Merge with stable
authorChristian Ebert <>
Mon, 25 Apr 2011 01:42:21 +0100 (2011-04-25)
changeset 911 f3ab526d8761
parent 900 2357dbe7fabf (current diff)
parent 910 b8ae2e290420 (diff)
child 917 6f25a5834e14
Merge with stable
--- a/hgkw/	Sun Apr 10 20:51:39 2011 +0200
+++ b/hgkw/	Mon Apr 25 01:42:21 2011 +0100
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
 from mercurial import commands, context, cmdutil, dispatch, filelog, extensions
 from mercurial import localrepo, match, patch, templatefilters, templater, util
+from mercurial import scmutil
 from mercurial.hgweb import webcommands
 from mercurial.i18n import _
 import os, re, shutil, tempfile
@@ -619,8 +620,8 @@
             expansion. '''
             source = repo.dirstate.copied(dest)
             if 'l' in wctx.flags(source):
-                source = util.canonpath(repo.root, cwd,
-                                        os.path.realpath(source))
+                source = scmutil.canonpath(repo.root, cwd,
+                                           os.path.realpath(source))
             return kwt.match(source)
         candidates = [f for f in repo.dirstate.copies() if
--- a/tests/	Sun Apr 10 20:51:39 2011 +0200
+++ b/tests/	Mon Apr 25 01:42:21 2011 +0100
@@ -633,25 +633,72 @@
         output = re.sub(s, r, output)
     return ret, splitnewlines(output)
-def runone(options, test, skips, fails):
+def runone(options, test, results):
     '''tristate output:
     None -> skipped
     True -> passed
     False -> failed'''
+    testpath = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test)
     def skip(msg):
         if not options.verbose:
-            skips.append((test, msg))
+            results['s'].append((test, msg))
             print "\nSkipping %s: %s" % (testpath, msg)
         return None
-    def fail(msg):
-        fails.append((test, msg))
+    def fail(msg, ret):
         if not options.nodiff:
             print "\nERROR: %s %s" % (testpath, msg)
+        if (not ret and options.interactive
+            and os.path.exists(testpath + ".err")):
+            print "Accept this change? [n] ",
+            answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
+            if answer.lower() in "y yes".split():
+                if test.endswith(".t"):
+                    rename(testpath + ".err", testpath)
+                else:
+                    rename(testpath + ".err", testpath + ".out")
+                return
+        results['f'].append((test, msg))
+    def success():
+        results['p'].append(test)
+    def ignore(msg):
+        results['i'].append((test, msg))
+    if (test.startswith("test-") and '~' not in test and
+        ('.' not in test or test.endswith('.py') or
+         test.endswith('.bat') or test.endswith('.t'))):
+        if not os.path.exists(test):
+            skip("doesn't exist")
+            return None
+    else:
+        return None # not a supported test, don't record
+    if options.blacklist:
+        filename = options.blacklist.get(test)
+        if filename is not None:
+            skipped.append((test, "blacklisted (%s)" % filename))
+            return None
+    if options.retest and not os.path.exists(test + ".err"):
+        ignore("not retesting")
         return None
+    if options.keywords:
+        fp = open(test)
+        t = + test.lower()
+        fp.close()
+        for k in options.keywords.lower().split():
+            if k in t:
+                break
+            else:
+                ignore("doesn't match keyword")
+                return None
     vlog("# Test", test)
     # create a fresh hgrc
@@ -670,7 +717,6 @@
-    testpath = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test)
     ref = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test+".out")
     err = os.path.join(TESTDIR, test+".err")
     if os.path.exists(err):
@@ -716,6 +762,8 @@
     mark = '.'
+    if ret == 0:
+        success()
     skipped = (ret == SKIPPED_STATUS)
@@ -747,18 +795,18 @@
         if not missing:
             missing = ['irrelevant']
         if failed:
-            fail("hghave failed checking for %s" % failed[-1])
+            fail("hghave failed checking for %s" % failed[-1], ret)
             skipped = False
     elif out != refout:
         mark = '!'
         if ret == 'timeout':
-            fail("timed out")
+            fail("timed out", ret)
         elif ret:
-            fail("output changed and returned error code %d" % ret)
+            fail("output changed and returned error code %d" % ret, ret)
-            fail("output changed")
+            fail("output changed", ret)
         if ret != 'timeout' and not options.nodiff:
             if options.view:
                 os.system("%s %s %s" % (options.view, ref, err))
@@ -767,7 +815,7 @@
         ret = 1
     elif ret:
         mark = '!'
