changeset 562 b1aa7b64890b
child 670 80d0ed025a02
equal deleted inserted replaced
561:efeb09cb3760 562:b1aa7b64890b
     1 #!/usr/bin/env python
     2 #
     3 # run-tests.py - Run a set of tests on Mercurial
     4 #
     5 # Copyright 2006 Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
     6 #
     7 # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
     8 # GNU General Public License version 2, incorporated herein by reference.
    10 # Modifying this script is tricky because it has many modes:
    11 #   - serial (default) vs parallel (-jN, N > 1)
    12 #   - no coverage (default) vs coverage (-c, -C, -s)
    13 #   - temp install (default) vs specific hg script (--with-hg, --local)
    14 #   - tests are a mix of shell scripts and Python scripts
    15 #
    16 # If you change this script, it is recommended that you ensure you
    17 # haven't broken it by running it in various modes with a representative
    18 # sample of test scripts.  For example:
    19 # 
    20 #  1) serial, no coverage, temp install:
    21 #      ./run-tests.py test-s*
    22 #  2) serial, no coverage, local hg:
    23 #      ./run-tests.py --local test-s*
    24 #  3) serial, coverage, temp install:
    25 #      ./run-tests.py -c test-s*
    26 #  4) serial, coverage, local hg:
    27 #      ./run-tests.py -c --local test-s*      # unsupported
    28 #  5) parallel, no coverage, temp install:
    29 #      ./run-tests.py -j2 test-s*
    30 #  6) parallel, no coverage, local hg:
    31 #      ./run-tests.py -j2 --local test-s*
    32 #  7) parallel, coverage, temp install:
    33 #      ./run-tests.py -j2 -c test-s*          # currently broken
    34 #  8) parallel, coverage, local install
    35 #      ./run-tests.py -j2 -c --local test-s*  # unsupported (and broken)
    36 #
    37 # (You could use any subset of the tests: test-s* happens to match
    38 # enough that it's worth doing parallel runs, few enough that it
    39 # completes fairly quickly, includes both shell and Python scripts, and
    40 # includes some scripts that run daemon processes.)
    42 import difflib
    43 import errno
    44 import optparse
    45 import os
    46 import subprocess
    47 import shutil
    48 import signal
    49 import sys
    50 import tempfile
    51 import time
    53 closefds = os.name == 'posix'
    54 def Popen4(cmd, bufsize=-1):
    55     p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize,
    56                          close_fds=closefds,
    57                          stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    58                          stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    59     p.fromchild = p.stdout
    60     p.tochild = p.stdin
    61     p.childerr = p.stderr
    62     return p
    64 # reserved exit code to skip test (used by hghave)
    65 SKIPPED_STATUS = 80
    66 SKIPPED_PREFIX = 'skipped: '
    67 FAILED_PREFIX  = 'hghave check failed: '
    68 PYTHON = sys.executable
    70 requiredtools = ["python", "diff", "grep", "unzip", "gunzip", "bunzip2", "sed"]
    72 defaults = {
    73     'jobs': ('HGTEST_JOBS', 1),
    74     'timeout': ('HGTEST_TIMEOUT', 180),
    75     'port': ('HGTEST_PORT', 20059),
    76 }
    78 def parseargs():
    79     parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [options] [tests]")
    80     parser.add_option("-C", "--annotate", action="store_true",
    81         help="output files annotated with coverage")
    82     parser.add_option("--child", type="int",
    83         help="run as child process, summary to given fd")
    84     parser.add_option("-c", "--cover", action="store_true",
    85         help="print a test coverage report")
    86     parser.add_option("-f", "--first", action="store_true",
    87         help="exit on the first test failure")
    88     parser.add_option("-i", "--interactive", action="store_true",
    89         help="prompt to accept changed output")
    90     parser.add_option("-j", "--jobs", type="int",
    91         help="number of jobs to run in parallel"
    92              " (default: $%s or %d)" % defaults['jobs'])
    93     parser.add_option("--keep-tmpdir", action="store_true",
    94         help="keep temporary directory after running tests"
    95              " (best used with --tmpdir)")
    96     parser.add_option("-R", "--restart", action="store_true",
    97         help="restart at last error")
    98     parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int",
