[feladat @ 84]
Bugfix. The function zone_count() now also counts zones an owner has
only partial access to, not just those zones the owner has full access
to. This fixes just the count, the zones a user has partial access to
are not (yet!) shown in the "list zones" page.
Bugfix. In the zone listing the "edit" button is now show for users
with access level 1. Untill now they were presented an overview of the
zones they could change, but there was no link for them to actually
edit the zone.
Bugfix. Some of the buttons in the "edit zone" interface that are of
no use to a user with access level 1 have been hidden.
Bugfix. Make sure a user with access level 1 with only partial access
to a zone cannot add new records to that zone. Only the zone owner
should be able to add new record.
Bugfix. If a user with access level 1 edits a record in a zone he has
only partial access to, an error was shown because of call to a non-
existing function in the PEAR:MDB2. This bug was most likely
introduced while migrating from PEAR:DB to PEAR:MDB2.
Bugfix. A user with access level 1 was able to delete all records of a
zone he has only partial access to. Some additional checks have been
Bugfix. If a user with accees level 1 has partial access to one or
more zones starting with a certain character, but did not own at least
one entire zone starting with the same character, the character wasn't
clickable in the "list zone" page.
Interface. If no record or zone id is given for delete_record.php or
delete_domain.php, don't just die but echo a nice message. The i18n
files have not yet been updated to reflect this change.
Interface. If no master IP is given in delete_supermaster.php, don't
just die but echo a nice message. The i18n files have not yet been
updated to reflect this change.
[All fixes by Peter Beernink.]
<?// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+// | PowerAdmin |// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+// | Copyright (c) 1997-2002 The PowerAdmin Team |// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+// | This source file is subject to the license carried by the overal |// | program PowerAdmin as found on http://poweradmin.sf.net |// | The PowerAdmin program falls under the QPL License: |// | http://www.trolltech.com/developer/licensing/qpl.html |// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+// | Authors: Roeland Nieuwenhuis <trancer <AT> trancer <DOT> nl> |// | Sjeemz <sjeemz <AT> sjeemz <DOT> nl> |// +--------------------------------------------------------------------+// Filename: users.inc.php// Startdate: 26-10-2002// Description: all user modifications etc. are done here//// $Id: users.inc.php,v 1.8 2003/01/01 22:33:47 azurazu Exp $//// Added next line to enable i18n on following definitions. Don't know // if this is the best (or at least a proper) location for this. /RZ.require_once("inc/i18n.inc.php");/* * Retrieve all users. * Its to show_users therefore the odd name. Has to be changed. * return values: an array with all users in it. */functionshow_users($id='',$rowstart=0,$rowamount=9999999){global$db;if(is_numeric($id)){//When a user id is given, it is excluded from the userlist returned.$add=" WHERE users.id!=$id";}// Make a huge query.$sqlq="SELECT users.id AS id, users.username AS username, users.fullname AS fullname, users.email AS email, users.description AS description, users.level AS level, users.active AS active, count(zones.owner) AS aantal FROM users LEFT JOIN zones ON users.id=zones.owner$add GROUP BY users.id, users.username, users.fullname, users.email, users.description, users.level, users.active ORDER BY users.fullname LIMIT $rowstart,$rowamount";// Execute the huge query.$result=$db->query($sqlq);$ret=array();$retcount=0;while($r=$result->fetchRow()){$ret[]=array("id"=>$r["id"],"username"=>$r["username"],"fullname"=>$r["fullname"],"email"=>$r["email"],"description"=>$r["description"],"level"=>$r["level"],"active"=>$r["active"],"numdomains"=>$r["aantal"]);}return$ret;}/* * Check if the given $userid is connected to a valid user. * return values: true if user exists, false if users doesnt exist. */functionis_valid_user($id){global$db;if(is_numeric($id)){$result=$db->query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id=$id");if($result->numRows()==1){returntrue;}else{returnfalse;}}}/* * Gives a textdescribed value of the given levelid * return values: the text associated with the level */functionleveldescription($id){switch($id){case1:global$NAME_LEVEL_1;return$NAME_LEVEL_1;break;case5:global$NAME_LEVEL_5;return$NAME_LEVEL_5;break;case10:global$NAME_LEVEL_10;return$NAME_LEVEL_10;break;default:return"Unknown";break;}}/* * Checks if a given username exists in the database. * return values: true if exists, false if