authorChristian Ebert <>
Thu, 24 Dec 2009 10:14:36 +0000 (2009-12-24)
changeset 670 80d0ed025a02
parent 669 f077a5dc5b63
child 671 629956d13cbc
child 675 56bc2e01e08e update
--- a/tests/	Wed Dec 23 17:46:48 2009 +0000
+++ b/tests/	Thu Dec 24 10:14:36 2009 +0000
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # If you change this script, it is recommended that you ensure you
 # haven't broken it by running it in various modes with a representative
 # sample of test scripts.  For example:
 #  1) serial, no coverage, temp install:
 #      ./ test-s*
 #  2) serial, no coverage, local hg:
@@ -31,14 +31,17 @@
 #      ./ -j2 --local test-s*
 #  7) parallel, coverage, temp install:
 #      ./ -j2 -c test-s*          # currently broken
-#  8) parallel, coverage, local install
+#  8) parallel, coverage, local install:
 #      ./ -j2 -c --local test-s*  # unsupported (and broken)
+#  9) parallel, custom tmp dir:
+#      ./ -j2 --tmpdir /tmp/myhgtests
 # (You could use any subset of the tests: test-s* happens to match
 # enough that it's worth doing parallel runs, few enough that it
 # completes fairly quickly, includes both shell and Python scripts, and
 # includes some scripts that run daemon processes.)
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
 import difflib
 import errno
 import optparse
@@ -90,9 +93,16 @@
     parser.add_option("-j", "--jobs", type="int",
         help="number of jobs to run in parallel"
              " (default: $%s or %d)" % defaults['jobs'])
+    parser.add_option("-k", "--keywords",
+        help="run tests matching keywords")
     parser.add_option("--keep-tmpdir", action="store_true",
-        help="keep temporary directory after running tests"
-             " (best used with --tmpdir)")
+        help="keep temporary directory after running tests")
+    parser.add_option("--tmpdir", type="string",
+        help="run tests in the given temporary directory"
+             " (implies --keep-tmpdir)")
+    parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true",
+        help="debug mode: write output of test scripts to console"
+             " rather than capturing and diff'ing it (disables timeout)")
     parser.add_option("-R", "--restart", action="store_true",
         help="restart at last error")
     parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int",
@@ -102,11 +112,11 @@
         help="retest failed tests")
     parser.add_option("-s", "--cover_stdlib", action="store_true",
         help="print a test coverage report inc. standard libraries")
+    parser.add_option("-S", "--noskips", action="store_true",
+        help="don't report skip tests verbosely")
     parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout", type="int",
         help="kill errant tests after TIMEOUT seconds"
              " (default: $%s or %d)" % defaults['timeout'])
-    parser.add_option("--tmpdir", type="string",
-        help="run tests in the given temporary directory")
     parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
         help="output verbose messages")
     parser.add_option("-n", "--nodiff", action="store_true",
@@ -119,6 +129,13 @@
         help="shortcut for --with-hg=<testdir>/../hg")
     parser.add_option("--pure", action="store_true",
         help="use pure Python code instead of C extensions")
+    parser.add_option("-3", "--py3k-warnings", action="store_true",
+        help="enable Py3k warnings on Python 2.6+")
+    parser.add_option("--inotify", action="store_true",
+        help="enable inotify extension when running tests")
+    parser.add_option("--blacklist", action="append",
+        help="skip tests listed in the specified section of "
+             "the blacklist file")
     for option, default in defaults.items():
         defaults[option] = int(os.environ.get(*default))
@@ -162,15 +179,36 @@
             for m in msg:
                 print m,
+            sys.stdout.flush()
         vlog = lambda *msg: None
+    if options.tmpdir:
+        options.tmpdir = os.path.expanduser(options.tmpdir)
     if < 1:
-        print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: -j/--jobs must be positive'
-        sys.exit(1)
+        parser.error('--jobs must be positive')
     if options.interactive and > 1:
         print '(--interactive overrides --jobs)' = 1
+    if options.interactive and options.debug:
+        parser.error("-i/--interactive and -d/--debug are incompatible")
+    if options.debug:
+        if options.timeout != defaults['timeout']:
+            sys.stderr.write(
+                'warning: --timeout option ignored with --debug\n')
+        options.timeout = 0
+    if options.py3k_warnings:
+        if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 6) or sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 0):
+            parser.error('--py3k-warnings can only be used on Python 2.6+')
+    if options.blacklist:
+        configparser = ConfigParser()
+        blacklist = dict()
+        for section in options.blacklist:
+            for (item, value) in configparser.items(section):
+                blacklist["test-" + item] = section
+        options.blacklist = blacklist
     return (options, args)
@@ -213,9 +251,8 @@
     return missing, failed
-def showdiff(expected, output):
-    for line in difflib.unified_diff(expected, output,
-            "Expected output", "Test output"):
+def showdiff(expected, output, ref, err):
+    for line in difflib.unified_diff(expected, output, ref, err):
 def findprogram(program):
@@ -266,11 +303,21 @@
     pure = options.pure and "--pure" or ""
     # Run installer in hg root
-    os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..'))