    99         help="port on which servers should listen"
   100              " (default: $%s or %d)" % defaults['port'])
   101     parser.add_option("-r", "--retest", action="store_true",
   102         help="retest failed tests")
   103     parser.add_option("-s", "--cover_stdlib", action="store_true",
   104         help="print a test coverage report inc. standard libraries")
   105     parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", type="int",
   106         help="kill errant tests after TIMEOUT seconds"
   107              " (default: $%s or %d)" % defaults['timeout'])
   108     parser.add_option("--tmpdir", type="string",
   109         help="run tests in the given temporary directory")
   110     parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
   111         help="output verbose messages")
   112     parser.add_option("-n", "--nodiff", action="store_true",
   113         help="skip showing test changes")
   114     parser.add_option("--with-hg", type="string",
   115         metavar="HG",
   116         help="test using specified hg script rather than a "
   117              "temporary installation")
   118     parser.add_option("--local", action="store_true",
   119         help="shortcut for --with-hg=<testdir>/../hg")
   120     parser.add_option("--pure", action="store_true",
   121         help="use pure Python code instead of C extensions")
   123     for option, default in defaults.items():
   124         defaults[option] = int(os.environ.get(*default))
   125     parser.set_defaults(**defaults)
   126     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
   128     if options.with_hg:
   129         if not (os.path.isfile(options.with_hg) and
   130                 os.access(options.with_hg, os.X_OK)):
   131             parser.error('--with-hg must specify an executable hg script')
   132         if not os.path.basename(options.with_hg) == 'hg':
   133             sys.stderr.write('warning: --with-hg should specify an hg script')
   134     if options.local:
   135         testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
   136         hgbin = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(testdir), 'hg')
   137         if not os.access(hgbin, os.X_OK):
   138             parser.error('--local specified, but %r not found or not executable'
   139                          % hgbin)
   140         options.with_hg = hgbin
   142     options.anycoverage = (options.cover or
   143                            options.cover_stdlib or
   144                            options.annotate)
   146     if options.anycoverage and options.with_hg:
   147         # I'm not sure if this is a fundamental limitation or just a
   148         # bug.  But I don't want to waste people's time and energy doing
   149         # test runs that don't give the results they want.
   150         parser.error("sorry, coverage options do not work when --with-hg "
   151                      "or --local specified")
   153     global vlog
   154     if options.verbose:
   155         if options.jobs > 1 or options.child is not None:
   156             pid = "[%d]" % os.getpid()
   157         else:
   158             pid = None
   159         def vlog(*msg):
   160             if pid:
   161                 print pid,
   162             for m in msg:
   163                 print m,
   164             print
   165     else:
   166         vlog = lambda *msg: None
   168     if options.jobs < 1:
   169         print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: -j/--jobs must be positive'
   170         sys.exit(1)
   171     if options.interactive and options.jobs > 1:
   172         print '(--interactive overrides --jobs)'
   173         options.jobs = 1
   175     return (options, args)
   177 def rename(src, dst):
   178     """Like os.rename(), trade atomicity and opened files friendliness
   179     for existing destination support.
   180     """
   181     shutil.copy(src, dst)
   182     os.remove(src)
   184 def splitnewlines(text):
   185     '''like str.splitlines, but only split on newlines.
   186     keep line endings.'''
   187     i = 0
   188     lines = []
   189     while True:
   190         n = text.find('\n', i)
   191         if n == -1:
   192             last = text[i:]
   193             if last:
   194                 lines.append(last)
   195             return lines
   196         lines.append(text[i:n+1])
   197         i = n + 1
   199 def parsehghaveoutput(lines):
   200     '''Parse hghave log lines.
