author A. S. Budden <abudden@gmail.com>
Fri, 30 Mar 2012 22:08:46 +0100
changeset 1057 66d2754c6f30
parent 1056 0e6cee08a2f8
child 1063 0e3b1a8a243c
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
record: allow splitting of hunks by manually editing patches It is possible that unrelated changes in a file are on sequential lines. The current record extension does not allow these to be committed independently. An example use case for this is in software development for deeply embedded real-time systems. In these environments, it is not always possible to use a debugger (due to time-constraints) and hence inline UART-based printing is often used. When fixing a bug in a module, it is often convenient to add a large number of 'printf's (linked to the UART via a custom fputc) to the module in order to work out what is going wrong. printf is a very slow function (and also variadic so somewhat frowned upon by the MISRA standard) and hence it is highly undesirable to commit these lines to the repository. If only a partial fix is implemented, however, it is desirable to commit the fix without deleting all of the printf lines. This is also simplifies removal of the printf lines as once the final fix is committed, 'hg revert' does the rest. It is likely that the printf lines will be very near the actual fix, so being able to split the hunk is very useful in this case. There were two alternatives I considered for the user interface. One was to manually edit the patch, the other to allow a hunk to be split into individual lines for consideration. The latter option would require a significant refactor of the record module and is less flexible. While the former is potentially more complicated to use, this is a feature that is likely to only be used in certain exceptional cases (such as the use case proposed above) and hence I felt that the complexity would not be a considerable issue. I've also written a follow-up patch that refactors the 'prompt' code to base everything on the choices variable. This tidies up and clarifies the code a bit (removes constructs like 'if ret == 7' and removes the 'e' option from the file scope options as it's not relevant there. It's not really a necessity, so I've excluded it from this submission for now, but I can send it separately if there's a desire and it's on bitbucket (see below) in the meantime. Possible future improvements include: * Tidying up the 'prompt' code to base everything on the choices variable. This would allow entries to be removed from the prompt as currently 'e' is offered even for entire file patches, which is currently unsupported. * Allowing the entire file (or even multi-file) patch to be edited manually: this would require quite a large refactor without much benefit, so I decided to exclude it from the initial submission. * Allow the option to retry if a patch fails to apply (this is what Git does). This would require quite a bit of refactoring given the current 'hg record' implementation, so it's debatable whether it's worth it. Output is similar to existing record user interface except that an additional option ('e') exists to allow manual editing of the patch. This opens the user's configured editor with the patch. A comment is added to the bottom of the patch explaining what to do (based on Git's one). A large proportion of the changeset is test-case changes to update the options reported by record (Ynesfdaq? instead of Ynsfdaq?). Functional changes are in record.py and there are some new test cases in test-record.t. [ original upstream message ]

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Test the running system for features availability. Exit with zero
if all features are there, non-zero otherwise. If a feature name is
prefixed with "no-", the absence of feature is tested.
import optparse
import os, stat
import re
import sys
import tempfile

tempprefix = 'hg-hghave-'

def matchoutput(cmd, regexp, ignorestatus=False):
    """Return True if cmd executes successfully and its output
    is matched by the supplied regular expression.
    r = re.compile(regexp)
    fh = os.popen(cmd)
    s = fh.read()
        ret = fh.close()
    except IOError:
        # Happen in Windows test environment
        ret = 1
    return (ignorestatus or ret is None) and r.search(s)

def has_baz():
    return matchoutput('baz --version 2>&1', r'baz Bazaar version')

def has_bzr():
        import bzrlib
        return bzrlib.__doc__ != None
    except ImportError:
        return False

def has_bzr114():
        import bzrlib
        return (bzrlib.__doc__ != None
                and bzrlib.version_info[:2] >= (1, 14))
    except ImportError:
        return False

def has_cvs():
    re = r'Concurrent Versions System.*?server'
    return matchoutput('cvs --version 2>&1', re) and not has_msys()

def has_darcs():
    return matchoutput('darcs --version', r'2\.[2-9]', True)

def has_mtn():
    return matchoutput('mtn --version', r'monotone', True) and not matchoutput(
        'mtn --version', r'monotone 0\.', True)

def has_eol_in_paths():
        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=tempprefix, suffix='\n\r')
        return True
        return False

def has_executablebit():
        EXECFLAGS = stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
        fh, fn = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=".", prefix='hg-checkexec-')
            m = os.stat(fn).st_mode & 0777
            new_file_has_exec = m & EXECFLAGS
            os.chmod(fn, m ^ EXECFLAGS)
            exec_flags_cannot_flip = ((os.stat(fn).st_mode & 0777) == m)
    except (IOError, OSError):
        # we don't care, the user probably won't be able to commit anyway
        return False
    return not (new_file_has_exec or exec_flags_cannot_flip)

def has_icasefs():
    # Stolen from mercurial.util
    fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=tempprefix, dir='.')
        s1 = os.stat(path)
        d, b = os.path.split(path)
        p2 = os.path.join(d, b.upper())
        if path == p2:
            p2 = os.path.join(d, b.lower())
            s2 = os.stat(p2)
            return s2 == s1
            return False

def has_inotify():
        import hgext.inotify.linux.watcher
        return True
    except ImportError:
        return False

def has_fifo():
    return hasattr(os, "mkfifo")

def has_cacheable_fs():
    from mercurial import util

    fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=tempprefix)
        return util.cachestat(path).cacheable()

def has_lsprof():
        import _lsprof
        return True
    except ImportError:
        return False

def has_gettext():
    return matchoutput('msgfmt --version', 'GNU gettext-tools')

def has_git():
    return matchoutput('git --version 2>&1', r'^git version')

def has_docutils():
        from docutils.core import publish_cmdline
        return True
    except ImportError:
        return False

