2007-02-11 Christian Ebert FIX: make repo keyword arg to kwfilelog kwmap-templates
2007-02-11 Christian Ebert Move context into kwtemplater.expand kwmap-templates
2007-02-11 Christian Ebert Overwrite files inside kwtemplater method kwmap-templates
2007-02-09 Christian Ebert Check repo attrib kwfmatcher in kwfilelog init kwmap-templates
2007-02-09 Christian Ebert Parse templates at kwtemplater init for less overhead in matchfunction kwmap-templates
2007-02-09 Christian Ebert Standalone compatibility fixes: demandload, changeset_templater kwmap-templates
2007-02-09 Christian Ebert 2 expand methods including binary check in kwtemplater kwmap-templates
2007-02-09 Christian Ebert Keyword substitution removal into kwtemplater kwmap-templates
2007-02-08 Christian Ebert Merge in dangling head of first commit wrapper attempt kwmap-templates
2007-02-08 Christian Ebert Check dirstate after commits in test kwmap-templates
2007-02-08 Christian Ebert Added tag nohook for changeset 15e8cd7f5295 kwmap-templates
2007-02-08 Christian Ebert Wrap commit instead of calling pretxncommit hook kwmap-templates
2007-02-08 Christian Ebert Remove spurious spaces at EOL kwmap-templates
2007-02-08 Christian Ebert Discard 0.9.3-compat branch kwmap-templates
2007-02-08 Christian Ebert "or" for "if" in getmodulename; shorter comment on backwards compatibiliy kwmap-templates
2007-02-08 Christian Ebert Added tag hgkw_standalone_setup for changeset 99dc49c5bcfb kwmap-templates
2007-02-08 Christian Ebert Setup standalone module install, version tracking kwmap-templates
2007-02-07 Christian Ebert Make all ui config and kwfmatcher a local repo attribute kwmap-templates
2007-01-26 Christian Ebert No reposetup when no filenames are specified for expansion kwmap-templates
2007-01-23 Christian Ebert Add test kwmap-templates
2007-01-23 Christian Ebert Add licence (again) kwmap-templates
2007-01-23 Christian Ebert Put .hg* files in exclusion list at declaration kwmap-templates
2007-01-21 Christian Ebert Prepare test: split doc into help and comment kwmap-templates
2007-01-20 Christian Ebert Be silent if no filenames are configured for expansion kwmap-templates
2007-01-20 Christian Ebert Kill buggy branch kwmap-templates
2007-01-20 Christian Ebert FIX: no appending of attributes to repo, back to b2cc6a8d4a18 kwmap-templates
2007-01-19 Christian Ebert Describe substitution mechanism in doc kwmap-templates
2007-01-19 Christian Ebert Debug info, not warning, when no files configured for expansion kwmap-templates
2007-01-18 Christian Ebert Cycle filename patterns only once kwmap-templates
2007-01-18 Christian Ebert Get modulename via function; set kwrepo attribs via direct reference kwmap-templates
2007-01-18 Christian Ebert Move all that can be done only once per repo into reposetup kwmap-templates
2007-01-17 Christian Ebert Extend templater.common_filters in kwtemplater kwmap-templates
2007-01-17 Christian Ebert Document reposetup; recommend loading on per-repo basis kwmap-templates
2007-01-16 Christian Ebert Implement configurable exclusion of files from expansion kwmap-templates
2007-01-16 Christian Ebert Only initialize kwtemplater in kwfilelog if needed kwmap-templates
2007-01-16 Christian Ebert Use full power of util.matcher for kwfmatches() kwmap-templates
2007-01-16 Christian Ebert Simply dict() keywordmaps configitems kwmap-templates
2007-01-16 Christian Ebert Emergency brake against multiline expansion kwmap-templates
2007-01-16 Christian Ebert More doc, link to KeywordPlan kwmap-templates
2007-01-15 Christian Ebert No need to read changelog in show(); node mandatory arg for expand() kwmap-templates
2007-01-15 Christian Ebert Just re-bin the node kwarg of the hook, instead of using changelog kwmap-templates
2007-01-15 Christian Ebert Same as for hardcoded branch: omit hooktype test, return w/o explicit value kwmap-templates
2007-01-15 Christian Ebert Omit hook test; return w/o explicit value (==False) self_initializing_hook
2007-01-14 Christian Ebert No clumsy setting of node in kwfilelog.add, pass as kwarg kwmap-templates
2007-01-14 Christian Ebert Expansion entirely in kwfilectx.expand() self_initializing_hook
2007-01-14 Christian Ebert Implement custom keyword map templates in hgrc kwmap-templates
2007-01-14 Christian Ebert Indentation cosmetics self_initializing_hook
2007-01-13 Christian Ebert Clean keyword arg assignment in kwfilelog.add; rename utc() to utcdate() self_initializing_hook