   201     Return tuple of lists (missing, failed):
   202       * the missing/unknown features
   203       * the features for which existence check failed'''
   204     missing = []
   205     failed = []
   206     for line in lines:
   207         if line.startswith(SKIPPED_PREFIX):
   208             line = line.splitlines()[0]
   209             missing.append(line[len(SKIPPED_PREFIX):])
   210         elif line.startswith(FAILED_PREFIX):
   211             line = line.splitlines()[0]
   212             failed.append(line[len(FAILED_PREFIX):])
   214     return missing, failed
   216 def showdiff(expected, output):
   217     for line in difflib.unified_diff(expected, output,
   218             "Expected output", "Test output"):
   219         sys.stdout.write(line)
   221 def findprogram(program):
   222     """Search PATH for a executable program"""
   223     for p in os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath).split(os.pathsep):
   224         name = os.path.join(p, program)
   225         if os.access(name, os.X_OK):
   226             return name
   227     return None
   229 def checktools():
   230     # Before we go any further, check for pre-requisite tools
   231     # stuff from coreutils (cat, rm, etc) are not tested
   232     for p in requiredtools:
   233         if os.name == 'nt':
   234             p += '.exe'
   235         found = findprogram(p)
   236         if found:
   237             vlog("# Found prerequisite", p, "at", found)
   238         else:
   239             print "WARNING: Did not find prerequisite tool: "+p
   241 def cleanup(options):
   242     if not options.keep_tmpdir:
   243         vlog("# Cleaning up HGTMP", HGTMP)
   244         shutil.rmtree(HGTMP, True)
   246 def usecorrectpython():
   247     # some tests run python interpreter. they must use same
   248     # interpreter we use or bad things will happen.
   249     exedir, exename = os.path.split(sys.executable)
   250     if exename == 'python':
   251         path = findprogram('python')
   252         if os.path.dirname(path) == exedir:
   253             return
   254     vlog('# Making python executable in test path use correct Python')
   255     mypython = os.path.join(BINDIR, 'python')
   256     try:
   257         os.symlink(sys.executable, mypython)
   258     except AttributeError:
   259         # windows fallback
   260         shutil.copyfile(sys.executable, mypython)
   261         shutil.copymode(sys.executable, mypython)
   263 def installhg(options):
   264     vlog("# Performing temporary installation of HG")
   265     installerrs = os.path.join("tests", "install.err")
   266     pure = options.pure and "--pure" or ""
   268     # Run installer in hg root
   269     os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..'))
   270     cmd = ('%s setup.py %s clean --all'
   271            ' install --force --prefix="%s" --install-lib="%s"'
   272            ' --install-scripts="%s" >%s 2>&1'
   273            % (sys.executable, pure, INST, PYTHONDIR, BINDIR, installerrs))
   274     vlog("# Running", cmd)
   275     if os.system(cmd) == 0:
   276         if not options.verbose:
   277             os.remove(installerrs)
   278     else:
   279         f = open(installerrs)
   280         for line in f:
   281             print line,
   282         f.close()
   283         sys.exit(1)
   284     os.chdir(TESTDIR)
   286     usecorrectpython()
   288     vlog("# Installing dummy diffstat")
   289     f = open(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'diffstat'), 'w')
   290     f.write('#!' + sys.executable + '\n'
   291             'import sys\n'
   292             'files = 0\n'
   293             'for line in sys.stdin:\n'
   294             '    if line.startswith("diff "):\n'
   295             '        files += 1\n'
   296             'sys.stdout.write("files patched: %d\\n" % files)\n')
   297     f.close()
   298     os.chmod(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'diffstat'), 0700)
   300     if options.anycoverage:
   301         vlog("# Installing coverage wrapper")
   302         os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'] = COVERAGE_FILE
   303         if os.path.exists(COVERAGE_FILE):
   304             os.unlink(COVERAGE_FILE)
   305         # Create a wrapper script to invoke hg via coverage.py
   306         os.rename(os.path.join(BINDIR, "hg"), os.path.join(BINDIR, "_hg.py"))
   307         f = open(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'hg'), 'w')
   308         f.write('#!' + sys.executable + '\n')
   309         f.write('import sys, os; os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable, '
   310                 '"%s", "-x", "-p", "%s"] + sys.argv[1:])\n' %
   311                 (os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'coverage.py'),
   312                  os.path.join(BINDIR, '_hg.py')))
   313         f.close()
   314         os.chmod(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'hg'), 0700)
   316 def outputcoverage(options):
   318     vlog('# Producing coverage report')
   319     os.chdir(PYTHONDIR)
   321     def covrun(*args):
   322         start = sys.executable, os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'coverage.py')
   323         cmd = '"%s" "%s" %s' % (start[0], start[1], ' '.join(args))
   324         vlog('# Running: %s' % cmd)
   325         os.system(cmd)
   327     omit = [BINDIR, TESTDIR, PYTHONDIR]
   328     if not options.cover_stdlib:
   329         # Exclude as system paths (ignoring empty strings seen on win)
   330         omit += [x for x in sys.path if x != '']
   331     omit = ','.join(omit)
   333     covrun('-c') # combine from parallel processes
   334     for fn in os.listdir(TESTDIR):
   335         if fn.startswith('.coverage.'):
   336             os.unlink(os.path.join(TESTDIR, fn))
   338     covrun('-i', '-r', '"--omit=%s"' % omit) # report
   339     if options.annotate:
   340         adir = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'annotated')
   341         if not os.path.isdir(adir):
   342             os.mkdir(adir)
   343         covrun('-i', '-a', '"--directory=%s"' % adir, '"--omit=%s"' % omit)
   345 class Timeout(Exception):
   346     pass
   348 def alarmed(signum, frame):
   349     raise Timeout
   351 def run(cmd, options):
   352     """Run command in a sub-process, capturing the output (stdout and stderr).
