cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
hgext.keyword =
* =
b = ignore
commit.test=cp a hooktest
echo % help
hg help keyword
echo % hg kwdemo
hg --quiet kwdemo --default \
| sed -e 's![^ ][^ ]*demo.txt,v!/TMP/demo.txt,v!' \
-e 's/,v [a-z0-9][a-z0-9]* /,v xxxxxxxxxxxx /' \
-e '/[$]Revision/ s/: [a-z0-9][a-z0-9]* /: xxxxxxxxxxxx /' \
-e 's! 20[0-9][0-9]/[01][0-9]/[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]! 2000/00/00 00:00:00!'
hg --quiet kwdemo "Branch = {branches}"
hg init Test
cd Test
echo % kwshrink should exit silently in empty/invalid repo
hg kwshrink
echo 'expand $Id$' > a
echo 'do not process $Id:' >> a
echo 'xxx $' >> a
echo 'ignore $Id$' > b
ln -s a sym
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % addremove
hg addremove
echo % status
hg status
echo % default keyword expansion including commit hook
echo % interrupted commit should not change state or run commit hook
HGEDITOR=false hg --debug commit
echo % status
hg status
echo % commit
hg --debug commit -mabsym -d '0 0' -u 'User Name <user@example.com>'
echo % status
hg status
echo % identify
hg --quiet identify
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b
echo % diff a hooktest
diff a hooktest
echo % removing commit hook from config
sed -e '/\[hooks\]/,$ d' $HGRCPATH > $HGRCPATH.nohook
rm hooktest
echo % touch
touch a b
echo % status
hg status
rm sym a b
echo % update
hg update
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % copy
hg cp a c
echo % kwfiles added
hg kwfiles
echo % commit
hg --debug commit -ma2c -d '1 0' -u 'User Name <user@example.com>'
echo % cat a c
cat a c
echo % touch copied c after 1 second
sleep 1
touch c
echo % status
hg status
echo % kwfiles
hg kwfiles
echo % diff --rev
hg diff --rev 0 | grep -v 'b/c'
echo % rollback
hg rollback
echo % status
hg status
echo % update -C
hg update --clean
echo % custom keyword expansion
echo % try with kwdemo
hg --quiet kwdemo "Xinfo = {author}: {desc}"
Id = {file} {node|short} {date|rfc822date} {author|user}
Xinfo = {author}: {desc}
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b
echo '$Xinfo$' >> a
cat <<EOF >> log
echo % interrupted commit should not change state
HGEDITOR=false hg commit
echo % status
hg status
echo % commit
hg --debug commit -l log -d '2 0' -u 'User Name <user@example.com>'
rm log
echo % status
hg status
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b
echo % remove
hg remove a
hg --debug commit -m rma
echo % status
hg status
echo % rollback
hg rollback
echo % status
hg status
echo % revert a
hg revert --no-backup --rev tip a
echo % cat a
cat a
echo % clone to test incoming
cd ..
hg clone -r0 Test Test-a
cd Test-a
cat <<EOF >> .hg/hgrc
default = ../Test
echo % incoming
# remove path to temp dir
hg incoming | sed -e 's/^\(comparing with \).*\(test-keyword.*\)/\1\2/'
sed -i.bak -e 's/Id.*/& rejecttest/' a
rm a.bak
echo % commit rejecttest
hg --debug commit -m'rejects?' -d '3 0' -u 'User Name <user@example.com>'
echo % export
hg export -o ../rejecttest.diff tip
cd ../Test
echo % import
hg import ../rejecttest.diff
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % rollback
hg rollback
echo % clean update
hg update --clean
echo % kwexpand/kwshrink on selected files
mkdir x
echo % copy a x/a
hg copy a x/a
echo % kwexpand a
hg --verbose kwexpand a
echo % kwexpand x/a should abort
hg --verbose kwexpand x/a
cd x
hg --debug commit -m xa -d '3 0' -u 'User Name <user@example.com>'
echo % cat a
cat a
echo % kwshrink a inside directory x
hg --verbose kwshrink a
echo % cat a
cat a
cd -
echo % kwexpand nonexistent
hg kwexpand nonexistent
echo % switch off expansion
echo % kwshrink with unknown file u
cp a u
hg --verbose kwshrink
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b