author rejo
Wed, 13 Jun 2007 13:32:39 +0000 (2007-06-13)
changeset 22 0918664b9ff6
parent 13 2ff220cfde13
child 44 f8886b13c495
permissions -rw-r--r--
[feladat @ 69] Changed some left-over "domains" to "zones" in web interface.
# poweradmin 1.4.0 dutch translation
# Copyright (C) 2007 Rejo Zenger
# This file is distributed under the same license as the poweradmin package.
# Rejo Zenger <rejo@zenger.nl>, 2007.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: poweradmin 1.4.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Rejo Zenger <rejo@zenger.nl>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-28 09:33+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-28 09:33+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Rejo Zenger <rejo@zenger.nl>\n"
"Language-Team: poweradmin dutch\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: add_record.php:16
msgid "Add record to zone"
msgstr "Record toevoegen aan zone"

#: add_record.php:22 edit.php:226 edit_record.php:65 list_zones.php:23
#: search.php:45 search.php:99 users.php:57
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"

#: add_record.php:24 delete_zone.php:26 edit.php:227 edit_record.php:67
#: list_zones.php:24 search.php:100
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"

#: add_record.php:25 edit.php:229 edit_record.php:68 search.php:102
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priority"

#: add_record.php:26 edit.php:228 edit_record.php:69 search.php:101
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Content"

#: add_record.php:27 edit.php:230 edit_record.php:70 search.php:103
msgid "TTL"
msgstr "TTL"

#: add_record.php:55 edit.php:193
msgid "Add record"
msgstr "Toevoegen record"

#: add_supermaster.php:19
msgid "Given master IP address is not valid IPv4 or IPv6."
msgstr "Het opgegeven master IP adres is geen valid IP4 of IPv6 adres."

#: add_supermaster.php:23
msgid "Given hostname for NS record not valid."
msgstr "De opgegeven hostname voor het NS record is niet valide."

#: add_supermaster.php:27
msgid "Account name is not valid (may contain only alpha chars)."
msgstr "De opgegeven accountnaam is niet valide (enkel alpha characters zijn toegestaan)."

#: add_supermaster.php:33
msgid "Successfully added supermaster."
msgstr "Sucesvol supermaster toegevoegd"

#: add_supermaster.php:43 add_zone_master.php:50 add_zone_slave.php:45
#: edit.php:39
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fout"

#: add_supermaster.php:55 list_supermasters.php:33
msgid "IP address of supermaster"
msgstr "IP adres van de supermaster"

#: add_supermaster.php:61 delete_supermaster.php:22 list_supermasters.php:34
msgid "Hostname in NS record"
msgstr "Hostname in NS record"

#: add_supermaster.php:67 delete_supermaster.php:23 list_supermasters.php:35
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Account"

#: add_supermaster.php:75 index.php:18 inc/header.inc.php:34
msgid "Add supermaster"
msgstr "Toevoegen supermaster"

#: add_zone_master.php:41
msgid "Successfully added master zone."
msgstr "Succesvol master zone toegevoegd."

#: add_zone_master.php:69 add_zone_slave.php:59
msgid "Zone name"
msgstr "Zone naam"

#: add_zone_master.php:75
msgid "Web IP"
msgstr "IP adres van webserver"

#: add_zone_master.php:81
msgid "Mail IP"
msgstr "IP adres van mailserver"

#: add_zone_master.php:87 add_zone_slave.php:71 delete_zone.php:24
#: list_zones.php:26 search.php:47
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Eigenaar"

#: add_zone_master.php:100
msgid "Zone type"
msgstr "Zone type"

#: add_zone_master.php:113
msgid "Create zone without applying records-template"
msgstr "Zone aanmaken zonder het records-template te gebruiken"

#: add_zone_master.php:119 add_zone_slave.php:86
msgid "Add zone"
msgstr "Toevoegen zone"

#: add_zone_slave.php:35
msgid "Successfully added slave zone."
msgstr "Sucesvol slave zone toegevoegd."

