Implement handle and hook for external callers
Allows external callers that do not use the command line to
pass current hg command to keyword extension.
This implementation might change in the future, if wrapping
of patch.diff is possible to the effect of avoiding external
cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
hgext.keyword = =
* =
b = ignore
commit.test=cp a hooktest
echo % help
hg help keyword
echo % hg kwdemo
hg --quiet kwdemo --default \
| sed -e 's![^ ][^ ]*demo.txt,v!/TMP/demo.txt,v!' \
-e 's/,v [a-z0-9][a-z0-9]* /,v xxxxxxxxxxxx /' \
-e '/[$]Revision/ s/: [a-z0-9][a-z0-9]* /: xxxxxxxxxxxx /' \
-e 's! 20[0-9][0-9]/[01][0-9]/[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]! 2000/00/00 00:00:00!'
hg --quiet kwdemo "Branch = {branches}"
hg init Test
cd Test
echo % kwshrink should exit silently in empty/invalid repo
hg kwshrink
echo 'expand $Id$' > a
echo 'do not process $Id:' >> a
echo 'xxx $' >> a
echo 'ignore $Id$' > b
ln -s a sym
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % addremove
hg addremove
echo % status
hg status
echo % default keyword expansion including commit hook
echo % interrupted commit should not change state or run commit hook
hg --debug commit
echo % status
hg status
echo % commit
hg --debug commit -mabsym -d '0 0' -u 'User Name <>'
echo % status
hg status
echo % identify
hg --quiet identify
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b
echo % diff a hooktest
diff a hooktest
echo % removing commit hook from config
sed -e '/\[hooks\]/,$ d' $HGRCPATH > $HGRCPATH.nohook
rm hooktest
echo % touch
touch a b
echo % status
hg status
rm sym a b
echo % update
hg update
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % check whether expansion is filewise
echo '$Id$' > c
echo 'tests for different changenodes' >> c
echo % commit c
hg commit -A -mcndiff -d '1 0' -u 'User Name <>'
echo % force expansion
hg -v kwexpand
echo % compare changenodes in a c
cat a c
echo % qimport
hg qimport -r tip -n mqtest.diff
echo % keywords should not be expanded in patch
cat .hg/patches/mqtest.diff
echo % qpop
hg qpop
echo % qgoto - should imply qpush
hg qgoto mqtest.diff
echo % cat
cat c
echo % qpop and move on
hg qpop
echo % copy
hg cp a c
echo % kwfiles added
hg kwfiles
echo % commit
hg --debug commit -ma2c -d '1 0' -u 'User Name <>'
echo % cat a c
cat a c
echo % touch copied c after 1 second
sleep 1
touch c
echo % status
hg status
echo % kwfiles
hg kwfiles
echo % diff --rev
hg diff --rev 0 | grep -v 'b/c'
echo % rollback
hg rollback
echo % status
hg status
echo % update -C
hg update --clean
echo % custom keyword expansion
echo % try with kwdemo
hg --quiet kwdemo "Xinfo = {author}: {desc}"
Id = {file} {node|short} {date|rfc822date} {author|user}
Xinfo = {author}: {desc}
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b
echo '$Xinfo$' >> a
cat <<EOF >> log
echo % interrupted commit should not change state
hg commit
echo % status
hg status
echo % commit
hg --debug commit -l log -d '2 0' -u 'User Name <>'
rm log
echo % status
hg status
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b
echo % remove
hg remove a
hg --debug commit -m rma
echo % status
hg status
echo % rollback
hg rollback
echo % status
hg status
echo % revert a
hg revert --no-backup --rev tip a
echo % cat a
cat a
echo % clone to test incoming
cd ..
hg clone -r0 Test Test-a
cd Test-a
cat <<EOF >> .hg/hgrc
default = ../Test
echo % incoming
# remove path to temp dir
hg incoming | sed -e 's/^\(comparing with \).*\(test-keyword.*\)/\1\2/'
sed -e 's/Id.*/& rejecttest/' a >
mv a
echo % commit rejecttest
hg --debug commit -m'rejects?' -d '3 0' -u 'User Name <>'
echo % export
hg export -o ../rejecttest.diff tip
cd ../Test
echo % import
hg import ../rejecttest.diff
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % rollback
hg rollback
echo % clean update
hg update --clean
echo % kwexpand/kwshrink on selected files
mkdir x
echo % copy a x/a
hg copy a x/a
echo % kwexpand a
hg --verbose kwexpand a
echo % kwexpand x/a should abort
hg --verbose kwexpand x/a
cd x
hg --debug commit -m xa -d '3 0' -u 'User Name <>'
echo % cat a
cat a
echo % kwshrink a inside directory x
hg --verbose kwshrink a
echo % cat a
cat a
cd ..
echo % kwexpand nonexistent
hg kwexpand nonexistent
echo % switch off expansion
echo % kwshrink with unknown file u
cp a u
hg --verbose kwshrink
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b
echo % cat
cat sym a b
echo % hg cat
hg cat sym a b