2007-01-12 Christian Ebert Init context.filectx only once per file with class kwfilectx self_initializing_hook
2007-01-12 Christian Ebert Added tag very_cvs for changeset 2e930f842242 self_initializing_hook
2007-01-12 Christian Ebert Very CVS-like format self_initializing_hook
2007-01-12 Christian Ebert Functions instead of variables in kwexpand() self_initializing_hook
2007-01-11 Christian Ebert Module detection cleaner and more reliable self_initializing_hook
2007-01-11 Christian Ebert Only extend sys.path if needed self_initializing_hook
2007-01-10 Christian Ebert Discard head of modular branch self_initializing_hook
2007-01-10 Christian Ebert Discard head of decodefilter branch self_initializing_hook
2007-01-10 Christian Ebert Make pretxncommit hook work even if extension not in hgext folder self_initializing_hook
2007-01-09 Christian Ebert Cosmetics: var name kwfmatchers, remove some line continuations self_initializing_hook
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Add keyword; comment backwards compatible import self_initializing_hook
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Implement self initializing pretxncommit hook self_initializing_hook
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Fix timezone expando in doc solo-extension
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Make changes from last cset 474b415433a1 available to 0.9.3 0.9.3-compat
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Unexpanded storage hopefully covered now by adding kwfilelog.add (again!) solo-extension
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Check against keyword config in kwfilelog.cmp; be silent in kwfilelog (0.9.3) 0.9.3-compat
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Check against keyword config in kwfilelog.cmp too; be silent in kwfilelog solo-extension
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Keyword myself 0.9.3 0.9.3-compat
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Keyword myself solo-extension
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Branch for compatibility with hg-0.9.3 release 0.9.3-compat
2007-01-08 Christian Ebert Fix indent in entire kwrepo.commit function solo-extension
2007-01-07 Christian Ebert No keyword substitution in cmp(); no overriding of size() ATM solo-extension
2007-01-06 Christian Ebert Added tag pure_extension for changeset 4c5d9635b517 solo-extension
2007-01-06 Christian Ebert Pure extension by inserting keyword expansion localrepo.localrepository.commit solo-extension
2007-01-05 Christian Ebert Remove copyright for the moment solo-extension
2007-01-05 Christian Ebert Remove kwfilelog.add() -- seems to work with current kw_re solo-extension
2007-01-04 Christian Ebert Make kwfilelog.add respect filename config solo-extension
2007-01-04 Christian Ebert Unify obtaining filename matchers; only debug messages solo-extension
2007-01-03 Christian Ebert Imports specific to functions solo-extension
2006-12-30 Christian Ebert Omit 1 implicit if-clause solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert Added tag r0.1 for changeset 1fe48bf82d05 solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert Remove more internal comments solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert List supported keywords in doc solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert Only 1 all-purpose regex, compiled at load solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert lambda m: instead of kwexpander(matchobj) solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert Extract all information in kwexpand() solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert Move context.filectx into if-clause where it's actually needed solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert Use localrepository method to obtain full path solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert Cleanup comments; refer to hybridity of script in doc solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert Change location of date format comment solo-extension
2006-12-29 Christian Ebert Make inheritance clearer in size() and add() solo-extension
2006-12-28 Christian Ebert Reintroduce simpler kwfilelog.add(); simplify kwfilelog.read() solo-extension
2006-12-28 Christian Ebert Use self._path directly instead of assigning f to context.path() solo-extension
2006-12-28 Christian Ebert Override filelog's size(), cmp() as well; remove add() solo-extension
