Merge stable with default stable
authorChristian Ebert <>
Fri, 15 Feb 2008 20:18:56 +0100 (2008-02-15)
changeset 418 3d882f14f23a
parent 404 45d3ea301c03 (current diff)
parent 416 b69dca43ef08 (diff)
child 419 2f179ea3a9aa
Merge stable with default
--- a/hgkw/	Wed Feb 13 23:49:57 2008 +0100
+++ b/hgkw/	Fri Feb 15 20:18:56 2008 +0100
@@ -103,8 +103,9 @@
     return time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(date[0]))
-_kwtemplater = _cmd = _cmdoptions = None
+# make keyword tools accessible
+kwtools = {'templater': None, 'hgcmd': None}
 # store originals of monkeypatches
 _patchfile_init = patch.patchfile.__init__
 _patch_diff = patch.diff
@@ -114,36 +115,36 @@
     '''Monkeypatch/wrap patch.patchfile.__init__ to avoid
     rejects or conflicts due to expanded keywords in working dir.'''
     _patchfile_init(self, ui, fname, missing=missing)
-    if _kwtemplater.matcher(self.fname):
-        # shrink keywords read from working dir
-        kwshrunk = _kwtemplater.shrink(''.join(self.lines))
-        self.lines = kwshrunk.splitlines(True)
+    # shrink keywords read from working dir
+    kwt = kwtools['templater']
+    self.lines = kwt.shrinklines(self.fname, self.lines)
 def _kw_diff(repo, node1=None, node2=None, files=None, match=util.always,
              fp=None, changes=None, opts=None):
-    # only expand if comparing against working dir
+    '''Monkeypatch patch.diff to avoid expansion except when
+    comparing against working dir.'''
     if node2 is not None:
-        _kwtemplater.matcher = util.never
-    if node1 is not None and node1 != repo.changectx().node():
-        _kwtemplater.restrict = True
+        kwtools['templater'].matcher = util.never
+    elif node1 is not None and node1 != repo.changectx().node():
+        kwtools['templater'].restrict = True
     _patch_diff(repo, node1=node1, node2=node2, files=files, match=match,
                 fp=fp, changes=changes, opts=opts)
 def _kwweb_changeset(web, req, tmpl):
     '''Wraps webcommands.changeset turning off keyword expansion.'''
-    _kwtemplater.matcher = util.never
+    kwtools['templater'].matcher = util.never
     return web.changeset(tmpl, web.changectx(req))
 def _kwweb_filediff(web, req, tmpl):
     '''Wraps webcommands.filediff turning off keyword expansion.'''
-    _kwtemplater.matcher = util.never
+    kwtools['templater'].matcher = util.never
     return web.filediff(tmpl, web.filectx(req))
 def _kwdispatch_parse(ui, args):
     '''Monkeypatch dispatch._parse to obtain running hg command.'''
-    global _cmd
-    _cmd, func, args, options, cmdoptions = _dispatch_parse(ui, args)
-    return _cmd, func, args, options, cmdoptions
+    cmd, func, args, options, cmdoptions = _dispatch_parse(ui, args)
+    kwtools['hgcmd'] = cmd
+    return cmd, func, args, options, cmdoptions
 # dispatch._parse is run before reposetup, so wrap it here
 dispatch._parse = _kwdispatch_parse
@@ -164,13 +165,11 @@
         'Header': '{root}/{file},v {node|short} {date|utcdate} {author|user}',
-    def __init__(self, ui, repo, inc, exc, hgcmd):
+    def __init__(self, ui, repo, inc, exc):
         self.ui = ui
         self.repo = repo
         self.matcher = util.matcher(repo.root, inc=inc, exc=exc)[1]
-        self.restrict = hgcmd in restricted.split()
-        self.commitnode = None
-        self.path = ''
+        self.restrict = kwtools['hgcmd'] in restricted.split()
         kwmaps = self.ui.configitems('keywordmaps')
         if kwmaps: # override default templates
@@ -185,47 +184,89 @@
         self.ct = cmdutil.changeset_templater(self.ui, self.repo,
                                               False, '', False)
-    def substitute(self, node, data, subfunc):
-        '''Obtains file's changenode if commit node not given,
-        and calls given substitution function.'''