   353     Return the exist code, and output."""
   354     # TODO: Use subprocess.Popen if we're running on Python 2.4
   355     if os.name == 'nt' or sys.platform.startswith('java'):
   356         tochild, fromchild = os.popen4(cmd)
   357         tochild.close()
   358         output = fromchild.read()
   359         ret = fromchild.close()
   360         if ret == None:
   361             ret = 0
   362     else:
   363         proc = Popen4(cmd)
   364         try:
   365             output = ''
   366             proc.tochild.close()
   367             output = proc.fromchild.read()
   368             ret = proc.wait()
   369             if os.WIFEXITED(ret):
   370                 ret = os.WEXITSTATUS(ret)
   371         except Timeout:
   372             vlog('# Process %d timed out - killing it' % proc.pid)
   373             os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
   374             ret = proc.wait()
   375             if ret == 0:
   376                 ret = signal.SIGTERM << 8
   377             output += ("\n### Abort: timeout after %d seconds.\n"
   378                        % options.timeout)
   379     return ret, splitnewlines(output)
   381 def runone(options, test, skips, fails):
   382     '''tristate output:
   383     None -> skipped
   384     True -> passed
   385     False -> failed'''
   387     def skip(msg):
   388         if not options.verbose:
   389             skips.append((test, msg))
   390         else:
   391             print "\nSkipping %s: %s" % (test, msg)
   392         return None
   394     def fail(msg):
   395         fails.append((test, msg))
   396         if not options.nodiff:
   397             print "\nERROR: %s %s" % (test, msg)
   398         return None
   400     vlog("# Test", test)
   402     # create a fresh hgrc
   403     hgrc = file(HGRCPATH, 'w+')
   404     hgrc.write('[ui]\n')
   405     hgrc.write('slash = True\n')
   406     hgrc.write('[defaults]\n')
   407     hgrc.write('backout = -d "0 0"\n')
   408     hgrc.write('commit = -d "0 0"\n')
   409     hgrc.write('tag = -d "0 0"\n')
   410     hgrc.close()
   412     err = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test+".err")
   413     ref = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test+".out")
   414     testpath = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test)
   416     if os.path.exists(err):
   417         os.remove(err)       # Remove any previous output files
   419     # Make a tmp subdirectory to work in
   420     tmpd = os.path.join(HGTMP, test)
   421     os.mkdir(tmpd)
   422     os.chdir(tmpd)
   424     try:
   425         tf = open(testpath)
   426         firstline = tf.readline().rstrip()
   427         tf.close()
   428     except:
   429         firstline = ''
   430     lctest = test.lower()
   432     if lctest.endswith('.py') or firstline == '#!/usr/bin/env python':
   433         cmd = '%s "%s"' % (PYTHON, testpath)
   434     elif lctest.endswith('.bat'):
   435         # do not run batch scripts on non-windows
   436         if os.name != 'nt':
   437             return skip("batch script")
   438         # To reliably get the error code from batch files on WinXP,
   439         # the "cmd /c call" prefix is needed. Grrr
   440         cmd = 'cmd /c call "%s"' % testpath
   441     else:
   442         # do not run shell scripts on windows
   443         if os.name == 'nt':
   444             return skip("shell script")
   445         # do not try to run non-executable programs
   446         if not os.path.exists(testpath):
   447             return fail("does not exist")
   448         elif not os.access(testpath, os.X_OK):
   449             return skip("not executable")
   450         cmd = '"%s"' % testpath
   452     if options.timeout > 0:
   453         signal.alarm(options.timeout)
   455     vlog("# Running", cmd)
   456     ret, out = run(cmd, options)
   457     vlog("# Ret was:", ret)
   459     if options.timeout > 0:
   460         signal.alarm(0)
   462     mark = '.'