#: add_zone_slave.php:55
msgid "Add slave zone"
msgstr "Toevoegen slave zone"

#: add_zone_slave.php:65
msgid "IP of master NS"
msgstr "IP van master NS"

#: change_password.php:23
msgid "Current password"
msgstr "Huidig wachtwoord"

#: change_password.php:27 change_password.php:31
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord"

#: change_password.php:37 index.php:22 inc/header.inc.php:38
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Wijzig wachtwoord"

#: credits.php:5
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Credits"

#: delete_zone.php:20 users.php:77
msgid "Delete zone"
msgstr "Verwijder zone"

#: delete_zone.php:27
msgid "Number of records in zone"
msgstr "Aantal records in zone"

#: delete_zone.php:34
#, php-format
msgid "You are about to delete a slave zone of which the master nameserver, %s, is a supermaster. Deleting the zone now, will result in temporary removal only. Whenever the supermaster sends a notification for this zone, it will be added again!"
msgstr "U wilt een slave zone verwijderen waarvan de master nameserver, %s, een supermaster is. Verwijdering van de zone zal enkel tot tijdelijke verwijdering leiden. Zodra de supermaster een notificatie stuurt, wordt deze zone opnieuw toegevoegd."

#: delete_zone.php:39 delete_record.php:22 delete_supermaster.php:24
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Weet u het zeker?"

#: delete_zone.php:41 delete_record.php:23 delete_supermaster.php:25
#: delete_user.php:94
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"

#: delete_zone.php:42 delete_record.php:24 delete_supermaster.php:26
#: delete_user.php:94
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nee"

#: delete_record.php:15 edit.php:246 search.php:120
msgid "Delete record"
msgstr "Verwijder record"

#: delete_record.php:20
msgid "You are trying to delete a record that is needed for this zone to work."
msgstr "U gaat een record verwijderen dat nodig is voor de werking van deze zone."

#: delete_supermaster.php:21 list_supermasters.php:56
msgid "Delete supermaster"
msgstr "Verwijder supermaster"

#: delete_user.php:37 users.php:69
msgid "Delete user"
msgstr "Verwijder gebruiker"

#: delete_user.php:43
msgid "This user has access to the following zone(s)"
msgstr "Deze gebruiker heeft toegang tot de volgende zone(s)"

#: delete_user.php:84
msgid "You are going to delete this user, are you sure?"
msgstr "U gaat deze gebruiker verwijderen, wilt u dat inderdaad?"

#: delete_user.php:87
msgid "This user has access to "
msgstr "Deze gebruiker heeft toegang tot"

#: delete_user.php:87
msgid " zones, by deleting him you will also delete these zones."
msgstr " zones. Met het verwijderen van de gebruiker verwijdert u ook deze zones."

#: edit.php:49
msgid "Type of this zone is \"slave\", but there is no IP address for it's master given."
msgstr "Het type van deze zone is \"slave\", maar er is geen IP adres voor de master opgegeven."

#: edit.php:56
msgid "Edit zone"
msgstr "Wijzig zone"

#: edit.php:65
msgid "Owner of zone"
msgstr "Eigenaar van de zone"

#: edit.php:80
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Verwijderen"

#: edit.php:91
msgid "No owner set or this zone!"
msgstr "Er is geen beheerder voor deze zone!"

#: edit.php:118
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Toevoegen"

#: edit.php:133
msgid "Type of zone"
msgstr "Type zone"

#: edit.php:155 edit.php:177
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Wijzigen"

#: edit.php:167
msgid "IP address of master NS"
msgstr "IP adres van de master NS"

#: edit.php:223 edit_record.php:40
msgid "Sub-owners"
msgstr "Sub-beheerders"

#: edit.php:245 search.php:119
msgid "Edit record"
msgstr "Wijzigen record"

#: edit.php:299
msgid "No records for this zone."
msgstr "Geen records in deze zone."

#: edit.php:320
msgid "Assign to user"
msgstr "Selecteer beheerder"

#: edit_record.php:29
msgid "Edit record in zone"
msgstr "Wijzig record in zone"

#: edit_record.php:122 edit_user.php:81
msgid "Commit changes"
msgstr "Wijzigingen doorvoeren"

#: edit_record.php:123
msgid "Reset changes"
msgstr "Wijzigingen herstellen"

#: edit_user.php:35
msgid "Edit user"
msgstr "Wijzigen gebruiker"

#: edit_user.php:44 users.php:98
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"

#: edit_user.php:48 install.php:201 users.php:102
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Volledige naam"

#: edit_user.php:52 install.php:200 users.php:106 inc/auth.inc.php:78
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"