-        if self.commitnode:
-            fnode = self.commitnode
-        else:
-            c = context.filectx(self.repo, self.path, fileid=node)
-            fnode = c.node()
+    def getnode(self, path, fnode):
+        '''Derives changenode from file path and filenode.'''
+        # used by and kwexpand
+        c = context.filectx(self.repo, path, fileid=fnode)
+        return c.node()
+    def substitute(self, data, path, node, subfunc):
+        '''Replaces keywords in data with expanded template.'''
         def kwsub(mobj):
-            '''Substitutes keyword using corresponding template.'''
             kw =
-  , root=self.repo.root, file=self.path)
+  , root=self.repo.root, file=path)
             ekw = templatefilters.firstline(self.ui.popbuffer())
             return '$%s: %s $' % (kw, ekw)
         return subfunc(kwsub, data)
-    def expand(self, node, data):
+    def expand(self, path, node, data):
         '''Returns data with keywords expanded.'''
-        if self.restrict or util.binary(data):
-            return data
-        return self.substitute(node, data, self.re_kw.sub)
+        if not self.restrict and self.matcher(path) and not util.binary(data):
+            changenode = self.getnode(path, node)
+            return self.substitute(data, path, changenode, self.re_kw.sub)
+        return data
+    def iskwfile(self, path, islink):
+        '''Returns true if path matches [keyword] pattern
+        and is not a symbolic link.
+        Caveat: localrepository._link fails on Windows.'''
+        return self.matcher(path) and not islink(path)
-    def process(self, node, data, expand):
-        '''Returns a tuple: data, count.
-        Count is number of keywords/keyword substitutions,
-        telling caller whether to act on file containing data.'''
-        if util.binary(data):
-            return data, None
-        if expand:
-            return self.substitute(node, data, self.re_kw.subn)
-        return data,
+    def overwrite(self, node=None, expand=True, files=None):
+        '''Overwrites selected files expanding/shrinking keywords.'''
+        ctx = self.repo.changectx(node)
+        mf = ctx.manifest()
+        if node is not None:     # commit
+            files = [f for f in ctx.files() if f in mf]
+            notify = self.ui.debug
+        else:                    # kwexpand/kwshrink
+            notify = self.ui.note
+        candidates = [f for f in files if self.iskwfile(f, mf.linkf)]
+        if candidates:
+            self.restrict = True # do not expand when reading
+            candidates.sort()
+            action = expand and 'expanding' or 'shrinking'
+            for f in candidates:
+                fp = self.repo.file(f)
+                data =[f])
+                if util.binary(data):
+                    continue
+                if expand:
+                    changenode = node or self.getnode(f, mf[f])
+                    data, found = self.substitute(data, f, changenode,
+                                                  self.re_kw.subn)
+                else:
+                    found =
+                if found:
+                    notify(_('overwriting %s %s keywords\n') % (f, action))
+                    self.repo.wwrite(f, data, mf.flags(f))
+                    self.repo.dirstate.normal(f)
+            self.restrict = False
-    def shrink(self, text):
+    def shrinktext(self, text):
+        '''Unconditionally removes all keyword substitutions from text.'''
+        return self.re_kw.sub(r'$\1$', text)
+    def shrink(self, fname, text):
         '''Returns text with all keyword substitutions removed.'''
-        if util.binary(text):
-            return text
-        return self.re_kw.sub(r'$\1$', text)
+        if self.matcher(fname) and not util.binary(text):
+            return self.shrinktext(text)
+        return text
+    def shrinklines(self, fname, lines):
+        '''Returns lines with keyword substitutions removed.'''
+        if self.matcher(fname):
+            text = ''.join(lines)
+            if not util.binary(text):
+                return self.shrinktext(text).splitlines(True)
+        return lines
+    def wread(self, fname, data):
+        '''If in restricted mode returns data read from wdir with
+        keyword substitutions removed.'''