def getsvnversion():
    m = matchoutput('svn --version 2>&1', r'^svn,\s+version\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)')
    if not m:
        return (0, 0)
    return (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)))

def has_svn15():
    return getsvnversion() >= (1, 5)

def has_svn13():
    return getsvnversion() >= (1, 3)

def has_svn():
    return matchoutput('svn --version 2>&1', r'^svn, version') and \
        matchoutput('svnadmin --version 2>&1', r'^svnadmin, version')

def has_svn_bindings():
        import svn.core
        version = svn.core.SVN_VER_MAJOR, svn.core.SVN_VER_MINOR
        if version < (1, 4):
            return False
        return True
    except ImportError:
        return False

def has_p4():
    return matchoutput('p4 -V', r'Rev\. P4/') and matchoutput('p4d -V', r'Rev\. P4D/')

def has_symlink():
    if not hasattr(os, "symlink"):
        return False
    name = tempfile.mktemp(dir=".", prefix='hg-checklink-')
        os.symlink(".", name)
        return True
    except (OSError, AttributeError):
        return False
    return hasattr(os, "symlink") # FIXME: should also check file system and os

def has_tla():
    return matchoutput('tla --version 2>&1', r'The GNU Arch Revision')

def has_gpg():
    return matchoutput('gpg --version 2>&1', r'GnuPG')

def has_unix_permissions():
    d = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=tempprefix, dir=".")
        fname = os.path.join(d, 'foo')
        for umask in (077, 007, 022):
            f = open(fname, 'w')
            mode = os.stat(fname).st_mode
            if mode & 0777 != ~umask & 0666:
                return False
        return True

def has_pyflakes():
    return matchoutput('echo "import re" 2>&1 | pyflakes',
                       r"<stdin>:1: 're' imported but unused",

def has_pygments():
        import pygments
        return True
    except ImportError:
        return False

def has_outer_repo():
    return matchoutput('hg root 2>&1', r'')

def has_ssl():
        import ssl
        import OpenSSL
        return True
    except ImportError:
        return False

def has_windows():
    return os.name == 'nt'

def has_system_sh():
    return os.name != 'nt'

def has_serve():
    return os.name != 'nt' # gross approximation

def has_tic():
    return matchoutput('test -x "`which tic`"', '')

def has_msys():
    return os.getenv('MSYSTEM')

checks = {
    "baz": (has_baz, "GNU Arch baz client"),
    "bzr": (has_bzr, "Canonical's Bazaar client"),
    "bzr114": (has_bzr114, "Canonical's Bazaar client >= 1.14"),
    "cacheable": (has_cacheable_fs, "cacheable filesystem"),
    "cvs": (has_cvs, "cvs client/server"),
    "darcs": (has_darcs, "darcs client"),
    "docutils": (has_docutils, "Docutils text processing library"),
    "eol-in-paths": (has_eol_in_paths, "end-of-lines in paths"),
    "execbit": (has_executablebit, "executable bit"),
    "fifo": (has_fifo, "named pipes"),
    "gettext": (has_gettext, "GNU Gettext (msgfmt)"),
    "git": (has_git, "git command line client"),
    "gpg": (has_gpg, "gpg client"),
    "icasefs": (has_icasefs, "case insensitive file system"),
    "inotify": (has_inotify, "inotify extension support"),
    "lsprof": (has_lsprof, "python lsprof module"),
    "mtn": (has_mtn, "monotone client (>= 1.0)"),
    "outer-repo": (has_outer_repo, "outer repo"),
    "p4": (has_p4, "Perforce server and client"),
    "pyflakes": (has_pyflakes, "Pyflakes python linter"),
    "pygments": (has_pygments, "Pygments source highlighting library"),
    "serve": (has_serve, "platform and python can manage 'hg serve -d'"),
    "ssl": (has_ssl, "python >= 2.6 ssl module and python OpenSSL"),
    "svn": (has_svn, "subversion client and admin tools"),
    "svn13": (has_svn13, "subversion client and admin tools >= 1.3"),
    "svn15": (has_svn15, "subversion client and admin tools >= 1.5"),
    "svn-bindings": (has_svn_bindings, "subversion python bindings"),
    "symlink": (has_symlink, "symbolic links"),
    "system-sh": (has_system_sh, "system() uses sh"),
    "tic": (has_tic, "terminfo compiler"),
    "tla": (has_tla, "GNU Arch tla client"),
    "unix-permissions": (has_unix_permissions, "unix-style permissions"),
    "windows": (has_windows, "Windows"),
    "msys": (has_msys, "Windows with MSYS"),

def list_features():
    for name, feature in checks.iteritems():
        desc = feature[1]
        print name + ':', desc

def test_features():
    failed = 0
    for name, feature in checks.iteritems():
        check, _ = feature
        except Exception, e:
            print "feature %s failed:  %s" % (name, e)
            failed += 1
    return failed

parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [options] [features]")
parser.add_option("--test-features", action="store_true",
                  help="test available features")
parser.add_option("--list-features", action="store_true",
                  help="list available features")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true",
                  help="check features silently")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    options, args = parser.parse_args()
    if options.list_features:

    if options.test_features:

    quiet = options.quiet

    failures = 0

    def error(msg):
        global failures
        if not quiet:
            sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n')
        failures += 1

    for feature in args:
        negate = feature.startswith('no-')
        if negate:
            feature = feature[3:]

        if feature not in checks:
            error('skipped: unknown feature: ' + feature)

        check, desc = checks[feature]
            available = check()
        except Exception, e:
            error('hghave check failed: ' + feature)

        if not negate and not available:
            error('skipped: missing feature: ' + desc)
        elif negate and available:
            error('skipped: system supports %s' % desc)

    if failures != 0: