Clean up variable names; do not explicitly return False updatehook
authorChristian Ebert <>
Sun, 17 Dec 2006 15:32:34 +0100 (2006-12-17)
changeset 29 bda83c13da42
parent 28 c7f5821f3513
child 30 bc3bdd329831
Clean up variable names; do not explicitly return False
--- a/hgkw/	Sun Dec 17 14:48:08 2006 +0100
+++ b/hgkw/	Sun Dec 17 15:32:34 2006 +0100
@@ -4,19 +4,23 @@
 from mercurial import util
 import re
-def expandkw(ui, repo, node, cid, candidates, update=False):
+def expandkw(ui, repo, rev, cid, candidates, update=False):
     '''Important: returns False on success, True on failure.'''
     # name of keyword encode filter:
     kwencodefilter = 'hgkwencode'
-    # look for <Dollar>Hg<Dollar>
-    kwtrigger = '%sHg$' % '$'
+    # update only needs string search for encoded keyword
+    # as hgkwencode always runs before
+    kwstr = '%sHg$' % '$'
+    # pretxncommit looks for both encoded and decoded keywords
+    kwpat = r'[$]Hg(: %s,v [a-z0-9]{12} [^$]+? )?\$'
     def wwritekw(ui, repo, f, text):
         '''Writes text with kwupdates keywords to f in working directory.'''
         ui.note(_('expanding keywords in %s\n' % f))
-    #   # backup file (?)
+    #   # backup file in case of commit (?)
     #   absfile = repo.wjoin(f)
     #   util.copyfile(absfile, absfile+'.kwbak')
         repo.wfile(f, 'w').write(text)
@@ -36,7 +40,7 @@
     if not files: # nothing to do
         return False
-    user, date =[1:3]
+    user, date =[1:3]
     user = util.shortuser(user)
     date = util.datestr(date=date, format=util.defaultdateformats[2])
                                                # %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
@@ -47,21 +51,19 @@
     for f in files:
         text = repo.wfile(f).read()
-        kwrepl = '%sHg: %s,v %s %s %s $' % ('$', f, cid, date, user)
+        kw = '%sHg: %s,v %s %s %s $' % ('$', f, cid, date, user)
-        if update and text.find(kwtrigger) > -1:
-            text = text.replace(kwtrigger, kwrepl)
+        if update and text.find(kwstr) > -1:
+            text = text.replace(kwstr, kw)
             wwritekw(ui, repo, f, text)
         elif not update:
-            re_kw = re.compile(r'[$]Hg(: %s,v [a-z0-9]{12} [^$]+? )?\$' % f)
-            text, kwct = re_kw.subn(kwrepl, text)
+            re_kw = re.compile(kwpat % f)
+            text, kwct = re_kw.subn(kw, text)
             if kwct:
                 wwritekw(ui, repo, f, text)
     if kwupdates:
         # cheat hg to believe that updated files were not modified
         repo.dirstate.update(kwupdates, 'n')
-    return False