+        return self.restrict and self.shrink(fname, data) or data
 class kwfilelog(filelog.filelog):
@@ -234,69 +275,41 @@
     def __init__(self, opener, path):
         super(kwfilelog, self).__init__(opener, path)
-        _kwtemplater.path = path
-    def kwctread(self, node, expand):
-        '''Reads expanding and counting keywords, called from _overwrite.'''
-        data = super(kwfilelog, self).read(node)
-        return _kwtemplater.process(node, data, expand)
+        self.kwt = kwtools['templater']
+        self.path = path
     def read(self, node):
         '''Expands keywords when reading filelog.'''
         data = super(kwfilelog, self).read(node)
-        return _kwtemplater.expand(node, data)
+        return self.kwt.expand(self.path, node, data)
     def add(self, text, meta, tr, link, p1=None, p2=None):
         '''Removes keyword substitutions when adding to filelog.'''
-        text = _kwtemplater.shrink(text)
+        text = self.kwt.shrink(self.path, text)
         return super(kwfilelog, self).add(text, meta, tr, link, p1=p1, p2=p2)
     def cmp(self, node, text):
         '''Removes keyword substitutions for comparison.'''
-        text = _kwtemplater.shrink(text)
+        text = self.kwt.shrink(self.path, text)
         if self.renamed(node):
             t2 = super(kwfilelog, self).read(node)
             return t2 != text
         return revlog.revlog.cmp(self, node, text)
-def _iskwfile(f, link):
-    return not link(f) and _kwtemplater.matcher(f)
-def _status(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
+def _status(ui, repo, kwt, *pats, **opts):
     '''Bails out if [keyword] configuration is not active.
     Returns status of working directory.'''
-    if _kwtemplater:
+    if kwt:
         files, match, anypats = cmdutil.matchpats(repo, pats, opts)
         return repo.status(files=files, match=match, list_clean=True)
     if ui.configitems('keyword'):
         raise util.Abort(_('[keyword] patterns cannot match'))
     raise util.Abort(_('no [keyword] patterns configured'))
-def _overwrite(ui, repo, node=None, expand=True, files=None):
-    '''Overwrites selected files expanding/shrinking keywords.'''
-    ctx = repo.changectx(node)
-    mf = ctx.manifest()
-    if node is not None:   # commit
-        _kwtemplater.commitnode = node
-        files = [f for f in ctx.files() if f in mf]
-        notify = ui.debug
-    else:                  # kwexpand/kwshrink
-        notify = ui.note
-    candidates = [f for f in files if _iskwfile(f, mf.linkf)]
-    if candidates:
-        candidates.sort()
-        action = expand and 'expanding' or 'shrinking'
-        for f in candidates:
-            fp = repo.file(f, kwmatch=True)
-            data, kwfound = fp.kwctread(mf[f], expand)
-            if kwfound:
-                notify(_('overwriting %s %s keywords\n') % (f, action))
-                repo.wwrite(f, data, mf.flags(f))
-                repo.dirstate.normal(f)
 def _kwfwrite(ui, repo, expand, *pats, **opts):
-    '''Selects files and passes them to _overwrite.'''
-    status = _status(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    '''Selects files and passes them to kwtemplater.overwrite.'''
+    kwt = kwtools['templater']
+    status = _status(ui, repo, kwt, *pats, **opts)
     modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = status
     if modified or added or removed or deleted:
         raise util.Abort(_('outstanding uncommitted changes in given files'))
@@ -304,7 +317,7 @@
         wlock = repo.wlock()
         lock = repo.lock()
-        _overwrite(ui, repo, expand=expand, files=clean)
+        kwt.overwrite(expand=expand, files=clean)
         del wlock, lock
@@ -406,7 +419,8 @@
     keyword expansion.
     That is, files matched by [keyword] config patterns but not symlinks.