2006-12-21 Christian Ebert add header and start documentation solo-extension
2006-12-21 Christian Ebert Branch standalone extension, including pretxncommit hook function solo-extension
2006-12-21 Christian Ebert Make keyword.py depend on resurrected kwutil.py modular
2006-12-21 Christian Ebert Exclude import command too extension
2006-12-20 Christian Ebert Exclude tag cmd from pretxcommit hook; exclude .hg files extension
2006-12-20 Christian Ebert Added tag cvs_scheme for changeset ba000e29ecf3 extension
2006-12-20 Christian Ebert Implement near CVS compability with more than one keyword extension
2006-12-20 Christian Ebert Make patterns stricter again, to avoid unvolontary expansions extension
2006-12-20 Christian Ebert Rename "text" to "data" always as set before call to util.binary() extension
2006-12-19 Christian Ebert Reflect new scheme in function docstring extension
2006-12-19 Christian Ebert Remove all hgkwencode, kwexpander.py and updatekw.py extension
2006-12-19 Christian Ebert Standalone version for keyword.py extension
2006-12-19 Christian Ebert Change config opt "expand" to accept filename patterns extension
2006-12-19 Christian Ebert Interim test version in connection with keyword.py extension
2006-12-19 Christian Ebert Make keyword do my hgkeyword; use basename again extension
2006-12-19 Christian Ebert Add original keyword extension by Thomas Arendsen Hain extension
2006-12-18 Christian Ebert Update function descriptions updatehook
2006-12-18 Christian Ebert Add TODO for walk back through file history on update updatehook
2006-12-18 Christian Ebert Test for binary updatehook
2006-12-17 Christian Ebert Clean up variable names; do not explicitly return False updatehook
2006-12-17 Christian Ebert Do not explicitly exit False; rename node1/2 to r1/2, p1/2 to n1/2 updatehook
2006-12-17 Christian Ebert Do not explicitly return False at end updatehook
2006-12-17 Christian Ebert Reparse cmdline to avoid expansion in uncommitted files updatehook
2006-12-17 Christian Ebert Make wwritekw() and all vars local updatehook
2006-12-17 Christian Ebert Throw out demandimport -- at least temporarily updatehook
2006-12-17 Christian Ebert Double check encode filtered filenames updatehook
2006-12-16 Christian Ebert Added tag universal_scheme for changeset 536c1797202d updatehook
2006-12-16 Christian Ebert Implement $Hg$ scheme with update hook updatehook
2006-12-16 Christian Ebert Simplify for $Hg$ expansion scheme updatehook
2006-12-16 Christian Ebert Use the "parent1|2" kwargs to detect file state updatehook
2006-12-16 Christian Ebert Simplify filter pattern for $Hg$ scheme updatehook
2006-12-16 Christian Ebert Start universal $Hg$ keyword expansion updatehook
2006-12-15 Christian Ebert Rename parent1 to p decodefilter
2006-12-15 Christian Ebert Rename lr variable to repo decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert Adapt to filename instead of basename style decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert Short "f" for "filename" iteration variable decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert Added tag filename for changeset 56a61a5c696d decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert Switch to complete filename in first keyword field decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert Use localrepository's wjoin() to obtain absolute path decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert Use wfile instead of wopener; read and write string not binary decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert FIX: range of status selection; copyfile using absolute path decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert Add pretxnkw module for updatehook branch updatehook
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert Add pretxnkw module for commits decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert updatehook branch: add kwexpander and updatekw modules updatehook
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert decodefilter branch: add decode filter with kwutil module decodefilter
2006-12-14 Christian Ebert Make pattern compilation local to function
2006-12-12 Christian Ebert Shorten variable and function names
2006-12-12 Christian Ebert Add simple [encode] filter in python
2006-12-12 Christian Ebert Startup hgkeyword package with .hgignore, __init__.py
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