#: edit_user.php:56 users.php:110
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "E-mail"

#: edit_user.php:60 users.php:114
msgid "User level"
msgstr "Gebruikersnivo"

#: edit_user.php:63 inc/config-me.inc.php:91
msgid "Normal user"
msgstr "Zone beheerder"

#: edit_user.php:64 inc/config-me.inc.php:92
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Server beheerder"

#: edit_user.php:65 inc/config-me.inc.php:93
msgid "Administrator w/ user admin rights"
msgstr "Server beheerder met gebruikersbeheer rechten"

#: edit_user.php:70 install.php:203 users.php:124
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Omschrijving"

#: edit_user.php:76 users.php:128 inc/toolkit.inc.php:251
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Actief"

#: index.php:7
msgid "Welcome"
msgstr "Welkom"

#: index.php:9 search.php:16 inc/header.inc.php:25
msgid "Search zones or records"
msgstr "Zone en records zoeken"

#: index.php:10 inc/header.inc.php:26
msgid "List zones"
msgstr "Overzicht zones"

#: index.php:15 inc/header.inc.php:31
msgid "List supermasters"
msgstr "Overzicht supermasters"

#: index.php:16 inc/header.inc.php:32
msgid "Add master zone"
msgstr "Toevoegen master zone"

#: index.php:27 inc/header.inc.php:43
msgid "User administration"
msgstr "Gebruikersbeheer"

#: index.php:31 inc/header.inc.php:47
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Uitloggen"

#: install.php:63 inc/database.inc.php:10 inc/toolkit.inc.php:131
msgid "Oops! An error occured!"
msgstr "Oops! Er ging iets fout!"

#: install.php:168
msgid "PowerAdmin has succesfully been installed."
msgstr "Poweadmin is succesvol geinstalleerd."

#: install.php:170
msgid "Remove this file (install.php) from your webdir."
msgstr "Verwijder install.php uit de directory van poweradmin."

#: install.php:171
msgid "WARNING"
msgstr "Waarschuwing"

#: install.php:171
msgid "PowerAdmin will not work until you delete install.php"
msgstr "Poweradmin werkt niet tot install.php is verwijderd."

#: install.php:173
msgid "You can click"
msgstr "U kunt"

#: install.php:173
msgid "to start using PowerAdmin"
msgstr "klikken om Poweradmin te starten."

#: install.php:182
msgid "You didnt fill in one of the required fields!"
msgstr "U heeft niet alle vereiste velden ingevuld!"

#: install.php:190
msgid "PowerAdmin for PowerDNS"
msgstr "Poweradmin voor PowerDNS"

#: install.php:192
msgid ""
"This config file will setup your database to be ready for PowerAdmin. Please fill in the next fields which will create an\n"
"administrator login."
msgstr ""
"Deze configuratie file zal uw database voorbereiden voor Poweradmin. Vult u alstublief alle onderstaande velden in om een\n"
"beheerdersaccount aan te maken."

#: install.php:194
msgid "Fields marked with a"
msgstr "Velden gemarkeerd met een"

#: install.php:194
msgid "are required."
msgstr "zijn vereist."

#: install.php:199
msgid "Login Name"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"

#: install.php:202
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"

#: install.php:204
msgid "Make Account"
msgstr "Aanmaken account"

#: list_supermasters.php:9
msgid "Oops!"
msgstr "Oops!"

#: list_supermasters.php:10
msgid "You are not allowed to add supermasters with your current access level!"
msgstr "U mag met uw huidige gebruikersnivo geen supermasters toevoegen!"

#: list_supermasters.php:29
#, php-format
msgid "List all %s supermasters"
msgstr "Overzicht van alle %s supermasters"

#: list_supermasters.php:44
msgid "No supermasters in this listing, sorry."
msgstr "Er zijn geen supermasters om weer te geven."

#: list_zones.php:25 search.php:46
msgid "Records"
msgstr "Records"

#: list_zones.php:44
msgid "There are no zones."
msgstr "Er zijn geen zones."

#: list_zones.php:91
#, php-format
msgid "This lists shows all %s zones(s) you have access to."
msgstr "Dit overzicht toont alle %s zone(s) waar u toegang toe heeft."

