author rejo
Tue, 10 Jul 2007 21:24:06 +0000
changeset 37 b785e54690ce
parent 8 47dd15d8bb8c
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
[feladat @ 84] Bugfix. The function zone_count() now also counts zones an owner has only partial access to, not just those zones the owner has full access to. This fixes just the count, the zones a user has partial access to are not (yet!) shown in the "list zones" page. Bugfix. In the zone listing the "edit" button is now show for users with access level 1. Untill now they were presented an overview of the zones they could change, but there was no link for them to actually edit the zone. Bugfix. Some of the buttons in the "edit zone" interface that are of no use to a user with access level 1 have been hidden. Bugfix. Make sure a user with access level 1 with only partial access to a zone cannot add new records to that zone. Only the zone owner should be able to add new record. Bugfix. If a user with access level 1 edits a record in a zone he has only partial access to, an error was shown because of call to a non- existing function in the PEAR:MDB2. This bug was most likely introduced while migrating from PEAR:DB to PEAR:MDB2. Bugfix. A user with access level 1 was able to delete all records of a zone he has only partial access to. Some additional checks have been added. Bugfix. If a user with accees level 1 has partial access to one or more zones starting with a certain character, but did not own at least one entire zone starting with the same character, the character wasn't clickable in the "list zone" page. Interface. If no record or zone id is given for delete_record.php or delete_domain.php, don't just die but echo a nice message. The i18n files have not yet been updated to reflect this change. Interface. If no master IP is given in delete_supermaster.php, don't just die but echo a nice message. The i18n files have not yet been updated to reflect this change. [All fixes by Peter Beernink.]

RedHat 8.0 BUG and howto 'fix'

Ok it seems to be that there is some bug in PowerAdmin (for now we assume so).
It is currently reported all on RedHat 8.0 machines.

The bug seems to be appear when Apache 2.0 is being used with the default
installed PHP RPM on the platform. New shapshots might remove this bug. We havent
tested this yet. If you have any more insights on this bug please email us

We kindly refer you to
We havent tested this out fully yet! Not even the fix since we arent native
RedHat users.

Quick dirty fix. We just avoid the bug by not using php :)


Ok what to do:

- Login to mysql using the poweradmin account information.
- Issue the following queries:


id int(11) NOT NULL,
username varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
password varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
fullname varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
email varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
description text NOT NULL,
level tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
active tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',


id int(11) NOT NULL,
name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
owner int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
comment text NOT NULL,


- $login == your prefered login
- $full	== your fullname
- $pass == your prefered password
- $email == your prefered email
- $desc == your prefered description

INSERT INTO users VALUES (1,'$login',md5('$pass'),'$full','$email','$description',10,1)

INSERT INTO users VALUES (1,'trance',md5('test'),'me','','its me!',10,1);

- Ok, now we have a problem. PowerAdmin uses PEAR. And to remain independent PEAR has
its own incrementation functions. For this there is a seperate table. We didnt use pear yet, therefore
the current setup is inconsistent with what pear is thinking (you are one id behind).
We now have to setup a users_seq table for this.

CREATE TABLE users_seq (
  id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

INSERT INTO users_seq VALUES (1);

Done! It should now work. If you encounter any problems feel free to email us, also monitor the website
bugfixes might come available.

Roeland, PowerAdmin Team