-        fail("returned error code %d" % ret)
+        fail("returned error code %d" % ret, ret)
     if not options.verbose:
@@ -887,11 +935,19 @@
     sys.exit(failures != 0)
+def runqueue(options, tests, results):
+    for test in tests:
+        ret = runone(options, test, results)
+        if options.first and ret is not None and not ret:
+            break
 def runtests(options, tests):
     DAEMON_PIDS = os.environ["DAEMON_PIDS"] = os.path.join(HGTMP, 'daemon.pids')
     HGRCPATH = os.environ["HGRCPATH"] = os.path.join(HGTMP, '.hgrc')
+    results = dict(p=[], f=[], s=[], i=[])
         if INST:
@@ -906,10 +962,6 @@
                 print 'WARNING: cannot run tests with timeouts'
                 options.timeout = 0
-        tested = 0
-        failed = 0
-        skipped = 0
         if options.restart:
             orig = list(tests)
             while tests:
@@ -920,69 +972,30 @@
                 print "running all tests"
                 tests = orig
-        skips = []
-        fails = []
-        for test in tests:
-            if options.blacklist:
-                filename = options.blacklist.get(test)
-                if filename is not None:
-                    skips.append((test, "blacklisted (%s)" % filename))
-                    skipped += 1
-                    continue
-            if options.retest and not os.path.exists(test + ".err"):
-                skipped += 1
-                continue
+        runqueue(options, tests, results)
-            if options.keywords:
-                fp = open(test)
-                t = + test.lower()
-                fp.close()
-                for k in options.keywords.lower().split():
-                    if k in t:
-                        break
-                else:
-                    skipped += 1
-                    continue
-            ret = runone(options, test, skips, fails)
-            if ret is None:
-                skipped += 1
-            elif not ret:
-                if options.interactive:
-                    print "Accept this change? [n] ",
-                    answer = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
-                    if answer.lower() in "y yes".split():
-                        if test.endswith(".t"):
-                            rename(test + ".err", test)
-                        else:
-                            rename(test + ".err", test + ".out")
-                        tested += 1
-                        fails.pop()
-                        continue
-                failed += 1
-                if options.first:
-                    break
-            tested += 1
+        failed = len(results['f'])
+        tested = len(results['p']) + failed
+        skipped = len(results['s'])
+        ignored = len(results['i'])
         if options.child:
             fp = os.fdopen(options.child, 'w')
             fp.write('%d\n%d\n%d\n' % (tested, skipped, failed))
-            for s in skips:
+            for s in results['s']:
                 fp.write("%s %s\n" % s)
-            for s in fails:
+            for s in results['f']:
                 fp.write("%s %s\n" % s)
-            for s in skips:
+            for s in results['s']:
                 print "Skipped %s: %s" % s
-            for s in fails:
+            for s in results['f']:
                 print "Failed %s: %s" % s
             print "# Ran %d tests, %d skipped, %d failed." % (
-                tested, skipped, failed)
+                tested, skipped + ignored, failed)
         if options.anycoverage:
@@ -1004,22 +1017,7 @@
         args = os.listdir(".")
-    tests = []
-    skipped = []
-    for test in args:
-        if (test.startswith("test-") and '~' not in test and
-            ('.' not in test or test.endswith('.py') or
-             test.endswith('.bat') or test.endswith('.t'))):
-            if not os.path.exists(test):
-                skipped.append(test)
-            else:
-                tests.append(test)
-    if not tests:
-        for test in skipped:
-            print 'Skipped %s: does not exist' % test
-        print "# Ran 0 tests, %d skipped, 0 failed." % len(skipped)
-        return
-    tests = tests + skipped
+    tests = args
     # Reset some environment variables to well-known values so that
     # the tests produce repeatable output.