');?></h2><?echo"<div class=\"showmax\">";show_pages($doms,ROWAMOUNT);echo"</div>";if($num_all_domains>ROWAMOUNT){echo"<div class=\"showmax\">";show_letters(LETTERSTART);echo"</div>";}?> <table> <tr> <th> </th> <th><?echo_('Name');?></th> <th><?echo_('Type');?></th> <th><?echo_('Records');?></th> <th><?echo_('Owner');?></th> </tr> <tr><?if($num_all_domains<ROWAMOUNT){$doms=get_domains(0,"all",ROWSTART,ROWAMOUNT);}else{$doms=get_domains(0,LETTERSTART,ROWSTART,ROWAMOUNT);$num_show_domains=($doms==-1)?0:count($doms);}// If the user doesnt have any domains print a message saying soif($doms<0){?> <tr> <td> </td> <td colspan="4"><?echo_('There are no zones.');?></td> </tr><?}// If he has domains, dump them (duh)else{foreach($domsas$c){?> <tr> <td> <a href="edit.php?id=<?echo$c["id"]?>"><img src="images/edit.gif" title="<?echo_('Edit zone')." ".$c['name'];?>" alt="[ <?echo_('Edit zone')." ".$c['name'];?> ]"></a><?if(level(5)){?> <a href="delete_domain.php?id=<?echo$c["id"]?>"><img src="images/delete.gif" title="<?print_('Delete zone')." ".$c['name'];?>" alt="[<?echo_('Delete zone')." ".$c['name'];?>]"></a><?}?> </td> <td class="y"><?echo$c["name"]?></td> <td class="y"><?echostrtolower(get_domain_type($c["id"]))?></td> <td class="y"><?echo$c["numrec"]?></td><?$zone_owners=get_owners_from_domainid($c["id"]);if($zone_owners==""){echo"<td class=\"n\"></td>";}else{print"<td class=\"y\">".$zone_owners."</td>";}print"<tr>\n";}}?> </table><?if($num_all_domains<ROWAMOUNT){?> <p><?printf(_('This lists shows all %s zones(s) you have access to.'),$num_all_domains);?></p><?}else{?> <p><?printf(_('This lists shows %s out of %s zones you have access to.'),$num_show_domains,$num_all_domains);?></p><?}?><?// RZ TODO Check next, does it work? // <small> echo _('You only administer some records of domains marked with an (*).'); </small>?><?include_once("inc/footer.inc.php");?>