Turn patch.patchfile.__init__ monkeypatch into a wrapper
authorChristian Ebert <blacktrash@gmx.net>
Sat, 29 Dec 2007 18:45:47 +0100 (2007-12-29)
changeset 317 b18631f0dbdc
parent 316 98656ffb1cec
child 318 12d26936a315
Turn patch.patchfile.__init__ monkeypatch into a wrapper While the nastiness is even more blatant, this makes us independent from changes in patchfile.__init__. After all we only need to potentially change patchfile.lines.
--- a/hgkw/keyword.py	Fri Dec 21 00:42:09 2007 +0100
+++ b/hgkw/keyword.py	Sat Dec 29 18:45:47 2007 +0100
@@ -199,43 +199,18 @@
         return revlog.revlog.cmp(self, node, text)
-def _kwpatchfile_init(self, ui, fname, missing=False):
-    '''Monkeypatch patch.patchfile.__init__, to avoid
-    rejects or conflicts due to expanded keywords in working dir.'''
-    self.fname = fname
-    self.ui = ui
-    self.lines = []
-    self.exists = False
-    self.missing = missing
-    if not missing:
-        try:
-            fp = file(fname, 'rb')
-            if _kwtemplater.matcher(self.fname):
-                # shrink keywords in working dir
-                kwshrunk = _kwtemplater.shrink(fp.read())
-                self.lines = kwshrunk.splitlines(True)
+# store original patch.patchfile.__init__
+_patchfile_init = patch.patchfile.__init__
-            else:
-                self.lines = fp.readlines()
-            self.exists = True
-        except IOError:
-            pass
-    else:
-        self.ui.warn(_("unable to find '%s' for patching\n") % self.fname)
+def _kwpatchfile_init(self, ui, fname, missing=False):
+    '''Monkeypatch/wrap patch.patchfile.__init__ to avoid
+    rejects or conflicts due to expanded keywords in working dir.'''
+    _patchfile_init(self, ui, fname, missing=missing)
-    if not self.exists:
-        dirname = os.path.dirname(fname)
-        if dirname and not os.path.isdir(dirname):
-            os.makedirs(dirname)
-    self.hash = {}
-    self.dirty = 0
-    self.offset = 0
-    self.rej = []
-    self.fileprinted = False
-    self.printfile(False)
-    self.hunks = 0
+    if _kwtemplater.matcher(self.fname):
+        # shrink keywords read from working dir
+        kwshrunk = _kwtemplater.shrink(''.join(self.lines))
+        self.lines = kwshrunk.splitlines(True)
 def _iskwfile(f, link):