   464     skipped = (ret == SKIPPED_STATUS)
   465     # If reference output file exists, check test output against it
   466     if os.path.exists(ref):
   467         f = open(ref, "r")
   468         refout = splitnewlines(f.read())
   469         f.close()
   470     else:
   471         refout = []
   472     if skipped:
   473         mark = 's'
   474         missing, failed = parsehghaveoutput(out)
   475         if not missing:
   476             missing = ['irrelevant']
   477         if failed:
   478             fail("hghave failed checking for %s" % failed[-1])
   479             skipped = False
   480         else:
   481             skip(missing[-1])
   482     elif out != refout:
   483         mark = '!'
   484         if ret:
   485             fail("output changed and returned error code %d" % ret)
   486         else:
   487             fail("output changed")
   488         if not options.nodiff:
   489             showdiff(refout, out)
   490         ret = 1
   491     elif ret:
   492         mark = '!'
   493         fail("returned error code %d" % ret)
   495     if not options.verbose:
   496         sys.stdout.write(mark)
   497         sys.stdout.flush()
   499     if ret != 0 and not skipped:
   500         # Save errors to a file for diagnosis
   501         f = open(err, "wb")
   502         for line in out:
   503             f.write(line)
   504         f.close()
   506     # Kill off any leftover daemon processes
   507     try:
   508         fp = file(DAEMON_PIDS)
   509         for line in fp:
   510             try:
   511                 pid = int(line)
   512             except ValueError:
   513                 continue
   514             try:
   515                 os.kill(pid, 0)
   516                 vlog('# Killing daemon process %d' % pid)
   517                 os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
   518                 time.sleep(0.25)
   519                 os.kill(pid, 0)
   520                 vlog('# Daemon process %d is stuck - really killing it' % pid)
   521                 os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
   522             except OSError, err:
   523                 if err.errno != errno.ESRCH:
   524                     raise
   525         fp.close()
   526         os.unlink(DAEMON_PIDS)
   527     except IOError:
   528         pass
   530     os.chdir(TESTDIR)
   531     if not options.keep_tmpdir:
   532         shutil.rmtree(tmpd, True)
   533     if skipped:
   534         return None
   535     return ret == 0
   537 _hgpath = None
   539 def _gethgpath():
   540     """Return the path to the mercurial package that is actually found by
   541     the current Python interpreter."""
   542     global _hgpath
   543     if _hgpath is not None:
   544         return _hgpath
   546     cmd = '%s -c "import mercurial; print mercurial.__path__[0]"'
   547     pipe = os.popen(cmd % PYTHON)
   548     try:
   549         _hgpath = pipe.read().strip()
   550     finally:
   551         pipe.close()
   552     return _hgpath
   554 def _checkhglib(verb):
   555     """Ensure that the 'mercurial' package imported by python is
   556     the one we expect it to be.  If not, print a warning to stderr."""