+    script = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])
+    hgroot = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(script))
+    os.chdir(hgroot)
+    nohome = '--home=""'
+    if == 'nt':
+        # The --home="" trick works only on OS where os.sep == '/'
+        # because of a distutils convert_path() fast-path. Avoid it at
+        # least on Windows for now, deal with .pydistutils.cfg bugs
+        # when they happen.
+        nohome = ''
     cmd = ('%s %s clean --all'
            ' install --force --prefix="%s" --install-lib="%s"'
-           ' --install-scripts="%s" >%s 2>&1'
-           % (sys.executable, pure, INST, PYTHONDIR, BINDIR, installerrs))
+           ' --install-scripts="%s" %s >%s 2>&1'
+           % (sys.executable, pure, INST, PYTHONDIR, BINDIR, nohome,
+              installerrs))
     vlog("# Running", cmd)
     if os.system(cmd) == 0:
         if not options.verbose:
@@ -297,6 +344,17 @@
     os.chmod(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'diffstat'), 0700)
+    if options.py3k_warnings and not options.anycoverage:
+        vlog("# Updating hg command to enable Py3k Warnings switch")
+        f = open(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'hg'), 'r')
+        lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]
+        lines[0] += ' -3'
+        f.close()
+        f = open(os.path.join(BINDIR, 'hg'), 'w')
+        for line in lines:
+            f.write(line + '\n')
+        f.close()
     if options.anycoverage:
         vlog("# Installing coverage wrapper")
         os.environ['COVERAGE_FILE'] = COVERAGE_FILE
@@ -350,8 +408,13 @@
 def run(cmd, options):
     """Run command in a sub-process, capturing the output (stdout and stderr).
-    Return the exist code, and output."""
+    Return a tuple (exitcode, output).  output is None in debug mode."""
     # TODO: Use subprocess.Popen if we're running on Python 2.4
+    if options.debug:
+        proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
+        ret = proc.wait()
+        return (ret, None)
     if == 'nt' or sys.platform.startswith('java'):
         tochild, fromchild = os.popen4(cmd)
@@ -388,25 +451,31 @@
         if not options.verbose:
             skips.append((test, msg))
-            print "\nSkipping %s: %s" % (test, msg)
+            print "\nSkipping %s: %s" % (testpath, msg)
         return None
     def fail(msg):
         fails.append((test, msg))
         if not options.nodiff:
-            print "\nERROR: %s %s" % (test, msg)
+            print "\nERROR: %s %s" % (testpath, msg)
         return None
     vlog("# Test", test)
     # create a fresh hgrc
-    hgrc = file(HGRCPATH, 'w+')
+    hgrc = open(HGRCPATH, 'w+')
     hgrc.write('slash = True\n')
     hgrc.write('backout = -d "0 0"\n')
     hgrc.write('commit = -d "0 0"\n')
     hgrc.write('tag = -d "0 0"\n')
+    if options.inotify:
+        hgrc.write('[extensions]\n')
+        hgrc.write('inotify=\n')
+        hgrc.write('[inotify]\n')
+        hgrc.write('pidfile=%s\n' % DAEMON_PIDS)
+        hgrc.write('appendpid=True\n')
     err = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test+".err")
@@ -430,7 +499,8 @@
     lctest = test.lower()
     if lctest.endswith('.py') or firstline == '#!/usr/bin/env python':
-        cmd = '%s "%s"' % (PYTHON, testpath)
+        py3kswitch = options.py3k_warnings and ' -3' or ''
+        cmd = '%s%s "%s"' % (PYTHON, py3kswitch, testpath)
     elif lctest.endswith('.bat'):
         # do not run batch scripts on non-windows
         if != 'nt':
@@ -462,16 +532,24 @@
     mark = '.'
     skipped = (ret == SKIPPED_STATUS)
-    # If reference output file exists, check test output against it
-    if os.path.exists(ref):
+    # If we're not in --debug mode and reference output file exists,
+    # check test output against it.
