walkopts for kwexpand, kwshrink, kwfiles commands
authorChristian Ebert <blacktrash@gmx.net>
Thu, 11 Oct 2007 13:10:33 +0200 (2007-10-11)
changeset 264 7c637046c0e2
parent 263 fc7f60b109b6
child 265 1b6b7835e3f9
walkopts for kwexpand, kwshrink, kwfiles commands kwfiles optionally shows ignored files or all flagged Use pathto method to print kw filenames if possible. Commands abort with meaningful error _weedcandidates renamed to _weedfiles, and only for commands. For kwrepo.commit we could get modified + added from kwrepo.status(match=ui.kwfmatcher) -- but this would mean to read manifest before commit, and again after for expansion.
--- a/hgkw/keyword.py	Sat Oct 06 23:11:40 2007 +0200
+++ b/hgkw/keyword.py	Thu Oct 11 13:10:33 2007 +0200
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 from mercurial import commands, cmdutil, context, fancyopts
 from mercurial import filelog, localrepo, revlog, templater, util
 from mercurial.i18n import gettext as _
-import getopt, re, shutil, sys, tempfile, time
+import getopt, os.path, re, shutil, sys, tempfile, time
 # backwards compatibility hacks
@@ -104,6 +104,13 @@
 except AttributeError:
     bail_if_changed = commands.bail_if_changed
+def _pathto(repo, cwd, f):
+    '''kwfiles behaves similar to status, using pathto since 78b6add1f966.'''
+    try:
+        return repo.pathto(f, cwd)
+    except AttributeError:
+        return f
 # commands.parse/cmdutil.parse returned nothing for
 # "hg diff --rev" before 88803a69b24a due to bug in fancyopts
 def _fancyopts(args, options, state):
@@ -300,74 +307,79 @@
             return t2 != text
         return revlog.revlog.cmp(self, node, text)
-_nokwfiles = 'no files configured for keyword expansion'
+def _weedfiles(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
+    '''Collects files matching arguments and/or walkopts,
+    sorts out those that are configured for keyword expansion
+    and not links, and returns both lists.'''
+    files, match, anypats = cmdutil.matchpats(repo, pats, opts)
+    status = repo.status(files=files, match=match, list_clean=True)
+    modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = status
+    files = modified + added + clean
+    files.sort()
+    try:
+        # use the full definition of repo._link for backwards compatibility
+        kwfiles = [f for f in files if ui.kwfmatcher(f)
+                   and not os.path.islink(repo.wjoin(f))]
+        return kwfiles, files
+    except AttributeError:
+        if ui.configitems('keyword'):
+            err = _('[keyword] patterns cannot match')
+        else:
+            err = _('no [keyword] patterns configured')
+        raise util.Abort(err)
-def _weedcandidates(ui, man, candidates):
-    '''Weeds out files that do not match keyword file matcher,
-    are not tracked, or are links.'''
-    files = man.keys()
-    if candidates:
-        return [f for f in candidates if ui.kwfmatcher(f)
-                and f in files and not man.linkf(f)]
-    return [f for f in files if ui.kwfmatcher(f) and not man.linkf(f)]
-def _overwrite(ui, repo, files, expand):
+def _overwrite(ui, repo, expand, *pats, **opts):
     '''Expands/shrinks keywords in working directory.'''
-    if not hasattr(ui, 'kwfmatcher'):
-        ui.warn(_('%s\n') % _nokwfiles)
-        return
     wlock = lock = None
         wlock = repo.wlock()
         lock = repo.lock()
-        ctx = repo.changectx()
-        man = ctx.manifest()
-        if files:
-            cwd = repo.getcwd()
-            files = [util.canonpath(repo.root, cwd, f) for f in files]
-        files = _weedcandidates(ui, man, files)
-        if files:
+        kwfiles, files = _weedfiles(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+        if kwfiles:
+            ctx = repo.changectx()
             kwt = kwtemplater(ui, repo, expand, node=ctx.node())
             # 3rd argument sets commit to False
-            kwt.overwrite(files, man, False)
+            kwt.overwrite(kwfiles, ctx.manifest(), False)
         del wlock, lock
-def shrink(ui, repo, *args):
+def shrink(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     '''revert expanded keywords in working directory
     Run before changing/disabling active keywords
     or if you experience problems with "hg import" or "hg merge".
-    # 4th argument sets expansion to False
-    _overwrite(ui, repo, args, False)
+    # 3rd argument sets expansion to False
+    _overwrite(ui, repo, False, *pats, **opts)
-def expand(ui, repo, *args):
+def expand(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     '''expand keywords in working directory
     Run after (re)enabling keyword expansion.
-    # 4th argument sets expansion to True
-    _overwrite(ui, repo, args, True)
+    # 3rd argument sets expansion to True
+    _overwrite(ui, repo, True, *pats, **opts)
-def files(ui, repo):
+def files(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
     '''print files currently configured for keyword expansion
     Crosscheck which files in working directory
     are matched by [keyword] config patterns.
-    if not hasattr(ui, 'kwfmatcher'):
-        ui.note(_('%s\n') % _nokwfiles)
-        return
-    ctx = repo.workingctx()
-    man = ctx.manifest().copy()
-    for f in ctx.unknown():
-        del man[f]
-    files = _weedcandidates(ui, man, None)
-    files.sort()
-    ui.write('\n'.join(files) + '\n')
+    kwfiles, files = _weedfiles(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
+    cwd = pats and repo.getcwd() or ''
+    flag = opts['all'] and 1 or 0
+    ignored = opts['ignored']
+    if not ignored:
+        format = ('%s\n', 'K %s\n')[flag]
+        for k in kwfiles:
+            ui.write(format % _pathto(repo, cwd, k))
+    if flag or ignored:
+        format = ('%s\n', 'I %s\n')[flag]
+        for i in [f for f in files if f not in kwfiles]:
+            ui.write(format % _pathto(repo, cwd, i))
 def demo(ui, repo, *args, **opts):
     '''print [keywordmaps] configuration and an expansion example
@@ -519,7 +531,8 @@
                 if node is not None:
                     cl = self.changelog.read(node)
                     mn = self.manifest.read(cl[0])
-                    candidates = _weedcandidates(ui, mn, cl[3])
+                    candidates = [f for f in cl[3] if ui.kwfmatcher(f)
+                                  and mn.has_key(f) and not mn.linkf(f)]
                     if candidates:
                         # 3rd argument sets expansion to True
                         kwt = kwtemplater(ui, self, True, node=node)
@@ -538,7 +551,14 @@
          [('d', 'default', None, _('show default keyword template maps')),
           ('f', 'rcfile', [], _('read maps from RCFILE'))],
          _('hg kwdemo [-d] [-f RCFILE] [TEMPLATEMAP ...]')),
-    'kwfiles': (files, [], _('hg kwfiles')),
-    'kwshrink': (shrink, [], _('hg kwshrink [NAME] ...')),
-    'kwexpand': (expand, [], _('hg kwexpand [NAME] ...')),
+    'kwfiles':
+        (files,
+         [('i', 'ignored', None, _('show files ignored by [keyword] patterns')),
+          ('a', 'all', None, _('show keyword status flags of all files')),
+         ] + commands.walkopts,
+         _('hg kwfiles [OPTION]... [FILE]...')),
+    'kwshrink': (shrink, commands.walkopts,
+                 _('hg kwshrink [OPTION]... [FILE]...')),
+    'kwexpand': (expand, commands.walkopts,
+                 _('hg kwexpand [OPTION]... [FILE]...')),