   557     expecthg = os.path.join(PYTHONDIR, 'mercurial')
   558     actualhg = _gethgpath()
   559     if actualhg != expecthg:
   560         sys.stderr.write('warning: %s with unexpected mercurial lib: %s\n'
   561                          '         (expected %s)\n'
   562                          % (verb, actualhg, expecthg))
   564 def runchildren(options, tests):
   565     if INST:
   566         installhg(options)
   567         _checkhglib("Testing")
   569     optcopy = dict(options.__dict__)
   570     optcopy['jobs'] = 1
   571     if optcopy['with_hg'] is None:
   572         optcopy['with_hg'] = os.path.join(BINDIR, "hg")
   573     opts = []
   574     for opt, value in optcopy.iteritems():
   575         name = '--' + opt.replace('_', '-')
   576         if value is True:
   577             opts.append(name)
   578         elif value is not None:
   579             opts.append(name + '=' + str(value))
   581     tests.reverse()
   582     jobs = [[] for j in xrange(options.jobs)]
   583     while tests:
   584         for job in jobs:
   585             if not tests: break
   586             job.append(tests.pop())
   587     fps = {}
   588     for j, job in enumerate(jobs):
   589         if not job:
   590             continue
   591         rfd, wfd = os.pipe()
   592         childopts = ['--child=%d' % wfd, '--port=%d' % (options.port + j * 3)]
   593         cmdline = [PYTHON, sys.argv[0]] + opts + childopts + job
   594         vlog(' '.join(cmdline))
   595         fps[os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, cmdline[0], cmdline)] = os.fdopen(rfd, 'r')
   596         os.close(wfd)
   597     failures = 0
   598     tested, skipped, failed = 0, 0, 0
   599     skips = []
   600     fails = []
   601     while fps:
   602         pid, status = os.wait()
   603         fp = fps.pop(pid)
   604         l = fp.read().splitlines()
   605         test, skip, fail = map(int, l[:3])
   606         split = -fail or len(l)
   607         for s in l[3:split]:
   608             skips.append(s.split(" ", 1))
   609         for s in l[split:]:
   610             fails.append(s.split(" ", 1))
   611         tested += test
   612         skipped += skip
   613         failed += fail
   614         vlog('pid %d exited, status %d' % (pid, status))
   615         failures |= status
   616     print
   617     for s in skips:
   618         print "Skipped %s: %s" % (s[0], s[1])
   619     for s in fails:
   620         print "Failed %s: %s" % (s[0], s[1])
   622     _checkhglib("Tested")
   623     print "# Ran %d tests, %d skipped, %d failed." % (
   624         tested, skipped, failed)
   625     sys.exit(failures != 0)
   627 def runtests(options, tests):
   628     global DAEMON_PIDS, HGRCPATH
   629     DAEMON_PIDS = os.environ["DAEMON_PIDS"] = os.path.join(HGTMP, 'daemon.pids')
   630     HGRCPATH = os.environ["HGRCPATH"] = os.path.join(HGTMP, '.hgrc')
   632     try:
   633         if INST:
   634             installhg(options)
   635             _checkhglib("Testing")
   637         if options.timeout > 0:
   638             try:
   639                 signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmed)
   640                 vlog('# Running each test with %d second timeout' %
   641                      options.timeout)
   642             except AttributeError:
   643                 print 'WARNING: cannot run tests with timeouts'
   644                 options.timeout = 0
   646         tested = 0
   647         failed = 0
   648         skipped = 0
   650         if options.restart:
   651             orig = list(tests)
   652             while tests:
   653                 if os.path.exists(tests[0] + ".err"):
   654                     break
   655                 tests.pop(0)
   656             if not tests:
   657                 print "running all tests"
   658                 tests = orig
   660         skips = []
   661         fails = []
   662         for test in tests:
   663             if options.retest and not os.path.exists(test + ".err"):
   664                 skipped += 1
   665                 continue
   666             ret = runone(options, test, skips, fails)
   667             if ret is None:
   668                 skipped += 1
   669             elif not ret:
   670                 if options.interactive:
   671                     print "Accept this change? [n] ",
   672                     answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
   673                     if answer.lower() in "y yes".split():
   674                         rename(test + ".err", test + ".out")
   675                         tested += 1
   676                         fails.pop()
   677                         continue
   678                 failed += 1
   679                 if options.first:
   680                     break
   681             tested += 1
   683         if options.child:
   684             fp = os.fdopen(options.child, 'w')
   685             fp.write('%d\n%d\n%d\n' % (tested, skipped, failed))
   686             for s in skips:
   687                 fp.write("%s %s\n" % s)
   688             for s in fails:
   689                 fp.write("%s %s\n" % s)
   690             fp.close()
   691         else:
   692             print
   693             for s in skips:
   694                 print "Skipped %s: %s" % s
   695             for s in fails:
   696                 print "Failed %s: %s" % s
   697             _checkhglib("Tested")
   698             print "# Ran %d tests, %d skipped, %d failed." % (
   699                 tested, skipped, failed)
   701         if options.anycoverage:
   702             outputcoverage(options)
   703     except KeyboardInterrupt:
   704         failed = True
   705         print "\ninterrupted!"