not. */functionuser_exists($user){global$db;$result=$db->query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='$user'");if($result->numRows()==0){returnfalse;}elseif($result->numRows()==1){returntrue;}else{error(ERR_UNKNOWN);}}/* * Get all user info for the given user in an array. * return values: the database style array with the information about the user. */functionget_user_info($id){global$db;if(is_numeric($id)){$result=$db->query("SELECT id, username, fullname, email, description, level, active from users where id=$id");$r=$result->fetchRow();return$r;}else{error(sprintf(ERR_INV_ARGC,"get_user_info","you gave illegal arguments: $id"));}}/* * Delete a user from the system * return values: true if user doesnt exist. */functiondelete_user($id){global$db;if(!level(10)){error(ERR_LEVEL_10);}if(is_numeric($id)){$db->query("DELETE FROM users WHERE id=$id");$db->query("DELETE FROM zones WHERE owner=$id");returntrue;// No need to check the affected rows. If the affected rows would be 0,// the user isnt in the dbase, just as we want.}else{error(ERR_INV_ARG);}}/* * Adds a user to the system. * return values: true if succesfully added. */functionadd_user($user,$password,$fullname,$email,$level,$description,$active){global$db;if(!level(10)){error(ERR_LEVEL_10);}if(!user_exists($user)){// Might have to be changed.// TODO probably.$description=mysql_escape_string($description);// Clean up the fullname$fullname=mysql_escape_string($fullname);is_valid_email($email);$db->query("INSERT INTO users (username, password, fullname, email, description, level, active) VALUES ('$user', '".md5($password)."', '$fullname', '$email', '$description', '$level', '$active')");returntrue;}else{error(ERR_USER_EXISTS);}}/* * Edit the information of an user.. sloppy implementation with too many queries.. (2) :) * return values: true if succesful */functionedit_user($id,$user,$fullname,$email,$level,$description,$active,$password){global$db;if(!level(10)){error(ERR_LEVEL_10);}// Might have to be changed.// TODO$description=mysql_escape_string($description);$fullname=mysql_escape_string($fullname);is_valid_email($email);$sqlquery="UPDATE users set username='$user', fullname='$fullname', email='$email', level=$level, description='$description', active=$active ";if($password!=""){$sqlquery.=", password= '".md5($password)."' ";}$sqlquery.="where id=$id";// Search the username that right now goes with this ID.$result=$db->query("SELECT username from users where id=$id");$r=array();$r=$result->fetchRow();// If the found username with this ID is the given username with the command.. execute.if($r["username"]==$user){$db->query($sqlquery);returntrue;}// Its not.. so the user wants to change.// Find if there is an id that has the wished username.$otheruser=$db->query("SELECT id from users where username='$user'");if($otheruser->numRows()>0){error(ERR_USER_EXIST);}// Its fine it seems.. :)// Lets execute it.else{$db->query($sqlquery);returntrue;}}/* * Change the pass of the user. * The user is automatically logged out after the pass change. * return values: none. */functionchange_user_pass($currentpass,$newpass,$newpass2){global$db;// Check if the passwords are equal.if($newpass!=$newpass2){error(ERR_USER_MATCH_NEW_PASS);}// Retrieve the users password.$result=$db->query("SELECT password, id FROM users WHERE username='".$_SESSION["userlogin"]."'");$rinfo=$result->fetchRow();// Check the current password versus the database password and execute the update.if(md5($currentpass)==$rinfo["password"]){$sqlquery="update users set password='".md5($newpass)."' where id='".$rinfo["id"]."'";$db->query($sqlquery);// Logout the user.logout("Pass changed please re-login");}else{error(ERR_USER_WRONG_CURRENT_PASS);}}/* * Get a fullname when you have a userid. * return values: gives the fullname from a userid. */functionget_fullname_from_userid($id){global$db;if(is_numeric($id)){$result=$db->query("SELECT fullname FROM users WHERE id=$id");$r=$result->fetchRow();return$r["fullname"];}else{error(ERR_INV_ARG);}}/* * Get a fullname when you have a userid. * return values: gives the fullname from a userid. */functionget_owner_from_id($id){global$db;if(is_numeric($id)){$result=$db->query("SELECT fullname FROM users WHERE id=$id");if($result->numRows()==1){$r=$result->fetchRow();return$r["fullname"];}else{error(ERR_USER_NOT_EXIST);}}error(ERR_INV_ARG);}/** * get_owners_from_domainid * * @todo also fetch the subowners * @param $id integer the id of the domain * @return String the list of owners for this domain */functionget_owners_from_domainid($id){global$db;if(is_numeric($id)){$result=$db->query("SELECT users.id, users.fullname FROM users, zones WHERE zones.domain_id=$id AND zones.owner=users.id ORDER by fullname");if($result->numRows()==0){return"";}else{$names=array();while($r=$result->fetchRow()){$names[]=$r['fullname'];}returnimplode(', ',$names);}}error(ERR_INV_ARG);}?>