Function to look up changectx for expansion
authorChristian Ebert <>
Mon, 25 Oct 2010 19:21:06 +0100 (2010-10-25)
changeset 849 f7b34429edb7
parent 848 3e57838f5434
child 851 211c681fd634
Function to look up changectx for expansion Similarly rename variable in kwtemplater.overwrite().
--- a/hgkw/	Mon Oct 25 19:21:06 2010 +0100
+++ b/hgkw/	Mon Oct 25 19:21:06 2010 +0100
@@ -205,10 +205,14 @@
             return '$%s: %s $' % (kw, ekw)
         return subfunc(kwsub, data)
+    def linkctx(self, path, fileid):
+        '''Similar to filelog.linkrev, but returns a changectx.'''
+        return self.repo.filectx(path, fileid=fileid).changectx()
     def expand(self, path, node, data):
         '''Returns data with keywords expanded.'''
         if not self.restrict and self.match(path) and not util.binary(data):
-            ctx = self.repo.filectx(path, fileid=node).changectx()
+            ctx = self.linkctx(path, node)
             return self.substitute(data, path, ctx, self.rekw().sub)
         return data
@@ -226,7 +230,7 @@
         kwcmd = self.restrict and lookup # kwexpand/kwshrink
         if self.restrict or expand and lookup:
             mf = ctx.manifest()
-        fctx = ctx
+        lctx = ctx
         re_kw = (self.restrict or rekw) and self.rekw() or self.rekwexp()
         msg = (expand and _('overwriting %s expanding keywords\n')
                or _('overwriting %s shrinking keywords\n'))
@@ -239,8 +243,8 @@
             if expand:
                 if lookup:
-                    fctx = self.repo.filectx(f, fileid=mf[f]).changectx()
-                data, found = self.substitute(data, f, fctx, re_kw.subn)
+                    lctx = self.linkctx(f, mf[f])
+                data, found = self.substitute(data, f, lctx, re_kw.subn)
             elif self.restrict:
                 found =