#: list_zones.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "This lists shows %s out of %s zones you have access to."
msgstr "Dit overzicht toont %s van de %s zones waar u toegang toe heeft."

#: search.php:21
msgid "Enter a hostname or IP address"
msgstr "Geef een hostname of IP adres"

#: search.php:26
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Zoek"

#: search.php:41
msgid "Zones found"
msgstr "Gevonden zones"

#: search.php:94
msgid "Records found"
msgstr "Gevonden records"

#: search.php:151
msgid "Nothing found for query"
msgstr "Niets gevonden voor deze zoekopdracht"

#: test_setup.php:58
msgid "Not all tables are ok!"
msgstr "Er is iets mis met enkele tables!"

#: test_setup.php:62 inc/toolkit.inc.php:162
msgid "Successful!"
msgstr "Sucesvol!"

#: test_setup.php:70
msgid "Sorry, but there are error(s) found in the following table(s):"
msgstr "Er zijn enkele fouten gevonden in de volgende tabel(len):"

#: test_setup.php:75
msgid "Please fix these errors and run the script again."
msgstr "Corrigeer deze fouten, voer daarna dit script opnieuw uit."

#: test_setup.php:79
msgid "Successful! Everything is set up ok, you can rumble!"
msgstr "Sucesvol! Alles is correct opgezet."

#: users.php:16
msgid "Password length should be at least 8 characters."
msgstr "Lengte van het wachtwoord moet minimaal 8 characters zijn."

#: users.php:26
msgid "Usernames can't contain spaces"
msgstr "De gebruikersnaam mag geen spaties bevatten."

#: users.php:31
msgid "Please fill in all fields"
msgstr "Vul alle velden in."

#: users.php:42
msgid "User admin"
msgstr "Gebruikersbeheer"

#: users.php:49
msgid "Current users"
msgstr "Huidige gebruikers"

#: users.php:58
msgid "Zones"
msgstr "Zones"

#: users.php:59
msgid "Zone list"
msgstr "Overzicht van zones"

#: users.php:60
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Gebruikersnivo"

#: users.php:61
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"

#: users.php:87
msgid "Number of users"
msgstr "Aantal gebruikers"

#: users.php:94
msgid "Create new user"
msgstr "Toevoegen nieuwe gebruiker"

#: users.php:133
msgid "Add user"
msgstr "Toevoegen gebruiker"

#: inc/auth.inc.php:20
msgid "Session expired, please login again."
msgstr "Sessie is verlopen, u dient opnieuw in te loggen."

#: inc/auth.inc.php:47
msgid "Authentication failed!"
msgstr "Authenticatie mislukt!"

#: inc/auth.inc.php:68 inc/auth.inc.php:74 inc/auth.inc.php:84
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Inloggen"

#: inc/auth.inc.php:102
msgid "You have logged out."
msgstr "U bent uitgelogd."

#: inc/dns.inc.php:204
msgid "If you specify an MX record it must be a hostname."
msgstr "Een MX record dient naar een hostname te verwijzen."

#: inc/error.inc.php:31
msgid "You need user level 5 for this operation"
msgstr "U heeft minimaal gebruiksnivo 5 nodig voor deze handeling."

#: inc/error.inc.php:32
msgid "You need user level 10 for this operation"
msgstr "U heeft gebruiksnivo 10 nodig voor deze handeling"

#: inc/error.inc.php:35
msgid "Your content field is empty"
msgstr "Het content veld is leeg"

#: inc/error.inc.php:36
msgid "Access denied, you do not have access to that record"
msgstr "U heeft onvoldoende rechten voor dat record."

#: inc/error.inc.php:37
#, php-format
msgid "You are not allowed to delete %s records"
msgstr "U heeft onvoldoende rechten voor verwijderen van %s records."

#: inc/error.inc.php:40
msgid "This is an invalid zone name"
msgstr "Dit is een ongeldige zone naam."

#: inc/error.inc.php:43
msgid "Username exist already, please choose another one"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam bestaat al, kiest u een andere naam."

#: inc/error.inc.php:44
msgid "User doesnt exist"
msgstr "De gebruiker bestaat niet."

#: inc/error.inc.php:45
msgid "You didnt enter the correct current password"
msgstr "U heeft niet het correcte wachtwoord opgegeven."

