Implement proper getopt, and install various knobs and wheels to
authorPeter Gervai <>
Wed, 09 Dec 2020 15:44:05 +0100 (2020-12-09)
changeset 3 d4bb4405d439
parent 2 b78794f00e34
child 4 414797051084 Implement proper getopt, and install various knobs and wheels to make it shine.
--- a/	Fri Oct 03 15:05:36 2014 +0200
+++ b/	Wed Dec 09 15:44:05 2020 +0100
@@ -1,11 +1,30 @@
-# $Id$
+# $Id:,v 72a196c63f31 2020/12/09 14:24:36 grin $
 # (c)Peter Gervai, 2002; Released under GPLv2 + CC_BY-SA-2.0
-# jelszogenerator, 2002/04/08
+# jelszogenerator, 2002/04/08; 2016/11/09; 2020/12/09
-if( $ARGV[0] =~ /shutup/i ) { $shutup = 1; $num=1; } else { $num = 6; }
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $help;
+my $words=5;
+my $syllab=4;
+my $dash;
+my $dashlen=2;
+my $dashchr='-';
+my $longsyl=20;
+  "help" 	=> \&help,
+  "words=i" 	=> \$words,
+  "syllab=i"	=> \$syllab,
+  "dash"	=> \$dash,
+  "dashlen=i"	=> \$dashlen,
+  "longsyl=i"	=> \$longsyl,
+  "dashchr=s"	=> \$dashchr,
+) or &help;
@@ -14,23 +33,31 @@
 $longsyl=20; # percent
-$sylnum=4 + rand(3);
-print "$num tok jo jelszo: " unless $shutup;
-for (1..$num) {
+for (1..$words) {
+    my $dash_count=0;
+    my $sylnum=$syllab + rand(3);
     for my $i (1..$sylnum) {
         print substr($cons,rand($clen),1);
         print substr($vowel,rand($vlen),1);
         print substr($cons,rand($clen),1) if $longsyl > rand(100);
-        #print "-";
+        print $dashchr  unless !$dash or ++$dash_count % $dashlen  or  $i>$sylnum-$dashlen;
-    print "  " unless $shutup;
+    print "   ";
 print "\n";
-print "\n" unless $shutup;
+sub help {
+    print "Usage:\n";
+    print "  $0 [--help] [--words=$words] [--syllab=$syllab] [--longsyl=$longsyl] [--dash [--dashchr=$dashchr] [--dashlen=$dashlen]]\n";
+    print "      words:   how many passwords to display\n";
+    print "      syllab:  how many syllables in a word\n";
+    print "      dash:    use dash between syllables\n";
+    print "      dashlen: use dash between every N syllable\n";
+    print "      longsyl: long syllable probability (percent)\n";
+    print "      dashchr: character to use instead of '-'\n";
+    exit;