-    status = _status(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    kwt = kwtools['templater']
+    status = _status(ui, repo, kwt, *pats, **opts)
     modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = status
     files = modified + added + clean
     if opts.get('untracked'):
@@ -414,7 +428,7 @@
     wctx = repo.workingctx()
     islink = lambda p: 'l' in wctx.fileflags(p)
-    kwfiles = [f for f in files if _iskwfile(f, islink)]
+    kwfiles = [f for f in files if kwt.iskwfile(f, islink)]
     cwd = pats and repo.getcwd() or ''
     kwfstats = not opts.get('ignore') and (('K', kwfiles),) or ()
     if opts.get('all') or opts.get('ignore'):
@@ -445,10 +459,8 @@
     This is done for local repos only, and only if there are
     files configured at all for keyword substitution.'''
-    global _kwtemplater
-        if (not repo.local() or _cmd in nokwcommands.split() 
+        if (not repo.local() or kwtools['hgcmd'] in nokwcommands.split()
             or '.hg' in util.splitpath(repo.root)
             or repo._url.startswith('bundle:')):
@@ -464,21 +476,17 @@
     if not inc:
-    _kwtemplater = kwtemplater(ui, repo, inc, exc, _cmd)
+    kwtools['templater'] = kwt = kwtemplater(ui, repo, inc, exc)
     class kwrepo(repo.__class__):
-        def file(self, f, kwmatch=False):
+        def file(self, f):
             if f[0] == '/':
                 f = f[1:]
-            if kwmatch or _kwtemplater.matcher(f):
-                return kwfilelog(self.sopener, f)
-            return filelog.filelog(self.sopener, f)
+            return kwfilelog(self.sopener, f)
         def wread(self, filename):
             data = super(kwrepo, self).wread(filename)
-            if _kwtemplater.restrict and _kwtemplater.matcher(filename):
-                return _kwtemplater.shrink(data)
-            return data
+            return kwt.wread(filename, data)
         def commit(self, files=None, text='', user=None, date=None,
                    match=util.always, force=False, force_editor=False,
@@ -517,7 +525,7 @@
                 for name, cmd in commithooks.iteritems():
                     ui.setconfig('hooks', name, cmd)
                 if node is not None:
-                    _overwrite(ui, self, node=node)
+                    kwt.overwrite(node=node)
                     repo.hook('commit', node=node, parent1=_p1, parent2=_p2)
                 return node
--- a/tests/test-keyword	Wed Feb 13 23:49:57 2008 +0100
+++ b/tests/test-keyword	Fri Feb 15 20:18:56 2008 +0100
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 hgext.keyword = =
+hgext.notify =
 * =
 b = ignore
@@ -88,8 +89,25 @@
 hg init Test
 cd Test
+echo % notify on pull to check whether keywords stay as is in email
+echo % ie. if patch.diff wrapper acts as it should
+cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
+incoming.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook
+sources = pull
+diffstat = False
+* = Test
 echo % pull from bundle
-hg pull -u ../kw.hg
+hg pull -u ../kw.hg 2>&1 | sed -e '/^Date:/,/^diffs (/ d'
+echo % remove notify config
+sed -e '/\[hooks\]/,$ d' $HGRCPATH > $HGRCPATH.nonotify
+mv $HGRCPATH.nonotify $HGRCPATH
 echo % touch
 touch a b
--- a/tests/test-keyword.out	Wed Feb 13 23:49:57 2008 +0100
+++ b/tests/test-keyword.out	Fri Feb 15 20:18:56 2008 +0100
@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@
 % removing commit hook from config
 % bundle
 2 changesets found
+% notify on pull to check whether keywords stay as is in email
+% ie. if patch.diff wrapper acts as it should
 % pull from bundle
 pulling from ../kw.hg
 requesting all changes
@@ -143,7 +145,28 @@
 adding manifests
 adding file changes
 added 2 changesets with 3 changes to 3 files
+diff -r 000000000000 -r a2392c293916 sym
+--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
++++ b/sym	Sat Feb 09 20:25:47 2008 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff -r a2392c293916 -r ef63ca68695b a
+--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
++++ b/a	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
++expand $Id$
++do not process $Id:
++xxx $
+diff -r a2392c293916 -r ef63ca68695b b
+--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
++++ b/b	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
++ignore $Id$
 3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+% remove notify config
 % touch
 % status
 % update