#: inc/error.inc.php:46
msgid "The two new password fields do not match"
msgstr "De twee nieuwe wachtwoorden waren niet identiek."

#: inc/error.inc.php:47
msgid "Error editting user"
msgstr "Fout wijzigen gebruiker"

#: inc/error.inc.php:50
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid argument(s) given to function %s"
msgstr "Er zijn ongeldige opties meegegeven aan functie %s"

#: inc/error.inc.php:51
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid argument(s) given to function %s %s"
msgstr "Er zijn ongeldige opties meegegeven aan functie %s %s"

#: inc/error.inc.php:52
msgid "unknown error"
msgstr "onbekende fout"

#: inc/error.inc.php:53
msgid "Enter a valid email address"
msgstr "Geef een geldig e-mailadres"

#: inc/error.inc.php:56
msgid "Your content field doesnt have a legit value"
msgstr "Het content veld heeft geen valide waarde."

#: inc/error.inc.php:57
msgid "Invalid hostname"
msgstr "Incorrecte hostname"

#: inc/error.inc.php:58
msgid "Invalid record type! You shouldnt even been able to get that here"
msgstr "Foutief record type! U hoort niet eens hier te kunnen komen."

#: inc/error.inc.php:59
msgid "This is not a valid IPv6 ip."
msgstr "Dit is geen valide IPv6 adres."

#: inc/error.inc.php:60
msgid "This is not a valid IPv4 ip."
msgstr "Dit is geen valide IPv4 adres."

#: inc/error.inc.php:61
msgid "This is not a valid CNAME. Did you assign an MX or NS record to the record?"
msgstr "Dit is geen valide CNAME. Heeft u een MX of NS record hiernaar verwijzen?"

#: inc/error.inc.php:62
msgid "You can not point a NS record to a CNAME record. Remove/rename the CNAME record first or take another name."
msgstr "Een NS record kan niet naar een CNAME record verwijzen. Verwijder of hernoem eerst het CNAME record of gebruik een andere naam."

#: inc/error.inc.php:63
msgid "IN NS fields must be a hostnames."
msgstr "Het NS veld moet een hostname bevatten."

#: inc/error.inc.php:64
msgid "You can not point a MX record to a CNAME record. Remove/rename the CNAME record first or take another name."
msgstr "Een MX record kan niet naar een CNAME record verwijzen. Verwijder of hernoem eerst het CNAME record of gebruik een andere naam."

#: inc/error.inc.php:65
msgid "A prio field should be numeric."
msgstr "Het priority veld moet numeriek zijn."

#: inc/error.inc.php:66
msgid "One of your SOA data fields is not numeric!"
msgstr "Een van de SOA data velden is niet numeriek!"

#: inc/error.inc.php:67
msgid "You can only have 5 numeric fields"
msgstr "Er kunnen enkel 5 numerieke velden voorkomen in het SOA record."

#: inc/error.inc.php:68
msgid "The first part of your SOA record does not contain a valid hostname for a DNS Server"
msgstr "Het eerste deel van het SOA record bevat niet een valide hostname voor een DNS server."

#: inc/footer.inc.php:12
msgid "credits"
msgstr "credits"

#: inc/header.inc.php:7 inc/header.inc.php:17
msgid "Poweradmin"
msgstr "Poweradmin"

#: inc/header.inc.php:24
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Voorpagina"

#: inc/toolkit.inc.php:27
msgid "You have to create a config.inc.php!"
msgstr "U dient een config.inc.php file aan te maken!"

#: inc/toolkit.inc.php:32
msgid "You have to remove install.php before this program will run"
msgstr "U dient install.php te verwijderen alvorens u deze applicatie kunt gebruiken."

#: inc/toolkit.inc.php:37
msgid "You have to remove migrator.php before this program will run"
msgstr "U dient migrator.php te verwijderen alvorens u deze applicatie kunt gebruiken."

#: inc/toolkit.inc.php:74
msgid "Show page"
msgstr "Toon pagina"

#: inc/toolkit.inc.php:101
msgid "Show zones beginning with:"
msgstr "Toon zones beginnend met:"

#: inc/toolkit.inc.php:151
msgid "Success!"
msgstr "Succesvol!"

#: inc/toolkit.inc.php:168
msgid "back"
msgstr "Terug."

#: inc/toolkit.inc.php:247
msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "Inactief"