1. What is the Sequence Updater-------------------------------The Sequence updater is written to synchronize your PowerAdmin/DNS database after you have manually inserted records into it. 2. Why do I need that?-------------------------------Because PowerAdmin uses the php-PEAR::DB library it is using sequence numbers. A sequence number simply tells the application what will be the next ID for insertion. Some of the mysql users are now shouting auto_increment.Yes auto_increment, but we cant use this here because we plan to use PostGreSQL or Other db's that dont have auto_increment so we are stuck tousing sequence numbers.3. What does this mean?-------------------------------This means that if you dont run this tool after you have been manually addingrecords, your database might be corrupted and PowerAdmin might be kickingyou back with a lot of errors.4. Ok, I got it, now what?-------------------------------Put this file in your PowerAdmin directory. Login into PowerAdmin using the normalsystem. Now go to the url where you put it and done, the sequence numbers areupdated.5. Future versions-------------------------------In all versions higher than 1.1.2 this function will be automatically there foradministrators.6. Contact6. Further Info && Bugs------------------------------To contact us we refer you to http://www.poweradmin.org/ for the latestcontact information.7. Links and more information------------------------------http://www.poweradmin.org l Our main sitehttp://www.powerdns.com PowerDNShttp://www.ietf.org Information about DNShttp://poweradmin.sf.net PowerAdmin @ SourceForgehttp://www.apache.org/ The Apache Webserverhttp://www.php.net/ PHP programming languagehttp://www.mysql.com/ MySQL database server--------------------------------------------------------------------------Regards,The PowerAdmin Team