+    if options.debug:
+        refout = None                   # to match out == None
+    elif os.path.exists(ref):
         f = open(ref, "r")
         refout = splitnewlines(
         refout = []
     if skipped:
         mark = 's'
-        missing, failed = parsehghaveoutput(out)
+        if out is None:                 # debug mode: nothing to parse
+            missing = ['unknown']
+            failed = None
+        else:
+            missing, failed = parsehghaveoutput(out)
         if not missing:
             missing = ['irrelevant']
         if failed:
@@ -486,7 +564,7 @@
             fail("output changed")
         if not options.nodiff:
-            showdiff(refout, out)
+            showdiff(refout, out, ref, err)
         ret = 1
     elif ret:
         mark = '!'
@@ -496,7 +574,7 @@
-    if ret != 0 and not skipped:
+    if ret != 0 and not skipped and not options.debug:
         # Save errors to a file for diagnosis
         f = open(err, "wb")
         for line in out:
@@ -505,7 +583,7 @@
     # Kill off any leftover daemon processes
-        fp = file(DAEMON_PIDS)
+        fp = open(DAEMON_PIDS)
         for line in fp:
                 pid = int(line)
@@ -590,6 +668,8 @@
         rfd, wfd = os.pipe()
         childopts = ['--child=%d' % wfd, '--port=%d' % (options.port + j * 3)]
+        childtmp = os.path.join(HGTMP, 'child%d' % j)
+        childopts += ['--tmpdir', childtmp]
         cmdline = [PYTHON, sys.argv[0]] + opts + childopts + job
         vlog(' '.join(cmdline))
         fps[os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, cmdline[0], cmdline)] = os.fdopen(rfd, 'r')
@@ -614,8 +694,9 @@
         vlog('pid %d exited, status %d' % (pid, status))
         failures |= status
-    for s in skips:
-        print "Skipped %s: %s" % (s[0], s[1])
+    if not options.noskips:
+        for s in skips:
+            print "Skipped %s: %s" % (s[0], s[1])
     for s in fails:
         print "Failed %s: %s" % (s[0], s[1])
@@ -659,10 +740,28 @@
         skips = []
         fails = []
         for test in tests:
+            if options.blacklist:
+                section = options.blacklist.get(test)
+                if section is not None:
+                    skips.append((test, "blacklisted (%s section)" % section))
+                    skipped += 1
+                    continue
             if options.retest and not os.path.exists(test + ".err"):
                 skipped += 1
+            if options.keywords:
+                t = open(test).read().lower() + test.lower()
+                for k in options.keywords.lower().split():
+                    if k in t:
+                        break
+                else:
+                    skipped +=1
+                    continue
             ret = runone(options, test, skips, fails)
             if ret is None:
                 skipped += 1
@@ -716,15 +815,32 @@
     # Reset some environment variables to well-known values so that
     # the tests produce repeatable output.
-    os.environ['LANG'] = os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
+    os.environ['LANG'] = os.environ['LC_ALL'] = os.environ['LANGUAGE'] = 'C'
     os.environ['TZ'] = 'GMT'
     os.environ["EMAIL"] = "Foo Bar <>"
     os.environ['CDPATH'] = ''
+    os.environ['COLUMNS'] = '80'
     TESTDIR = os.environ["TESTDIR"] = os.getcwd()
-    HGTMP = os.environ['HGTMP'] = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'hgtests.',
-                                                   options.tmpdir))
+    if options.tmpdir:
+        options.keep_tmpdir = True
+        tmpdir = options.tmpdir
+        if os.path.exists(tmpdir):
+            # Meaning of tmpdir has changed since 1.3: we used to create
+            # HGTMP inside tmpdir; now HGTMP is tmpdir.  So fail if
+            # tmpdir already exists.
+            sys.exit("error: temp dir %r already exists" % tmpdir)
+            # Automatically removing tmpdir sounds convenient, but could
+            # really annoy anyone in the habit of using "--tmpdir=/tmp"
+            # or "--tmpdir=$HOME".
+            #vlog("# Removing temp dir", tmpdir)
+            #shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+        os.makedirs(tmpdir)
+    else:
+        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'hgtests.')
+    HGTMP = os.environ['HGTMP'] = os.path.realpath(tmpdir)
     DAEMON_PIDS = None
     HGRCPATH = None