   707     if failed:
   708         sys.exit(1)
   710 def main():
   711     (options, args) = parseargs()
   712     if not options.child:
   713         os.umask(022)
   715         checktools()
   717     # Reset some environment variables to well-known values so that
   718     # the tests produce repeatable output.
   719     os.environ['LANG'] = os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
   720     os.environ['TZ'] = 'GMT'
   721     os.environ["EMAIL"] = "Foo Bar <foo.bar@example.com>"
   722     os.environ['CDPATH'] = ''
   725     TESTDIR = os.environ["TESTDIR"] = os.getcwd()
   726     HGTMP = os.environ['HGTMP'] = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'hgtests.',
   727                                                    options.tmpdir))
   728     DAEMON_PIDS = None
   729     HGRCPATH = None
   731     os.environ["HGEDITOR"] = sys.executable + ' -c "import sys; sys.exit(0)"'
   732     os.environ["HGMERGE"] = "internal:merge"
   733     os.environ["HGUSER"]   = "test"
   734     os.environ["HGENCODING"] = "ascii"
   735     os.environ["HGENCODINGMODE"] = "strict"
   736     os.environ["HGPORT"] = str(options.port)
   737     os.environ["HGPORT1"] = str(options.port + 1)
   738     os.environ["HGPORT2"] = str(options.port + 2)
   740     if options.with_hg:
   741         INST = None
   742         BINDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(options.with_hg))
   744         # This looks redundant with how Python initializes sys.path from
   745         # the location of the script being executed.  Needed because the
   746         # "hg" specified by --with-hg is not the only Python script
   747         # executed in the test suite that needs to import 'mercurial'
   748         # ... which means it's not really redundant at all.
   749         PYTHONDIR = BINDIR
   750     else:
   751         INST = os.path.join(HGTMP, "install")
   752         BINDIR = os.environ["BINDIR"] = os.path.join(INST, "bin")
   753         PYTHONDIR = os.path.join(INST, "lib", "python")
   755     os.environ["BINDIR"] = BINDIR
   756     os.environ["PYTHON"] = PYTHON
   758     if not options.child:
   759         path = [BINDIR] + os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
   760         os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(path)
   762         # Include TESTDIR in PYTHONPATH so that out-of-tree extensions
   763         # can run .../tests/run-tests.py test-foo where test-foo
   764         # adds an extension to HGRC
   765         pypath = [PYTHONDIR, TESTDIR]
   766         # We have to augment PYTHONPATH, rather than simply replacing
   767         # it, in case external libraries are only available via current
   768         # PYTHONPATH.  (In particular, the Subversion bindings on OS X
   769         # are in /opt/subversion.)
   770         oldpypath = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH')
   771         if oldpypath:
   772             pypath.append(oldpypath)
   773         os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(pypath)
   775     COVERAGE_FILE = os.path.join(TESTDIR, ".coverage")
   777     if len(args) == 0:
   778         args = os.listdir(".")
   779         args.sort()
   781     tests = []
   782     for test in args:
   783         if (test.startswith("test-") and '~' not in test and
   784             ('.' not in test or test.endswith('.py') or
   785              test.endswith('.bat'))):
   786             tests.append(test)
   787     if not tests:
   788         print "# Ran 0 tests, 0 skipped, 0 failed."
   789         return
   791     vlog("# Using TESTDIR", TESTDIR)
   792     vlog("# Using HGTMP", HGTMP)
   793     vlog("# Using PATH", os.environ["PATH"])
   794     vlog("# Using PYTHONPATH", os.environ["PYTHONPATH"])
   796     try:
   797         if len(tests) > 1 and options.jobs > 1:
   798             runchildren(options, tests)
   799         else:
   800             runtests(options, tests)
   801     finally:
   802         cleanup(options)
   804 main()