rejo [Tue, 25 Dec 2007 14:37:42 +0000] rev 46
[feladat @ 93]
Change of license, from QPL to GPL. Added a copyright, disclaimer and license pointer to all PHP files. Added the LICENSE file, with a copy of the GPLv3.
rejo [Mon, 24 Dec 2007 22:27:43 +0000] rev 45
[feladat @ 92]
Fix for ticket #3. Patch supplied by Peter Beernink. Added i18n.
rejo [Mon, 24 Dec 2007 21:07:38 +0000] rev 44
[feladat @ 91]
Fixing some language issues. Translations not working due to wrong file names, see r89 as well. Fixing two broken references in menu and list_zones.php.
rejo [Fri, 07 Dec 2007 23:52:08 +0000] rev 43
[feladat @ 90]
Fixing #1 ("password of user is shown in plain text when edited by admin").
rejo [Mon, 10 Sep 2007 20:48:27 +0000] rev 42
[feladat @ 89]
Fix documentation on i18n.
rejo [Fri, 17 Aug 2007 14:54:32 +0000] rev 41
[feladat @ 88]
Bugfix. When viewing the details of a slave zone, an error was shown
if the ip addresses of it's master nameserver was set (instead of
showing the error if there was none set. Reported: Maarten te Paske.
rejo [Mon, 13 Aug 2007 22:05:06 +0000] rev 40
[feladat @ 87]
Bugfix. With user level 5 or 10 and lots of zones without an owner,
like slave zones that are inserted by a supermaster, the "list all
zones" view was broken (not all zones shown, but "show page" and
"show letters" were missing as well). Function zone_count matches
zones and domains table, but users with level 5 or 10 are allowed
to see zones without an entry in the zones table as well.